#TellHisStory Featured Writer: Mick Silva

April 23, 2013 | 9 comments

During 2013, dozens of talented writers are joining me to cheer you on in your storytelling. These guest-writers will share a few helpful words with you right here every Tuesday night, to encourage you as you #TellHisStory. (Come back after midnight Wednesday to link up your God Story by clicking here. You are free to share ANY story that God lays on your heart.)

And now, I’m delighted to introduce you to the amazing Mick Silva.


I’ve been working on my novel for over 10 years.

The whole truth is that it’s been closer to 13.

Telling my story has been like dragging a bear out of bed in winter.

What can I say? I’m a slow waker. But one thing has helped me accept the challenge and rise anyway.

A story.

I was 10 when A Wrinkle in Time pierced my dark cave and ever since, I’ve wanted to read how other wounded healers were saved.

I knew who those stories were really about…

And in time, I learned they spoke of One who writes the story over and over on our hearts.

The truth is, I’m stubborn and slow. I’m a cave-dweller whose story awakened to the light. But as I’ve reluctantly emerged, I’ve discovered no struggle too great, no darkness too strong for this light.

Why do I keep telling my story? Because I know a struggle that brought transformation. I know the sustaining strength that changes lives. I’ve experienced who the stories are really about—and I believe telling it could be my most powerful tool to prod another bleary sleeper awake.

And I believe a great ending is coming…

So I accept the challenge.

And rise anyway.


Mick Silva is owner and chief bottle washer at YourWritersGroup.com, a writing community for seekers of God-stories. His musings and mumblings about writing stories are sent bright and early to sleepyheads every Monday in the “Monday Meds” email. Find Mick on Facebook here, on Twitter here  @micksilva and his website, micksilva.com.

Your turn: Why do you keep telling your story?

by | April 23, 2013 | 9 comments


  1. SimplyDarlene

    And a big ole HOWDY! from my cave to yours.

    Thanks for this piece.


  2. Dolly@Soulstops

    Hi Mick,
    How fun to find you here 🙂 Love that image of the bear…yes, please keep writing 🙂

  3. micksilva

    Darlene, pleasure to meet a fellow cave-dweller. I extend my paw.

    Thanks, Dolly.

    It’s a pleasure to share my lumbering with such friends!

  4. Cheryl Hyatt Smith

    This morning I visited with several inmates and left feeling completely wrecked by God. Those beautiful ladies with whom I visited are desperate for the cave dwellers to come out. Thank you for this encouragement.

  5. Megan Willome

    I love “A Wrinkle In Time.” A masterpiece!

  6. Kimberly

    Thanks for calling us out into the light with you, Mick:)

  7. monicasharman

    Jennifer, thanks again for sharing yet another with us.

    Mick, I’ve had books pierce my dark cave too. Thanks for your presence here.

  8. micksilva

    “Lord, when did we visit you when you were sick or in prison?”

    “I tell you when you came out of your dark, dingy cave and did it for the least of these, you did it unto me.”

    Cheryl, I desperately want to read more about that. How will others ever know unless I go to them? I know this, and still I retreat to my cave praying, “God, let me find you,” forgetting he’s already told me where he is.

    Thank you, everyone, for your witness. You see the light too!

    Go tell someone…

    “Come out, friends! Come out and see!”


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