The Cure for Spiritual Dryness

February 22, 2010 | 30 comments

She shakes her head and looks up from her prayer journal, giggling over words about rattling, ol’ dry bones.

“I don’t get it, Mommy,” she says. “I don’t get how this works.”

And I’m like my five-year-old daughter: I don’t entirely understand how it works either, but I know that it does. I don’t get the mechanics of it, but I feel it in the marrow. God breathes life into these dry bones through His very Word.

I know that this is the cure for spiritual dryness.

“Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” — Ezekiel 37:4-5

Daily, we open His Word. We don’t make it complicated. We aren’t monks. We don’t even always understand it all. And we’re OK with that, for we love the mystery and we welcome the questions. Daily, we dine on these Words, and they bring life to these dry bones when the joy and peace has drained.

Has it been a while since you’ve opened His Word? Does it seem overwhelming to begin again — or to begin for the first time? It doesn’t have to be. Try these simple steps to curing spiritual dryness.

1. Find a special spot in your house where you can place a “prayer basket” filled with your Bible, notebook, prayer journal, pens, highlighters and bookmarks. Enjoy the ceremony of sitting in your prayer chair by lighting a candle. Make it extra-special. You are communing with very God!

2. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your reading and to help you understand the passages. We don’t need to be intimidated by study. God will help us make sense of it. His Spirit is in us. According to Paul’s writings, part of the Holy Spirit’s job is to help us understand the word of God.

“We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit
who is from God, that we may UNDERSTAND what God has freely given us!” — 1 Corinthians 2:12

3. Take just a few passages at a time. Underline the ones that speak to you most. My Bible is highlighted and marked up with words and promises and reminders. I call my Bible a “holy mess.”

4. When you’ve finished your study, find opportunity to meditate on the verses all day long. You may find that the verses you’ve read are the very thing you needed to get you through your day. You may well see His very Word at work in your daily life.

5. Consider finding an online reading plan for Lent. Bible Gateway, ( ) has one you can find by clicking here.

Let’s COME ALIVE together this Lenten season.

This season of Lent, how are you coming alive?
What is your cure for spiritual dryness?
Share your ideas in the comment box.

by | February 22, 2010 | 30 comments


  1. A Simple Country Girl

    How do I come alive?!

    – by dying to my selfish self
    – by reading with my heart and mind
    – by using my pencil to underline, scribble in the margins and record my get-it moments in my bible
    – by filling journal pages with more of the same, including questions, lots of questions
    – by living out loud as a crazy-lady in love with Jesus
    -by singing out loud (also as a crazy lady)
    -by reading words like yours, Jennifer!

  2. Rose

    You posted one of my favorite passages. I remind myself when I think I am beyond being restored that God can restore even a skeleton…so as long as I am drawing breath…there is hope. I love your idea of the basket, candle and so on. A good reminder to remember WHO we are communing with. I wish I had some great idea to share, but I am taking away some good ideas. Thank you for that!

  3. ~*Michelle*~

    I am in my own chapter of digging deep with Jesus right now….He broke out His tool box and is doing some mighty changes in me. Of course, change brings me to an uncomfortable place right now…..but I know it is where He wants me to be right now so that I can get to where He wants me to be. (if that makes any sense)

  4. Tabitha@ichoosebliss

    I love your ideas. I am off to light my candle and seek God and His beautiful words.

  5. Red Letter Believers

    When you are dry, even a drop is wonderful. So I look for the smallest of wonders in the world around me. God in everything.


  6. jasonS

    Worship, prayer, reading Scripture, and staying disciplined even when I don't feel like it… 🙂

    Thanks Jennifer- I enjoyed this post a lot.

  7. Rosario

    I have a lent devotional that has the readings for each day and a short meditation of the gospel. I try to see the Mass on TV if possible and pray my rosary also. This helps me to stay in conection with God daily. If I for some reason skip my quiet time with God, that day is not the same. I feel like something is missing from my life. The word of God is so enriching and strenghtens you in your weak moments.

  8. Beth.. One Blessed Nana

    I think it is so wonderful that you are teaching your girls to seek after Him in their childhood. My daughter does the same and I just love how their little hearts grasp on to Jesus!

    You are such a blessing to me.

  9. alicia

    Dying to my old self is what I am truly working on this season of lent. Its a struggle, but have no doubt that it will be worth it in the end!

  10. L.L. Barkat

    these photos are just so FULL. I love them.

    And I love the idea of just beginning again. It can be that simple.

