The Two Words That Change Everything

January 10, 2014 | 27 comments

A short video message from my heart, to yours …

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This is my contribution to Holley Gerth’s new series, “Coffee for Your Heart.” You can add your words of encouragement to Holley’s community by clicking here.


Resources for a No Fear New Year

This post, by Ann Voskamp. “The future is as bright as the faithfulness of God.”

This post, by Lisa-Jo Baker. “I want oxygen for tired legs and a weak will. I want to learn to listen to what God has to say to me through his Book.”

This post, by Beth Moore. “These are days for bravery.”

This series on facing our fear, by Christin Ditchfield. Christin is the author of  “What Women Should Know About Facing Fear.” She is leading women through a year of fearlessness. “Living fearlessly does not mean you never feel afraid.”


So, how did you fill in the blank?

What’s your Goliath?

by | January 10, 2014 | 27 comments


  1. HolleyGerth

    I loved seeing your face, hearing your voice and being encouraged by your heart! Thank you for linking up! You are a treasure. 🙂

    • dukeslee

      What a great community of encouragers you’re building up at You lead well, my friend. Much love.

  2. Laura Boggess

    Jennifer, one of my sons came downstairs past bedtime two weeks ago in a puddle of tears, spilling fear about death, life, and so many other things. We got out our Bible and looked up all the verses on fear. This was the very firs one he took to bed with him that night. Every night since, he has come downstairs before sleeping and asks, “What’s my Bible verse tonight?” This is so timely for me, friend. Thank you.

    • dukeslee

      Reading your words, I am suddenly a girl again, in the dark, scared of the dark, scared of being scared. Scared of death and everything. My 41-year-old self — and my 12-year-old self — want to reach out and hug you. Good job, mama. Good, good job.

  3. Kay

    Jennifer, thank you so much for speaking those two powerful, sweet words into my fearful soul today. I do have Goliath I’d rather not name here, but God and I have been talking about it for about 3 months now. I am just now beginning to gain some victory over it, but oh, how I needed to hear your sweet, soothing voice say those words to me today. So often, in my head God’s voice takes on a stern, booming tone. That’s my fault, not His, of course. So I think He really used your pleasant, loving voice to “minister” that message to me today. I really, really needed it. I especially needed to hear you {Him} say, “I’ve got this.” Thank you.

    • dukeslee

      Praying with you, for whatever that Goliath is, Kay. Praying that you keep throwing stones, and knock that giant down, once and for all.

  4. Lynn D. Morrissey

    Wow, Jennifer. FEAR is my greatest fear!…..fear of the unknown, fear of aging, fear of health issues, fearing of losing those I love (I *always* have these fears!) and this year, in particular?? Fear of writing, if God is calling me back to it. I will be teaching journaling classes that I have to write/design (a big part of my calling, and I’ve ended my training for that w/ a journal facilitation credential), so there is fear in that, in terms of gathering women. Will anyone show up (despite that they have in the past, and despite that I know this form of prayer and reflective writing will absolutely revolutionize their walks with Jesus–still, I have to write all the classes. So, yes, I fear that) But it’s more…..what if He wants me to write-write again? I shudder in fear and trembling–TRULY–after a long hiatus. Ok. So there I have said it. Didn’t want to. And how could you ask such a thing, after all?! =] But how could one refuse honesty w/ such a lovely person and one who is being used of God to help us overcome fears. I don’t know where God is leading me exactly, and I know I am going to be really sorry for pressing “send,” but I am going to push past the fear and do it anyway. No need to comment, but I just wanted to respond.
    Love you much, dear lady.
    Oh and I love Christin. Thanks so much for including her blog. I know women will love her depth of wisdom! She’s one special soul.

    • dukeslee


      I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to read your words tonight, to hear about the journey that God is taking you on. You know, I’d be at your class in a heartbeat, if I lived close by. And you also must know this: So many of us out here — that you’ve met through blogging and online relationships this past year — would be cheering you on wildly, should you return to writing.

      My prayer for you, is that you will KNOW — without question — what God is calling you to. Then, if He *is* nudging you back into writing, you really have nothing to fear. You can step out in faith, knowing that He already knows how it’s all going to turn out, because He called you to it. And you won’t have to fret about results, because He’s got that covered, too.

      Your job = obedience.
      God’s job = results.

      Love your precious heart, Lynn.

      • Lynn D. Morrissey

        I was right. I regretted pressing “send,” but I just want you to know that reading your touching, uplifting, heartfelt response makes it worth it. Your words are heavensent. God bless you, Jennifer, a thousand times over for how you encourage others. I’m indebted.

