The Love Letter

December 8, 2008 | 10 comments

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” — John 1:14

I was dusting the spare bedroom the other day and came across it. I pulled it from the shelf and held it in my hands — a reminder of a time when He was a stranger relegated to the bookshelf.

So patient, He was. … And still is.

He was waiting there for years, inside pages where He poured out His heart. He put some of the best parts in red.

A love letter, unopened.

Every few months, I swiped it with a lemon-scented dust cloth. But always, I left it in its place – a decoration on a shelf next to a book about Degas’ paintings. “Old stories, from another time,” I would think. “Ancient words with no relevance. I’m not sure I believe it anyway.”

And then, one day, my sister sent me a gift. It was a book like the one on my shelf — same words, same red letters. I opened it. The words of Mark 9:24 leapt from the page: “Lord, I do believe. Help me with my unbelief.” I silently mouthed the words.

God, if you’re there, could you do that? I asked. Could you give someone like me faith to believe? Then I began to speak the words aloud. God, if you’re real, would you be willing to help me believe?

Soon, I began to pray the words: Lord, help me with my unbelief. I don’t know when it happened exactly, but one day I began to feel the words, in the marrow, so much so that I felt compelled to read the other parts of the book. This thing in my hands had become more than a story to me.

I came to know not only what the Author wrote, but to know the Author as Abba. To know not just the words, but the love expressed within.

Today, God is as close as gold-lined pages on my fingertips. When He says He loves me, I believe Him. For He is the Word made flesh.

And He’s close enough to touch.

A love letter, alive.

Author and Giver of Life, So often I put you on a shelf. Rekindle in me the desire to continually learn more about You through Your Word – a love letter to me. Even when I fail — and I will again — remind me that it’s never too late to pick it up again; Your words are faithful even when I am not. Amen.


Than you to More Than You Imagine Ministries for asking me to write this devotional for their website. It was a blessing to think back on how God has used His Word to change my life. (More Than You Imagine is a non-denominational ministry that helps women – individually or as a group — in their pursuit “to have a wild & wonderful relationship with Jesus.”)

by | December 8, 2008 | 10 comments


  1. Billy Coffey

    What a lovely testimony. Those words from Mark are perhaps the most comforting in scripture and speak to the struggle we all face sometimes.

  2. Carmen

    Thank you for your encouraging words @ Women of the Word!

    I’m sayin’ Amen! to your lovely and transparent words you’ve shared here.

    Shalom aleichem, Dear Merea….and may He richly bless you as you minister in His Name!

  3. patty

    Although I’ve heard it before, I loved reading your testimony again, Jennifer. Words are inadequate to describe our faithful, patient, loving God. Praise Him for continuing to draw us each in and giving us faith to believe!

  4. janelle

    I echo what Patty said – I never tire of hearing how our Abba Father got your attention.

  5. Chris Godfredsen

    This is what comes to mind, Jennifer.
    Jesus, draw me close
    closer, Lord to you
    For I desire to worship and obey
    I love how He has drawn you in, how we revealed himself to you and how His word in Mark speak so clearly – to you and to me!

  6. Chris Godfredsen

    This is what comes to mind, Jennifer.
    Jesus, draw me close
    closer, Lord to you
    For I desire to worship and obey
    I love how He has drawn you in, how we revealed himself to you and how His word in Mark speak so clearly – to you and to me!

  7. Stonefox (otherwise known as Heidi)

    Jennifer, what an awesome testimony to what God does! This has sparked a new fire in my heart today.


    What a great story and testimony. That episode from Mark is one of my favorite gospel moments. And an important one in my journey as well.

    Real Live Preacher

  9. sharilyn

    wonderful words, jennifer. thanks for sharing. i do so often pray that prayer in my daily life –Lord, help my unbelief! and i do love it how He brings different verses/passages to life at various points in our walk… He truly knows what we need just when we need it.

  10. superstar70

    Again, my friend…you did it! You are one amazing women!

    Love & Hugs to you!


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