  11. Jennifer

    Wonderful ideas! I jot down passages all the time. I have verses on little bits of paper all over my home! His words are so beautiful and I love surrounding myself with them! 🙂

  12. Cheryl

    I love how your daughter has her own prayer journal! What an awesome gift you're giving to her, and thanks for passing along to us as well.

    I have my own semblance of a prayer basket, but haven't ever thought of lighting a candle. That's next on the list. Great idea!

  13. Lyla Lindquist

    The odds of my lighting my house on fire with a candle during time with Jesus are not in my favor, so I rely on a dim GE light bulb. But yes, diving into those Words brings back life.

    Funny how it can be the last thing we want to do when it gets dry, though the thing we need the most.

    And L.L. has it. Wonderful snowy girl pictures.

  14. Jennifer

    Awesome pics of the girls. Doing a special Bible study this Lent called "Preparing Your Heart for Easter" by Ann Stewart. So wonderful to spend all this time preparing for my Savior to be resurrected. Love your ideas, especially the basket.

  15. Kristine

    Brilliantly stated! The one thing I have learned over the years is how important having the Word fill us daily is, no matter how we get it. On those days when the words of the page don't seem to be making it past my eyes into my brain I opt for a cd of the NT. Whatever they means, daily infusing those "dry bones" is a part of our lives as Christians.

  16. Angie Vik

    Great post. You do such a nice job bringing faith to the front of all you do. Your little girls are blessed to have a Mama who loves God. I have a lot of admiration for your deep faith and your beautiful way of expressing it.

  17. S. Etole

    such happiness in those photos … and joy in your words leading us to His word

  18. Missy

    I use music to feed my thirsty soul and it always brings me back to where I need to be and encourages me to get back into the word.

    I also love reading blogs such as yours that share their own experiences and encouragements.

  19. Cherie

    I've been really convicted about forgivness lately. Not just forgiving people but finding a way to not let hurts keep me from being laid out open and vulnerable. Finding ways to not build walls of defense.I guess to me opening up and being vulnerable… that's how I feel alive. I'm still on the journey there. But I suppose the journey makes me feel alive too.

    Thanks for the encouragement toward daily time with my God too Jennifer. I love how you make it so special. It's inspiring me this morning!

  20. Billy Coffey

    I LOVE those pictures, and I LOVE this post. And I'm with you – it's the mystery and the questions that give me less of what doesn't matter and more of what does.

  21. Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife

    Boy, I had some dry bones yesterday. A very rough week stripped me bare. I didn't make God a priority and forsake the Word. I felt it so strongly. The Lord wooed me to Him once again. Cleansed my heart, and poured His refreshing Spirit into my body. Life became good again, complaining stopped, and peace reigned once again in my heart.

  22. Sincerely, Jenni

    If you don't mind, I am going to link to your post on my own blog tomorrow. I am also printing this off, so I can go home this afternoon and start making my own prayer basket and finding a good spot to sit and read.

  23. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus

    No problem, Jenni. You are welcome to link. May you be blessed as you make your own prayer basket. It's been a blessing for me. I have mine in a high-traffic area of the house, so it's always there, always beckoning.

  24. Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience

    I love the coming alive here! Look at those exuberant faces!

    I realize how alive I am — when I feel the gnawing hunger.

    I am learning to hunger for Jesus.

    Thank you, as always, Jennifer…

    All's grace,

  25. annkroeker

    What joy!

    This is such an unexpected and delightful approach to Lent.

    I'm planning to share it tomorrow morning at HighCalligBlogs along with several other posts that highlight how families are living out Lent.

    Thanks for being…you!

  26. annkroeker

    What joy!

    This is such an unexpected and delightful approach to Lent.

    I'm planning to share it tomorrow morning at HighCalligBlogs along with several other posts that highlight how families are living out Lent.

    Thanks for being…you!

  27. Dan King

    Dude… (umm, I mean dudette)
    This is a GREAT post! I love that you shared some easy and realistic advice like this.

    I know that for me digging into some serious, deep study of the Word helps me to connect with God. But I totally understand where you are coming from by stating that you don't have to study, just read (#2 in your list). But I'm a total geek when it comes to studying the Word, so that's just me.

    Great stuff! Thanks!

  28. Beth E.

    Good advice and great pictures!

    I need to spend more time in the Word…that is my goal this Lenten season.


  29. Pfeiffer Photos

    Woah, that post nailed me to my chair. Going to share it, too. Thanks, as always, love your blog.

  30. Debbie

    I love your suggestions! Great idea.
    Came over from Jenni's blog.


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