#TellHisStory Featured Writer: Laura Boggess

August 20, 2013 | 20 comments


During 2013, dozens of talented writers are joining me to cheer you on in your storytelling. These guest-writers will share a few helpful words with you right here every Tuesday night, to encourage you as you #TellHisStory. (Come back after midnight to link up your story by clicking here.) And now, I’m delighted to introduce you to a dear friend and fantastic writer with a sweet spirit, Laura Boggess. 

Playdates with God

Julia Cameron—that inspiring writer of The Artist’s Way—calls it an Artist Date. She describes it as a once-weekly solitary expedition to something festive that interests us. This, Cameron says, will keep our creative wells filled and feed our inner artist. You must go alone on the Artist Date, she says, because you are romancing, wooing, courting your creative consciousness.

In my writing life, I have found Cameron’s words to be true—with some variation. For the rich words to flow, my spirit does indeed need nourished; but this is not something I can achieve alone.

What Cameron calls her Artist Date, I call a Playdate with God. For it is when I invite the Creator into the moments of my life that wonder is loosed in my heart and on the page. So I make a commitment each week to meet with God in some new way—or some new place. Our adventures have ranged from parks to museums to the middle of my dining room floor—for any playmate can tell you that the joy is in the companionship, no matter where the meeting takes place. It’s a change of inward focus, a deliberate effort to heighten my awareness of God’s constant presence. This time I set aside to focus on His companionship spills over into every moment and fills the well of empty places that walking in this broken world can often leave.


Laura Boggess lives in a little valley in West Virginia where she works as a counselor. She is the author of The Wings of Klaio series and writes for TheHighCalling.org. Laura blogs at The Wellspring and loves Jesus and stories and happy endings.

by | August 20, 2013 | 20 comments


  1. Shelly Miller

    I read Cameron’s “Right to Write” and recently took my first intentional artist’s date. It turned out to be a divine experience I hope to share on my blog soon. I love your Playdates with God community Laura, what a gift!

  2. Sandra Heska King

    I love how these dates can be planned–or they can happen spontaneously, too, if we’re attentive to his invitation.

  3. laura

    It’s so fun to be here, thank you, Jennifer :). And so nice to see two of my favorite friends on the doorstep. I’m excited to hear about your artist’s date, Shelly. And Sandy? Yes! Exactly. It’s so much about being attentive. There are so many ways to open the eyes to God’s presence, but for me, it’s the invitation to play.

  4. Nannette and The Sweetheart

    One of my favorite people on here tonight! I am learning so much from you…and Jennifer 🙂 Blessings ladies!

    • laura

      Oh, thank you, Nannette! I’m so glad. Lovely to see you here and visit around Jennifer’s table!

  5. Brandee

    Love Laura. Love reading about her playdates (and everything she has to share about everything, frankly) and participating in her community. Thanks for hosting her, Jennifer.

    • laura

      Love you too, Brandee. And did I tell you that I couldn’t find the red hots? Must be a seasonal thing. I ended up searching the valley and finally finding a Brach’s version. They are bigger but I think they’ll work. So, I haven’t gotten to try your recipe yet. But, soon. You’ll hear about it. Maybe with pictures 🙂

  6. Dea

    Yes…it true, I don’t “know” you in RL but this is the you I love to read, the person who hangs out with the Love of my life. Thank you for making those dates and letting the filled places spill out. Thank you for sharing your dates with us…and could we have a jar of that apple butter 🙂

    • laura

      Dea! I hope one day we do get to meet up in RL. Wouldn’t that be fun? I would bring you a jar of spicy apple butter :). We could hang out with Jesus together. *sigh*

  7. Jacque Watkins

    As Sandra said, may we be always attentive to His invitation! Love your playdate community, Laura…and I love your heart! xo

    • laura

      And I’ve loved getting to know you through Playdates, Jacque. This is my prayer too: always hear His voice in the midst of life. XOX

  8. Amy

    These are often my morning runs. 😉

    • laura

      Amy, you always inspire me with your energy! I need to get my running shoes on and go for a spin soon. But first, more writing :). Love to you.

  9. Kelly Chripczuk

    I have a post brewing about playfulness, how it often rescues us from dead-ends and the tight corners we so often seem to prefer over the real life and freedom found in Christ. Glad to see you here, Laura.

    • laura

      Yes, Kelly! Exactly. Isn’t it amazing how becoming aware of God’s playful side fills one with even more awe? God is the only being that this could happen with, I think. Intimacy and holiness go hand-in-hand when we walk with Him.

  10. Simply Darlene

    I reckon I need to get me some o’ that.

    Miss Laura, as always, your words lift.


    • laura

      You know I feel the same about your words, Darlene. Thanks for visiting me here. Love you.

  11. Kris Camealy (@KrisCamealy)

    I love this, Laura. I just ordered Cameron’s “The Right to Write” based on Shelly Miller’s high recommendations. I am eager to start reading it, and looking forward to more practicing of my “morning pages” and artist’s dates–or better still, playdates with God. 😉 You inspire me, friend.

  12. David @ Red Letter Believers

    I love your ongoing emphasis of playdates — and the trampoline image you shared with me earlier. It’s the intentionality we often miss out on. We just dont make room for things like creativity, play, and rest in our lives.


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