#TellHisStory: I Saw You, Jesus

February 10, 2015 | 45 comments

I saw You, Jesus. You were in the back pew, with Your sad eyes, and Your two boys who wouldn’t sit still. Their dad was home, asleep on the couch.

I saw You. You were in the corner of the conference-room hall. You were praying that someone might save a spot for You at a table. You were in the diaper aisle, Jesus, with twenty items on Your grocery list, but only enough money to pay for twelve.

I saw You, Jesus, but sometimes? I walk right past You. You are the scruffy-bearded guy with the cardboard sign on the street corner. You are the overworked executive who hasn’t seen his family in a week. You live in Haiti, and You live down the street. I have Your unanswered email in my inbox.

You are the beggar, the lonely, the overlooked, the weary mother, the desperate, the out-of-style, the head-hanging-low. You know where the hidden bottles are, and how to make a life go numb. You know where the pills are, in case you want to call the whole thing off. I saw You, Jesus. But did I serve You? Or did I simply look over Your shoulder?

Lord, I beg You. Make me a servant. Cause me to sit in Your pew, to kneel down in the mess on Your kitchen floor, to hold Your dirty hand in mine. Because I wonder: Have we gotten too big for our britches, that we can no longer serve You in the ditches? You are right in front of us.

How do we keep overlooking You? You’re in our newsfeeds and our living rooms, but are we looking over Your shoulder for something, or someone, we find more tantalizing to feed our hungry hearts?

Dear God, make me a servant.

Jesus, You put off the privilege of heaven for the grit of earth. You gave up the throne room, for the basin. You were the only one in the history of forever who was worthy to be served, but this is what You did instead: You put on an apron. You knelt. You washed feet. This, You said, is how You would could show “the full extent” of Your love.

You had more titles than a Nobel Prize winner, but always pointed to the Father. You wowed people with miracles, then told them to keep quiet. You fed thousands, then stole away for quiet moments alone, away from the limelight. You weren’t about celebrity; You were about serving.

Lord, I want to serve You, just like You served. I want to serve You, but how often have I missed You sitting in the corners, the classrooms, the cubicles and the carpool lines? How often have I chased glitter?

Lord, I beg You: Break any platform, microphone, blog post, or book of mine, if it does not bring You alone glory.  We were not made for fame or fortune, but for the Father. Strip me of any desire in my crowded heart to be known or applauded. Don’t let me get paralyzed by popularity or praise.

Make me a servant. Don’t allow me to overlook the overlooked. Take me to dark corners. Make my hands dirty. Break my two-faced heart. Give me an apron and a basin. Because Lord Jesus . . . I don’t want to get to heaven and find out that, despite all I ever said or wrote or preached or tweeted, I had missed out on the chance to serve You. To kneel beside.

To wash the feet of a King.

Living PreApproved,

(Above, is one of my two contributions to Dawn Camp’s new book, The Beauty of Grace: Stories of God’s Love from Today’s Most Popular Writers

. The book is a collection of writings from some of my favorite writers, including Holley Gerth, Ann Voskamp, Melanie Shankle, Emily Freeman, Margaret Feinberg, Amber Haines, and many more. The book also includes Dawn’s beautiful photography. You can find the The Beauty of Grace: Stories of God’s Love from Today’s Most Popular Writers
on Amazon by clicking here.
. Or enter below for a chance to win!)

post contains affiliate link

Giveaway of The Beauty of Grace

I am giving away TWO COPIES of Dawn Camp’s The Beauty of Grace to celebrate the release of this beautiful new book, which was already named the #1 New Release in Christian Meditation on Amazon!

You can enter for a chance to win, up to three times:

1 – Leave a comment about where you’ve seen the beauty of grace today.

2 – Share about this giveaway on Facebook. (Be sure to tell me in the comments if you’ve done so.)

3 – Click here to Tweet about the giveaway. (Be sure to tell me in the comments if you’ve done so.)

