#TellHisStory: When Life Isn’t a Piece of Cake, God’s STILL Got It

August 5, 2014 | 15 comments

We’re far away from home, in northern Minnesota, celebrating my favorite farmer’s birthday. He turned 43 today. So I am posting this one, from the archives. Because we really believe this is true —

God’s Got It.

Life on planet Earth isn’t a a piece of cake.

But sometimes, you’ve just got to eat the cake anyway.


The girls light the candles on their father’s birthday cake. It’s decorated with fluffy green cornstalks, reaching heavenward.

“Best corn I’ve seen all year,” says their farmer-father with a chuckle. It’s a drought year, all across the parched Heartland, where corn leaves curl in on themselves and whole fields are crisping.

It’s been ugly.

But this year, just like every other year, my man says these words over and over again: “God’s Got It.”

It’s been his mantra for as long as he’s worked those fields.

His philosophy for farming has become a theology for living. God is God, and God is good, and even in a dry and weary land, God has actually “got it.”

I reposition the cake for a better photo, bumping a finger into the frosting. I lift a frosted finger to my lips. I taste and see.

These are the sweetest days, no matter what the forecasters say. The Lord is still good, and we can taste … to see and to know.

My mom had ordered the cake from a bakery, a little surprise for the birthday boy while we’re here in the northwoods. At the bottom of the cake, the decorator swirled these three words: “God’s Got It.”

In this life, you’ve got to write it down sometimes to remember what you believe — not just in frosting, but on hearts. We believe that God has got it. All of it.

This is not just a theological catch-phrase, but an actual way to habitually remember that there is a King in Heaven who holds all things together — even when life isn’t a piece of cake.

And we repeat it to ourselves, on the hot and cloudless days, and when we have gathered in hospice rooms, and over hospital beds, and in ugly days of wild uncertainty.

It’s true: What we say to ourselves, and to one another, can determine whether we will live imprisoned or free. Because dark days will come. In this world we will have trouble, but what did Jesus say?

“Take heart, for I have overcome the world.”

So we tell it to each other, over and over again. These aren’t just cute words to fit on a cake, but the right words to keep us fit for a life.

It’s why we return every two weeks to the table of grace, with the cup and the loaf. “Do this in remembrance of me,” are the words etched into the altar. We re-turn and re-member and re-ceive and re-pent and re-peat. God’s Got It.

He has actually and miraculously overcome the world.

We believe this:

–that Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, that He came to Earth, and that He died on a cross, … and that when Satan was laughing and the disciples were running scared, God actually and miraculously still had it.

— that Jesus was wrapped in a cloth and buried in a tomb, and a stone was rolled into place. And when His followers grieved and saw nothing but darkness, God still had it.

— that on the third day, in opposition to the laws of nature, Jesus rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven.

Because — please hear this here — God most assuredly had it.

And we believe that our King is seated at the right hand of the Father, because it’s true: Our God has still completely and mercifully “got it.”


We’re cutting into the cake when the phone beeps with a text. A friend back home lets us know that about an inch of rain has fallen on our fields. And we thank God for His faithfulness and His goodness.

But even if He hadn’t sent the rain, He is still our Lord, because He already sent a Savior.  

It’s as true today as it was 2,000 years ago in Calvary: Our God who had it then, has got it now, and forevermore shall have it. He’s got it when land is wet, or dry … when hearts are despairing or hopeful … when life is not a piece of cake, and when it is.

He’s got it when it rains, or doesn’t rain, because He reigns.

We pass plates of cake around the table and lift forks to our mouths, and we taste and see, I tell you. We taste and see. For the Lord is so. very. good.


So, what’s your Story?

A #TellHisStory is any story that connects your story into the story of God.

You’re invited to tell that story right here, in community with us.

Share your narratives, your poems, your Instagrams tagged with #TellHisStory, … your beautiful hearts. You are the chroniclers, the people who help others make sense of the world with your words and your art.

Story is how we know that, no matter what happens, we can get back up again.

Visit someone (or two) in the link-up to encourage with a comment. Then, Tweet about your posts, and the posts you visit, with the #TellHisStory hashtag. Come back on Friday to visit our Featured #TellHisStory, in the sidebar.

A final note: This is a safe place to tell your stories. You don’t have to be a professional writer to join us. Story is built into every single one of us. Your story matters, because it’s part of God’s story down through history, not because you punctuated everything correctly. Deal?


For more details on the #TellHisStory linkup, click here. Share the love of story by visiting someone else in the community!

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by | August 5, 2014 | 15 comments


  1. Nannette Elkins

    I love that cake! Lol, I loved the post too, Jennifer. As always. God’s got it. ♥

  2. Sandra Heska King

    I remember this year. Our corn, too, was curling into itself. Do you have corn this year? Ours is towering to heaven. Give Mama D a hug from me.

  3. Lisa notes...

    I never tire of hearing that God’s got it. Over and over keep telling us, Jennifer. Happy birthday to your farmer!

  4. BlessingCounter - Deb Wolf

    All I can think to say at this moment is “thank you.” You blessed my day. “It is not a theological catch-phrase.” It is truth! God’s got it! Always!

  5. Lynn D. Morrissey

    What a great cake. What a great guy and great wife. What a great God. I remember loving this post before, just like I do now. He’s got it. He’s got the sun and rain in His hands, His got you and me sister in His hands, He’s got the corn and the cake in His hands. He’s got the whole world in His hands! I needed this reminder.
    Have a wonderful vacation, Jennifer . . . . enjoying life, in His hands. He’s got it, indeed!

  6. Loved As If

    Thank you! I needed to hear that today and everyday. God has got it! Drusilla Barron (http://lovedasif.com/)

  7. marthaorlando

    God’s got it, indeed! We have everything we need when we walk with Him. What more could we possibly ask for? Blessings, Jennifer!

  8. pastordt

    Cake looks good! Words and living the words – even better. Thanks, Jen.

  9. Sybil Brun

    Hope your favorite farmer had a wonderful birthday!

  10. Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

    I love this – “But even if He hadn’t sent the rain, He is still our Lord, because He already sent a Savior.” Thank you for the reminder that God really does have this. John 16:33 is my favorite Bible verse because it is filled with so much hope. Beautiful post!

  11. Pamela

    Oh I love those words. I’m going to remember them when my mind begins worrying. God’s got it! What a beautiful testimony to and heritage for your children. I loved the beauty of your writing and my soul feasted on the truth of your words. ~Pamela

  12. Nancy Ruegg

    Repeat the words, “God’s got this,” on the hot and cloudless days, and the fresh wind of the Spirit rejuvenates. Thank you for this soul-refresing post, Jennifer, taken from your own family’s personal experience.



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