#TellHisStory: Holding The Story

April 3, 2013 | 1 comment

I have loved almost everything about these moments at the front of a college classroom.

I have loved telling my students how journalists are the first eyewitnesses to history, and the first people to share it with the world. How we go into State Capitol press conferences one day, and roadside diners the next day, because that’s where the news got made. I love telling them how we are paid to be the hot breath on the neck of a good story.

But sometimes, you have to say goodbye to the things you love …

I’m telling this story over at The High Calling today. Will you join me there?

(PHOTO: Here I am with my seven very talented advanced-journalism students, who make it really, really hard to say goodbye to this part-time teaching gig …)


keloland, dordt students


So, what’s your Story? A #TellHisStory is any story that connects your story into the story of God. In April, we’re considering the theme of change and growth. (Think spring!) However, you are free to share any story that God is speaking into your life.

To participate in the #TellHisStory linkup, simply:

1. Write your #TellHisStory post, from your heart, straight onto your blog. A #TellHisStory is any story that connects YOUR STORY into the story of God. What story is God telling in your life this week?

2. Link here and invite friends to join in by posting the #TellHisStory badge on your post.

3. Copy the permalink of your post.

4. Using the linky tool, paste your link in.

5. Find someone (or two) in the link-up to encourage with a comment.

6. Come back on Friday to visit our Featured #TellHisStory, in the sidebar.

Your words matter to God. They matter to people. And they matter to me!


[badge url=’https://jenniferdukeslee.com/tell-his-story/’ title=’#TellHisStory – a community of God/’s storytellers’ image=’https://jenniferdukeslee.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/tellhisstory-badge.jpg’]

by | April 3, 2013 | 1 comment

1 Comment

  1. Laurie Collett

    Teaching is an awesome way to impact the future! Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!



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