I will count up your entries, and use a random number generator to select two winners, who will be notified by email.

A #TellHisStory Announcement

In one week (Feb. 17) the #TellHisStory linkup will go live at 4 p.m. (CT), instead of midnight. I needed to make the time change because I was spending too many late Tuesday nights at the computer writing my post. Read: I was procrastinating!


Hey Tell His Story crew! It’s always a joy to gather here every week. You’re welcome to link up below. If you would use the badge on your blog, found here, that would be great. And if you would visit at least one other blogger in the link-up and encourage them with a comment, that would be beautiful!

Be sure to check the sidebar later. I’ll be featuring one of you over there!  Jenni at Genuflected.com is our latest featured writer.



by | February 10, 2015 | 45 comments


  1. Mary

    Good morning! I was blessed to be part of a local IFGathering this past weekend and hard many amazing speakers but what was even better was hearing God speaking loudly affirming that He had brought me there for a reason. Fear cannot win but God can and sitting with Him in this life through the people that we meet is where I want to be. I see God daily in my students and the people I work with but due to the craziness of a school day do not always go beyond that to seek Him and serve Him. Praying that we all may look in and reach out in our daily lives. I tweeted about the giveaway and would love to have this book. 🙂

    • dukeslee

      Oh man … those talks at IF were POW-ER-FUL. I caught a lot of them on the live cast. I went to IF last year in Austin, and was deeply moved by Christine Caine’s talk. Was so glad to see her back there again. … And thank you for sharing about the giveaway! The book is just lovely.

    • dukeslee

      Mary! You are the winner of a copy of Beauty of Grace. Can you send me your mailing address, to …. jennifer @ jenniferdukeslee . com

  2. Kamea Hope

    Beautiful words Jennifer, and so very true. We often miss the opportunities that are right in front of us. We get caught up in our own ideas of how we want to be used of God, rather than asking him humbly to open our eyes to the things he has planned for us. He promises to give us the desires of our heart, so that the things we long after reflect the desires of His own, holy heart. This morning, I spent some time in God’s word as I was preparing for the bible study I am leading later on today. I was struck afresh by the love of our heavenly Father as I was reading in Psalm 139 about how intimately He knows us. He is with us in every moment. He knows our thoughts. He knows the words we will speak, even before they are out of our mouths. I love the promise of verse 5, “You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” How wonderful! This is the beauty of His grace for each of us.
    (I shared your giveaway on Twitter as well)

    • dukeslee

      Amen, Kamea. Thank you for the lovely snapshot of grace.

  3. Candace Creates

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder of how to serve. Jesus is everywhere and in need of our actions. I see grace everyday through His incredible forgiveness of my past. For so many years, I abused my body, yet He continues to wake me up every morning. Thanks to grace I get a do-over each new day :).

    • dukeslee

      Hey Candace … Thanks for sharing a little bit about your struggle here in the comments. I’m so glad that you’ve been captured by grace, and that the Lord awakens you each morning with His love and presence.

  4. Betsy Cruz

    Thank you for your honest and true words here today. “We were not made for fame or fortune, but for the Father.” Beautiful. Serving in the nitty gritty is the real proof of living faith. So hard for us! Sharing this on Twitter AND on Facebook!.

    • dukeslee

      Thank you, Betsy, for your generosity in sharing this post. I’m excited about Dawn’s book, and can’t wait to send the book to two lucky winners! 🙂

  5. Katie Reid

    Wow friend what powerful words that I need to pray and live by His grace and strength. I’ve seen the beauty of grace today in the words of blog posts that kindly share of His truth and speak up for His name’s sake. I shared on FB and Twitter too.:)

    • dukeslee

      Thank you for sharing, Katie. It’s a joy to help Dawn spread the word about her new book. … Like you, I see the beauty of grace in blog posts. I especially love this little community of bloggers, who link with #TellHisStory. I hope to get to several of your blog posts today, and love featuring one a week in the sidebar.

