These are a Few of my Favorite Things

October 3, 2008 | 5 comments

Inspired by this lovely fall October day — and also inspired by frassy blogger BooMama — I offer a list of things that make me feel happy. Feel free to add your own!

In no particular order:

1) Hot, cinnamon-y apple cider
2) Piles of crunchy leaves
3) Being able to fit into last year’s jeans
4) A child nestled on my right hip
5) Singing at the top of my lungs
6) Watching Farmer Hubby on the John Deere out back
7) Chocolate-covered soynuts
8) My frassy neighbor
9) Laughing so hard I cry
10) My Okoboji sweatshirt
11) The baby smell
12) Saturday-morning snuggles with my girls
13) Searching for perfect pumpkins
14) Schwan’s delivery
15) “Planet Earth”
16) Bubble baths
17) A glass of Angeline Pinot Noir
18) Psalm 63:2-5
19) Seeing God in the weeds (thanks, Anna)
20) Anna adds: “Chocolate and princess dresses”

How ’bout you?

by | October 3, 2008 | 5 comments


  1. Serena Woods

    1) the smell of cold before the feel of cold.
    2) coffee in the morning
    3) hot tea in the evening
    4) my journal
    5) when my two year old gets in bed with me in the morning

  2. Jennifer Dukes Lee

    Ooooh Serena! I love the way you expressed “the smell of cold before the feel of cold.” So true! Anything new with the queries? And, hey, I love your blog.

  3. Serena Woods

    Nothing new. I’m feeling discouraged. I have to post a blog about my latest beta reader experience, though. It’s a great example of how my book is effecting people.

    Thanks for the compliment, Jen. 🙂

  4. superstar70

    These are a few of my favorite things!…ah-ha…The sound of music…LOVE THAT MOVIE!

    ~the first drink of a "just opened" Coca-Cola
    ~laughing so hard that I almost blow my back out
    ~having God as my best friend
    ~having a pup that loves me unconditionally & ALWAYS listens to my stories
    ~being surrounded by kids or the elderly…I learn so much from both generations
    ~the innocence & the open heart of a child
    ~having an "ah-ha" moment about life
    ~sleep, especially after a nightshift
    ~the ability to pray
    ~reading old cards that were given to me
    ~sunshine & blue skies with cool looking clouds
    ~being in my car alone with the tunes turned up
    ~my family & friends
    ~making my patients feel better
    ~spoiling my honey & anyone else that stands in my path
    ~my nieces & nephews
    ~good wine with good friends
    ~the smell of a cigar
    ~eating at fancy restaurants
    ~out to breakfast with my honey & sitting on the same side of the booth together
    ~people watching
    ~cleaning my house
    ~traveling, wish I could do more

  5. superstar70

    You are so special to me Jennifer…I love your FRASSYNESS! I love your blog…ok, I love you!
    Hugs! Tracy


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