The Gospel in 10 Words or Less

September 6, 2012 | 42 comments

How would you describe the essence of the Gospel to someone who had never heard it before?

What if you were on an elevator with that person and had only a few floors up to explain it?

What if you could use only ten words? Or fewer?

Recently, the Christian Century asked authors and readers to boil the Gospel down to just a few words. (You can find the Christian Century story by clicking here.) Today, we’re doing the same thing right here in our little corner of the Web. We are summarizing the Good News in a few essential words.

Which words do you pick, friends?  How do you summarize the Good News in only a few essential words?

Let’s fill the comment box with our tiny proclamations of gigantic Gospel truth.

I’ll start, to get us going.

My ten-word response:

My seven-word response:

Your turn! Don’t be shy.

Tell us what the Gospel means in ten or fewer words! If you are a subscriber, click here to join the conversation. Or offer your thoughts on my author page on Facebook.  

It will be fun, and it’s our chance to speak the most powerful words possible into the universe! 🙂


by | September 6, 2012 | 42 comments


  1. Lori

    He paid our sin’s penalty. We will live forever!

  2. Betsy Coy

    Separation bridged by the Cross.

  3. Rick Dawson

    You are loved, now and forever. Go and do likewise.

  4. SimplyDarlene

    when Jesus washed me clean
    folks prayed for the fish

  5. Rich Stevenson

    born sinful, forgiven through the cross, eternal life with Jesus

  6. Robin

    Jesus’ sacrifice makes it possible to live with God forever!

  7. Dave Vander Laan

    The blood of One washes clean sin, guilt and shame.

  8. Sherrey Meyer

    Jesus came, taught, loved and died — all for me!

  9. Kate

    Christ died as us so we could live as Him.

  10. marygems

    broken enlightened forgiven restored set free discipled gifted enlisted

  11. Lynn Morrissey

    Renowned British preacher, Charles Spurgeon, said he could share the Gospel in 4 words: “Christ died for me!” AMEN!

  12. Jennifer C

    Arms stretched wide, He died for humankind; heaven awaits, Believe

  13. Nancy Franson

    Eternal God created, man fell. God redeems, restores and perfects.

  14. Tanya Dennis

    When I was in college we had to write 1-, 5-, and 10-minute versions of our testimony. It’s a great exercise! You never know when you’ll only have a moment to share with another.

    How does one encompass something so huge into just ten words without being trite or cliche? I’ll have to think more on this …

    • Dave Vander Laan

      I really enjoyed Michael Horton’s piece, Deb. The weight he gives sin – or more properly, the weight sinners do not give sin – helped me understand the eternal significance of the cross.

      There but a wretch go I; thanks be to God, Christ is risen.

  15. Jennifer@Adam's Rib

    Lost in Sin. Jesus’ blood covered all. Now I’m redeemed.

  16. Jill D

    Perfect Saviour
    Died for me
    I repented
    Now I’m free!

  17. Mark Beernink

    Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners

  18. Danise Jurado

    Forgiveness. Love. Purpose. Relationship. Hope of Heaven.

  19. JDavis2

    Imperfect humans find restorative salvation only thru faith in Jesus.

  20. dukeslee

    Oh friends! Such beautiful Gospel Truth here! I’m away this weekend, and checking your messages while in airports, en route to a long weekend away. Beautiful, beautiful messages here.

  21. Leslynn

    Fall–depravity, God’s Son came to Redeem and rescue.

  22. Leslynn


    Have a gracefilled weekend. I just read your and other’s comments after I send my comment above.

  23. Lori

    So thankful for God’s grace and His love for me

  24. Linda

    Relationship between God and man restored through His precious Son.

  25. Diana Trautwein

    Love beyond beginnings,
    frailty redeemed,
    wholeness promised
    because of Jesus.

  26. Julie

    God pursues, we run and hide.

    At the cross, my debt paid. No longer running away. Now I’m free!

    What a beautiful Savior!

  27. Michele-Lyn

    He was broken for our broken. His broken makes us whole.

    That’s 11 🙂

  28. Cheryl

    Hi strong arms around me in unfailing love.

  29. Leah Adams

    hopeless, helpless, without resource. Jesus gift changed all that.

  30. Abby

    Great responses here. I keep coming back to a hymn for my words.

    Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

  31. floyd

    God’s sovereignty requires a choice for His son, Jesus Christ.

  32. Stefanie Brown

    Our disobedience.
    His obedience.
    Our need.
    His sacrifice.
    The Gospel.

  33. Jody Lee Collins

    “God IS. He came. He died. I’m free.”

    that was fun!

  34. Lynn

    We are hostages of evil but Jesus paid our ransom.

  35. Abby

    Saved by Grace

  36. Holly Michael

    A friend just told me this, this morning: God is and I aint

  37. Eye.Z

    Man’s SIN
    God’s LOVE
    Jesus, the WAY
    Faith is KEY


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