  6. Abby

    Amen and amen, Jennifer. Tears in my eyes over this one. How many times have I chased after glitter. Too many, for sure. Today I’ve seen the beauty of his grace in my sick three-year-old, who is running around happy despite having strep. Sharing this on FB and Twitter as well.

    • dukeslee

      Thank you, Abby, for sharing on FB and Twitter. It’s fun to help Dawn spread the word about her beautiful book, and I’m honored, too, that you would share my words. Have a great day!

  7. Shelly Miller

    I haven’t linked up anywhere in such a long time I almost forgot how. It’s good to be back in this community. Your words are my heart today. And I’m in that book too, so don’t add me to the giveaway. It’s a beautiful rendering of grace.

    • dukeslee

      I have missed your links here, Shelly! I am so glad you’re back. … Your essay in Dawn’s book is a gorgeous offering.

  8. Lisa notes...

    Seeing Jesus in others is one of the great gifts of vision we can receive. Thanks, Jennifer, for reminding us to stay open to it. Beautifully and gently told, friend. I saw the beauty of grace yesterday when God allowed me to run into a friend in the strangest of places and times. His timing is so perfect.

    • dukeslee

      Thank you, Lisa, for sharing a place where you’ve spied the beauty of grace. I think back to some of the posts you wrote around Christmastime, of spying Jesus in the types of places I’m talking about in this post.

  9. Alecia Simersky

    How often do I overlook Jesus? Your words make me wonder…

  10. Anita

    Thank you for this powerful reminder–I’m really good at faking blindness and silencing the Holy Spirit when he nudges me to step outside my comfort zone and actually look at the people around me. (I shared on twitter and Facebook–the book looks lovely!)

  11. Chris Malkemes

    What a beautiful post. I was thinking about that the other day. When did I see you hungry…thirsty…visit you in prison and hospital’s? When? I started taking myself on a guilt trip and then I stopped. I stopped to pray: “Lord Jesus, Sir. I do not have the eyes to see. I see in fits of shadows, but see the truth in the light. I refuse to be anxious about this. I trust the path you take me down and wherever you lead me I will trust you. I will smile and give words of encouragement. I will move to help when I see the helpless. I will be who You have made me to be in the path You’ve set for me. I will rest in that because I am yielded to you completely and true. Thank you Sir. In Jesus name I pray…Amen” So one day, one hour and one minute at a time I move forward and believe this prayer answered.

  12. Gina Duke

    I see the beauty of grace from when I use the fruit of the Spirit to keep myself from responding in an ungracious way to people and circumstances. Sometimes, I need that same graciousness extended to me as well sometimes.

    • Amber Kemp

      Yes! Amen <3

  13. ro elliott

    Oh yes yes…and a big amen… I walked my christian journey for far too long… Loving Him while at the same time….missing Him…He is so longsuffering with us, patient and kind. This quote from”les mis… To see another person is to see the face of God…. I have heard these two quotes and I am letting them soak in deeply .. We ascribe worth to others at the cost of ourselves or we ascribe worth to ourselves at the cost of others… And we are to give unsurpassable worth to others… Not based on anything…other than they are a child of God!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win the book… Blessings to you as you encourage others to see Jesus!!!!

  14. Kristi

    So authentic. That’s precisely what I want to be, yet I see a battle within. Crazy, eh? Im thankful for your encouragement and honesty today. And that in the end, Jesus wins. 🙂 Pressin’ on because He’s worth it. (Shared your sweet read giveaway on both Facebook & Twitter, Jennifer. Thank you!)

  15. Jenni DeWitt

    Such a beautiful post, Jennifer. I’ve had my eye on that book. What great fun it would be to win a copy! I let my friends on Twitter and Facebook know how you are blessing us here today too. Thanks again for featuring Genuflected this week!

