Then Pealed The Bells More Loud and Deep (& Links to Resources)

December 15, 2012 | 7 comments


Lighting candles here. Clinging to the Hope that is promised down through the ages … and straight down into each of us.


Some resources/links for you:

* These are moments that restore our faith in humanity this year. And in this hour, available right here.

* How to talk with your children about tragic news, from toddler through age 11. Here at PBS.

* Children asking questions and worried? Mr. Rogers has some good thoughts here.  (“Look for the helpers…”)

* A Christmas prayer, from Max Lucado, here.

* A prayer, here by Scotty Smith. “… we come running with our tears and our fears, our anger and our anguish, our lament and our longings. We collapse in your presence, with the assurance of your welcome, needing the mercies of your heart.”

* A song, here.

* A promise, here.


by | December 15, 2012 | 7 comments


  1. Abby

    Thank you Jennifer for this helpful and encouraging post, the beautiful graphic and the links to resources. Praying, praying in my little corner of Maine. Blessings to you. ~ Abby

  2. Marty

    A wonderful and helpful response.

  3. Cheri

    May the bells ring louder and louder so that all may know The Good News. Open our ears and our hearts Lord.

  4. Jillie

    Thank you Jennifer. Your choice of carol. Your resource links. I join the chorus of Scotty Smith: “How long O Lord?”

  5. Jody Lee Collins

    We HAVE to declare the truth–we must. It is our Rock. Thank you for this, friend, and all the links.

  6. Sharon O

    I like what mr Rogers said, in the midst of tragedy there are always helpers.

  7. Joanne Norton

    Bless you. Thank you. As usual you are filled with a loving heart.


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