#TellHisStory Featured Writer: Susan DiMickele

March 26, 2013 | 9 comments

During 2013, dozens of talented writers are joining me to cheer you on in your storytelling. These guest-writers will share a few helpful words with you right here every Tuesday night, to encour

age you as you #TellHisStory. (Come back after midnight Wednesday to link up your God Story by clicking hereFrom now through Easter, we’re considering “The Lenten Journey,” though you are free to share ANY story that God lays on your heart.)

And now, I’m delighted to introduce you to my friend, author Susan DiMickele. Her newest book, “Working Women of the Bible,” was released this month. 

Meet Susan…


There are countless obstacles to story telling.  Who will listen? What am I going to say? How will I deliver the message? But writers must persevere.  We know that story has power.  This is because story has power over us.  We just can’t get it out of our heads until we write it down.  The power of story is written in our hearts and presses deep into our DNA.

Most of us have driven ourselves crazy with the burning desire to write. For me, story floods my soul in unexpected moments.  Like when I’m in the grocery store or standing in line at the bank.  I feel a sudden urge, so I grab some paper in my purse and scribble a few sentences.  For a moment, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

As a busy mom, wife, and lawyer, readers always ask me the same question:  “How do you find the time to write?”

My answer lies in the form of the question:  “How can I not find time to write?”

When I wrote Working Women of the Bible, the power of story drew me in, even becoming obsessive. I became convinced of God’s desire to redeem our lives one story at a time.  What kind of stories am I talking about? Stories of successes and failures. Stories of lessons learned and second chances. Stories of hard work and sacrifice. Stories of broken hearts and mended wounds.

Once we’re convinced a story must be told, the writing process becomes therapeutic and even addictive. The power of story takes over, and our souls won’t rest until we get it out. A good story doesn’t just transform us, it becomes us.  Which is why we can’t stop.

I don’t think I could quit if I tried.  Could you?


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Like most women today, Susan DiMickele wears many hats.  She is mother, wife, author, lawyer, daughter, sister, and friend who writes about the working mom’s struggle to live out an authentic Christian faith in a complex and fast-paced world.  She is the author of the newly released Working Women of the Bible: Timeless Mentors for Modern Women (2013) and Chasing Superwoman: A Working Mom’s Adventures in Life and Faith (2010).  She lives in constant need of grace, caffeine, and technology and is passionate about connecting broken people to a loving God.

Working Women of the Bible, Susan DiMickele

You can find Susan’s new book here, on Amazon.com. Or here, on ChristianBook.com.

“If you assume biblical women don’t have anything to teach you, think again. Susan DiMickele digs into thirteen working women of the Bible with refreshing candor and wit to offer the modern-day woman valuable life lessons about work, family, and faith–and how God meets us in the often-messy midst of all three. Susan weaves these ancient stories … to create an honest, accessible book chock-full of real-life wisdom and valuable truths.” ~ Michelle DeRusha, author of 50 Women Every Christian Should Know (releasing June 2014)

YOUR TURN: How has storytelling become therapeutic for you? Has it ever become “addictive”? Let’s chat about writing in the comments… 

by | March 26, 2013 | 9 comments


  1. Lorretta @Dancing On The Dash

    Writing has been hugely cathartic for me as I’ve been able to gather up the threads and frayed pieces of stories from my childhood until today and recognize the continuous thread of God throughout them all. I am particularly drawn to telling the stories of redemption in the lives of others since I so clearly see it in my own life….but it’s the sort of daily redemptive story that intrigues me the most–the quiet one with all the same brilliancies as the “big and loud” where God whispers the loudest and others tend not to see. It’s a soul addiction I guess you could say that….I asked God to “open the eyes of my heart”, He did and nothing will ever be the same about the way I see the world around me. Which is what brought me HERE to #TellHisStory to sit a spell on the porch of Ms. J. D. Lee!

    • dukeslee

      Loretta, What a rich, helpful comment for writers. You know, I totally agree with what you say about the DAILY redemptive story. Those are often the most compelling. When I started blogging, I thought in terms of “big and loud,” and I suppose it’s because I spent all those years chasing front-page news stories and going after the BIG story — the one that would make headlines. It was probably only when I became a blogger that I understood that the smallest stories held universal truths. Those have ended up being my favorite stories to write. And to live. Thanks for your words here.

    • Susan DiMickele

      It is such a soul addiction indeed. Sometimes I worry that I write instead of praying, but then I think that God gave us writing and we can talk to him as we write?

  2. Stephani

    Storytelling is a way for me to allow the reader into those places of my life that they could not and maybe would not otherwise be able to go, and hopefully when they get there they are glad they arrived. At times, there is a loneliness involved in an untold story. It doesn’t matter how many people are around when the story happens, it seems that often I’m the only one who really sees the story at all. Writing takes out the sting of that story experienced alone. That’s why I have to share it. Sharing it, allows someone else to be in the story with me. And since I’m one of few spoken words, it also lifts the heaviness of words held back behind a closed mouth. I’ve never studied writing. I believe I’m poor at the mechanics, but I pray that I’ll keep seeing the stories in my every day life. If one story can lead one soul to the One who really wrote the story to begin with, then I’ll be happy with that. – I’ll be sharing a story tomorrow and linking up here for TellHisStory for the first time.

    • dukeslee

      Stephani … I love the way you weave a story … and a comment! So encouraged by your words here. You inspire! I’ll look forward to your TellHisStory contribution. Yay!

  3. Simply Darlene

    Writing is therapeutic for me because if I don’t get stuff outta the ole noggin and heart, great battles rage within – sometimes these internal confrontations are gooey, chewy, funny, sad, frustrated, animated, logical, creative, salty, nutty, weepy, or downright weird – nonetheless, it needs an outlet.



    • Susan DiMickele

      Agreed. I have written many words that will never see the light of day – and for good reason!

  4. Alene Snodgrass (@AleneSnodgrass)

    I love how you put “story floods my soul in unexpected moments!” Oh girl, that’s me. Many I remember, and some I’d forget. I’ve been getting better about leaving myself voice memo’s to capture those thoughts and words. But those stories where Jesus gets a hold of me in unexpected ways — those I don’t forget. But often it takes me awhile to process what’s stirring on my heart before I can articulate a written word. Beautiful friend.

    • Susan DiMickele

      I both love and hate that writing floods my soul when I least expect it. The downside is that it can be terribly inconvenient. But it does keep life interesting.


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