The Power of Three Words: Help Me, God

January 10, 2015 | 2 comments

“Help me, God.”

When it comes to prayer, sometimes that’s all I’ve got. Maybe you feel that, too? Maybe you feel that all you’ve got is a small prayer, with too-few words.

The good news is this: You have much, much more than you can ever imagine. You have the Holy Spirit in you, who intercedes, for you. Call on His name. Ask for His help. Trust that He’ll respond.

I don’t know where you’re at today. Maybe you’re reading this on your mobile phone, while sitting in the parking lot of the hospital. Maybe you’re on your couch, with your iPad in your hands and chaos in your home. Maybe you landed here, on this blog, with a random Google search of “Help Me God.”

Or maybe you’ve got friends facing big battles, and you’ve promised to pray for them, but you’re not even sure where to begin.

Begin here, with these three words: “Help me, God.”

I don’t think we can begin to fathom the power those three words hold, and what power that one prayer unleashes inside of us — the power of the Spirit who intercedes on our behalf.

For more encouragement, head on over to The High Calling today (by clicking here), where I’m writing about the power of those three words in our daily lives.

Tell us in the comments over at The High Calling, or right here in the inbox, where you need God’s help today. Or send me an email at [email protected]. I promise to pray.



by | January 10, 2015 | 2 comments


  1. scrhill

    Thanks for this, Jennifer. At the end of a long weekend with Austin away and my baby sick, and staring down the front end of a sermon that is only 1/2 written for tomorrow… this was the perfect thing to read. Thank you, thank you. Especially because I’m preaching on Daniel in the lion’s den… all he could do in the lion’s den is say “help me, God!”

    • dukeslee

      Hi Sara! I’m so glad that these words spoke to you. I hope that your sermon went well. I have no doubt that it did, that He came through you, loud and clear. Have a great week.


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