
December 9, 2008 | 16 comments

So I was in church Sunday and got to thinking about the GM bailout.

I mean, here I was, amidst hundreds of worshippers who were still taking in a terrific sermon. We were about to receive communion — the body and blood of Jesus Christ — and I was sitting there thinking of a GM bailout.

In my seat, I’m thinking about who “deserves” a bailout — if anyone does, really.

I’m thinking about promises that the rescue plan is failproof.

I’m thinking about how so much hope rests on a single plan.

I’m wondering whether those who are bailed out will try to repay. Or will this really amount to a donor-recipient relationship?

And then, all of this got me thinking about my previous night at a fundraiser for “The Greatest Gift” foundation. My friend Becky started the foundation as a support for “living donors” — people who, while still living, donate an organ so another person can live. Becky is a living donor. She gave part of her liver to her ailing brother.

So there I was in church — thinking about donors, and bailout plans, and living sacrifices, and how Jesus said love is when a guy will lay down his life for a friend.

The brassy communion tray was headed down my row by then, and I took a tiny plastic cup, filled halfway with wine. I passed the tray to the guy sitting to my left. When he reached for it, I saw that he wore one of those rubbery green bracelets on his right wrist. It read “Iowa Donor Network.” I found out later that this guy’s friend died in a motorcycle accident, and most of his organs were used to save the lives of many others.

So this guy was wearing a bracelet to remember the hope that rose from death.

I passed him the tray, and then got so worked up over this massive bailout plan that I began to cry.

All because of the General Motors bailout? Not even close.

This GM Bailout: The God-Man Bailout. My failproof rescue plan. The plan by which I’ve been saved.

I don’t deserve it, but I got it. All my hope rests on a single plan — God coming down to Earth as a baby. And I couldn’t stop thinking about it on Sunday, sitting next to a stranger wearing a donor bracelet.

You see, this stranger and I are both the recipients of the biggest donor-initiated bailout in world history. And neither of us owes a thing. The price has already been paid.

by | December 9, 2008 | 16 comments


  1. Billy Coffey

    Wow. Just…wow. So right, we all need a bailout of the God-Man sort.

    I enjoyed the glimpse into your thought process, too!

  2. lynnrush

    OH WOW. Right on, Jennifer.

    God-Man bail out….what a great perspective. Thanks!

  3. Chris Godfredsen

    And isn’t it sooo cool when God shows up? As you sat there contemplating this whole bail-out business, God hanging on that cross – his body broke and blood poured out for you and the guy to your left and for me – that He moves you to tears. If we really, really stop to take in those images – his body broken and blood poured out to bail each of us out – an emotional experience is sure to follow!

    Thanks for sharing your heart, your mind and what Jesus is up to with you, with us!

  4. Chris Godfredsen

    And isn’t it sooo cool when God shows up? As you sat there contemplating this whole bail-out business, God hanging on that cross – his body broke and blood poured out for you and the guy to your left and for me – that He moves you to tears. If we really, really stop to take in those images – his body broken and blood poured out to bail each of us out – an emotional experience is sure to follow!

    Thanks for sharing your heart, your mind and what Jesus is up to with you, with us!

  5. patty

    love it…love how God directs our thoughts, how He shows up time & time again and how He brings us face to face with Himself…face to face with all that really matters.

  6. janelle

    You know that feeling that I get-the one where I have to breathe in just to make room for HIM? Yeah, this did it. Thank you.

    (This doesn’t have anything to do with your post except that…) I have shed so many tears these past 5 or so days; partly because of praying for John and Bob and just remembering what we felt like when we were going through it with Clint’s mom – but mostly because these “dry bones” are not feeling so dry anymore and your words (from God’s mouth) help to quench my thirst.

  7. pam

    What a great perspective! I’ve been thinking a lot about bailouts too, because it hits home here in Michigan. Thank you for putting a more Godly point of view.

    Your site looks fresh and fun. I look forward to reading more.
    Pam at beyondjustmom

  8. Minister Mamie L. Pack


    How true this is. Often times, when I hear people say what difference can one person make I am reminded of the biggest difference Christ made in my life. His one choice has changed countless lives and more still to come. This is a wonderful reminder of the greatest bailout plan ever, Christ.

    with blessings,

    Minister Mamie L. Pack

  9. Darlene

    ooooooooh. SOOOOOOOOO GOOD. so good.

    Our G-M bailout. We don’t deserve it.

    love this one, girl. love it.

  10. L.L. Barkat

    Love the reversal at the end. And of course, the meaning of it all.

  11. sharilyn

    that was awesome. i love it when God opens our eyes to see things with His eyes…to understand things from His understanding, which is so far deeper than our own. thank you for sharing!

  12. Lori

    Amen, Sister. Preach it. From the baptist in your bunch.
    Keep seeing God in all things.

  13. Jesse and Sarah

    That was great Jennifer! You hit it right on the head.

    That was a thought provoking post…makes me think at least.

  14. John Dennis

    Awesome. Your mind was wandering in the right direction during the communion service.

  15. Living and Baking in Boise

    I couldn’t have said it better. Beautiful words…beautiful bailout.

    Jenn Calling Home (my real identity/blog, which doesn’t fit below)

  16. Christina Berry

    Really, really nice post.

    Thanks for leaving your comment on my just-sold-first-novel blog. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply, but I started edits and cover design right away. Today is also the fifth snow day in a row! Love having the kids home, but it does limit my computer time. 🙂

    If you haven’t yet–but want to–jump on over to and subscribe to the infrequent, humorous newsletter!


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