  5. HisFireFly

    yes, this.
    when we dream big dreams we must remember, He is for us!

    • dukeslee

      You shine bright with your dreams, fire fly. 🙂

  6. Sheri Dacon

    I cannot tell you how much this post spoke to me. “Fear not,” is a message I need to hear daily. But I have a friend whose 14 year old son just started intensive chemotherapy for bone cancer and it was as though your words (and even the spirit in which you spoke them) were just for her. I shared this post with her and I know she will find it encouraging. What a blessing you are.

    • dukeslee

      Praying for you, your friend, and her 14-year-old son. Praying that God brings courage … and healing.

  7. Rebekah

    Beautiful message, Jennifer. Fear! I’m clinging to His promise that He is with me this year! It’s my word ‘with’ and because my word itself is a preposition it speaks to me that He goes before me. My Gentle Shepherd is lovingly leading me with Him. I fear this year that I will continue to let fear dictate and inhibit when the antidote to fear is the assurance of His presence. Fear that when He calls me to be with Him for all eternity I will not have made the things unseen my priority in my life. I fear my doubts, myself, my pride and fear itself. So I’m praying this year that I will be made poor, that I will mourn, and be made meek, hunger and thirst after righteousness, that I will be full of mercy and pure in heart, make peace and even live in such a way that I would welcome persecution for righteousness’ sake in order that I may rejoice! Bless you Jennifer! {I have something on my heart, and I’m wondering if you might be willing to be a part of it. I will be in touch, even thought I fear you may say no;)}

    • dukeslee

      Rebekah, This is beautiful. I am moved by your words, and what God is stirring in your heart for this season … and for His glory. I look forward to hearing more.

  8. Patty Burnes Horstman

    Love you and your beautiful face and your lovely heart! <3 <3 <3

    • dukeslee

      Why, thank you, friend.

  9. Leah Adams

    I love hearing your sweet voice! Makes me ponder doing a video blog. I haven’t done one in a long time. To be honest, there is really nothing right now that is causing great fear in my life. Yay! I’m thankful for that. That may change tomorrow, but today, I am resting in Jesus. Blessings to you.

    • dukeslee

      Leah, We would love to hear your voice.

      Video BLOG!
      Video BLOG!

      ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
      Me, chanting.

  10. Jacque Watkins

    Awww…loved it Jennifer, your sweet voice and your empowering message! It reminds me of that song from the 90’s musical “God with Us” with lyrics from scripture: “Be strong, and take courage. Do not fear or be dismayed. For the Lord will go before you, and His light will show the way, Be strong and take courage. Do not fear or be dismayed. For the One who lives within you, will be strong in You today…” I am with you, leaning on Him…xo

    • dukeslee

      Thank you for sharing that, Jacque. Singing it with you…

  11. Megan Willome

    Well, friend, you made me cry. 🙂

    Keep praying, OK. And I’ll look for more “fear not” verses.

    • dukeslee

      Not a Bible verse, but I love this quote:

      “Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot

  12. Candace Creates

    I can’t begin to tell you what watching your video has meant to me today, Jennifer. Thank you for your constant inspiration! I will definitely check out Fighter Verses. It looks like an awesome resource!
    My Goliath this year is writing more about my past. I want to encourage others caught up in addiction and faith struggles as I once was. This is so scary for me because I fear judgement and hurting others who are part of my story (parents, etc.). The verses you provided will be very helpful :). It is always encouraging to visit you!

  13. Nikki B.

    Such an amazing reminder if just how much our God loves us, even in our fears and amidst all out Goliaths that come. My Goliath? Not being enough, feeling broken during this season of my life while I am waiting, just waiting. Remembering Gods Faithfulness in and through my life to help get me through this season, it’s my reminder of just how much He loves me, and thinks about me, and cherishes me! So much so, that he holds my hand through it all. My word for the year? Joy. Seeking to see the joy in all areas of my life. Another word that has resonated so deeply with me, Radiant, for that is what Jesus has called me and written as my new name on that white stone. Thank you so much for your blessings of words and being the hands and feet of Jesus.

  14. Nancy Ruegg

    What a blessing to hear those words, “fear not,” in your soft-spoken yet confident voice. I see many Goliaths falling prey to faith, bolstered by your message. Thank you, Jennifer, for speaking encouragement into our lives! P.S. ‘Love that quote from Elisabeth Elliott you shared with Megan!

  15. Rachael

    So refreshing! I believe that I have a purpose but I get so afraid that I will never fulfill it or even find it. It is a new fear for me and those words “fear not” have carried me through so much. I need to apply them today to this new set of fears and trust the Lord to continue His work in me. Thanks so much, Jennifer!


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