Three Steps to Beautiful

January 27, 2012 | 25 comments

I — Look in mirror.
II — Smile.
III — Say the words: “Good morning, Gorgeous.”
IV — Repeat.

Come on. You know you want to.  Wouldn’t anything less be an insult to the Artist who made you?

{And if you can’t say it out loud yet, use lipstick.}


Hey Beautiful,

You are a masterpiece. In the God Gallery, you are the only one of you. The Master Artist has written in the corner of your canvas like this: 1/1. That’s right: no duplicates available.



“The King is enthralled by your beauty.”
~ Psalm 45:11


“Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”
~ Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit


Dedicated to the beautiful Megan Willome, a friend who helps others discover their real beauty, in the middle of their imperfections. Happy birthday, friend. Thank you for helping me see.

by | January 27, 2012 | 25 comments


  1. Sheila Seiler Lagrand

    Such a lovely tribute, Jennifer. The selection of quotations tells me so much. About Megan.

    And about you.

    • dukeslee

      Thank you, Sheila. And Megan is a picture of beauty, inside and out. 🙂

  2. Shelly Miller

    I need to take these words to heart. I don’t feel like saying that most mornings! And what a lovely tribute to a friend.

    • dukeslee

      I don’t either, Shelly. I actually tried, and it felt so silly. So I just wrote the words in lipstick. 🙂

  3. Dea

    If we could ourselves through His eyes… Thank you for seeing the beauty in others—in Megan. So sweet on her birthday.

    • dukeslee

      Thanks, Dea. Easy to see beauty in people like Megan. Like you. As women, I think our biggest problem comes when we turn the mirrors on ourselves.

  4. Lyla Lindquist

    Fresh out of lipstick. But perhaps I’ll go back and run my finger through the toothpaste splatters to write, “Hey, that one crazy eye looks kinda normal today. But you still need a haircut.”

    Nonetheless, the King is enthralled. His tastes are diverse.

    Have a terrific weekend, my friend. And thanks for the Megan-nod.

  5. dukeslee


    And you look great in cotton layers. 🙂

    Have a great weekend, you.


  6. Sandra Heska King

    I’m having a little trouble seeing through the grandgirl’s toothpaste spit and water smears on my mirror this morning. I’m glad He sees me clearly even when I don’t see myself that way.

    But I see you. And Megan. And all these here. You all make my life more beautiful.

    I added your link to my post. 😉 We could be in so much trouble.

    • dukeslee

      We might be in a wee bit of trouble, yes. 🙂 But it’s worth it.

      Megan, are you there? Can we still be friends? Do I hear an echo?


  7. Joan

    Well, THAT put a big smile on my face this morning! Thanks for the pep talk! God is the Master Artist!

  8. Deidra

    I love the way Megan is being celebrated today. She is so very celebrate-able!

  9. Megan Willome

    Well, I’m finally here. And I’m stunned. A few of you know that I’ve been so very down lately. You made me cry, right here on my back porch, with a big salad and Greenbelt green tea.

    Thank you ALL and especially you, Jennifer. You have no idea how much this means.

    • patricia spreng

      I’m sending you a birthday hug, Megan. =) You are so easy to love. <3

  10. Kelly Sauer

    It’s her birthday! I’m so glad somebody knew!

    A beautiful, beautiful tribute, Jennifer…

  11. Jennifer@Adam's Rib

    I had to grin at this. I still flush when my husband says these words. The Father obviously gave him the same sense of what beauty is.

  12. patricia spreng

    Thank you Jennifer… a beautiful reminder to love the gifts he has given to us… inside and out. =)

  13. S. Etole

    Beautiful all the way around.

  14. Brandee

    LOVE the Velveteen Rabbit. And you!

  15. Laura

    Sometimes I look the girls in my classroom and think, no wonder you don’t think you are beautiful. Your mom doesn’t think she is either. And it is true, that is an insult to our maker.

  16. Diane Bailey

    Oh if I Had an award to give, you would get it for this blog! I love this one; beautiful!

  17. Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

    You have no idea, Jennifer. I’m feeling rather “real” these days. Thank you!!!

    I don’t know Megan {yet}, but it’s obvious I need to.

  18. Monica Sharman

    Fabulous! (I don’t know if I can bring myself to use lipstick on a mirror, though…)

  19. Nancy

    What wonderful words to your friend and such encouragement to all of us women….

  20. Katie

    So encouraging! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!



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