  16. Amber Kemp

    This is so so beautiful. I truly desire to be this. Full of compassion and empathy towards others. Always attempting, even with those whom I have a hard time loving, to put myself in “their shoes” even for a moment, because we all walk a path with different struggles. But I have to remind myself that we are all loved by the same amazing God.

  17. Rebecca

    Love this! I saw beauty today in the kindness of a cashier. A simple smile can do so much!

  18. Lauren Anne Powell

    I saw the beauty of grace today in that my husband, working hard, called home to find the medication I’m on for recent illness to have left me
    Sleeping for another 12hr span. He could have been upset, jealous of my staying bed, hurt that I wasn’t attributing to life as he was for our new family… Instead he wrapped words of grace around me and encouraged me that my type A personality would be at work again soon and to get all the rest I could while God was allowing me. Gems such a blessing. In that moment, I decided to give myself beautiful grace as well.

    I also tweeted and shares on fb and would be thrilled to win a free copy!

  19. Loved As If

    “Jesus, You put off the privilege of heaven for the grit of earth. You gave up the throne room, for the basin. You were the only one in the history of forever who was worthy to be served, but this is what You did instead: You put on an apron. You knelt. You washed feet. This, You said, is how You would could show ‘the full extent’ of Your love.”

    Wow! Thank you so much.

    Lord, please make me a servant.

  20. Marni Gallerneault

    God has been working on my mind and infusing it with His grace – I struggle with feeling like I always need to do more, be more, and He’s been insisting that I rest on His foundation of grace.

  21. Marni Gallerneault

    Tweeted and shared on FB about your giveaway. Ty so much!

  22. Karrilee Aggett

    Shared on both Twitter and fb… and honestly – the beauty of grace is all over my Voxer app today! Seriously – God uses Voxer! 😉

  23. Sophia DeLonghi

    What a convicting blog post! Beautiful! Posted on Facebook also. Thank you!

  24. Sophia DeLonghi

    Also tweeted a post!

  25. Laura Risser Moss

    I can’t even with this. So much good here. Thank you, Jennifer.

  26. Dawn

    Thank you Jennifer.. for the humble grace you shine here.

  27. Elizabeth Stewart

    Your words convict me. I pick and choose who might be Jesus and who might be a huckster, yet Jesus taught the concept that if you bless someone who is unworthy of your blessing that the blessing will come back to you. Better to err on the side of love, selflessness, and generosity. Thank you, Jennifer.

  28. Kim S

    Jennifer, such beautiful words. I can’t wait to read your Love Idol. I just started The Beauty of Grace – such inspirational words from you all. I’m joining the linkup for the first time and hope to return regularly. Have a great day! Kim Stewart kimstewartinspired.com

  29. Lisanne

    Learning about God and writing, thank you!

  30. Michelle Faile

    Tweeted and shared on facebook! I see beauty and grace in my daughter!

  31. Lyli Dunbar

    Beautiful, Jennifer. This really resonates beautifully with “where I am” at right now. I want to have “eyes that see Him” in this way.

  32. Andrea Lisk

    I see beauty in grace in the forgiveness of my children. They forgive me when I am impatient and unkind and selfish. They point my heart to Jesus.

  33. Karen

    I saw beauty and grace and the stranger who swiped her card to let me out of the parking garage when I couldn’t find cash in my purse. Definitely sharing this on FB and Twitter. THANKS!

  34. Joy Lenton

    I see the beauty of grace in my beloved’s face as he prepares a lovely meal for us to share this Valentine’s Day. His love, support and care is a great gift of grace to me. And on a daily basis, I see grace beaming its way into my body as God sustains and upholds me in my physical weakness, teaching me to look to and rely on Him alone.
    Jennifer, this is such a wonderful Holy Spirit-filled word, a soul changing prayer, how could I not share it to Twitter and Facebook so that others could be be given insight and inspiration from it? Thank you. 🙂



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