Tapestry of Prayer (Woven Here by You)

September 14, 2009 | 21 comments

Sunday morning, and the sky was still black — save for the jewelry of lights on skyscrapers. I twisted through city streets, and headed north on Interstate 29. I had three hours to make it home.

I could worship God here, in the city, but felt the pull toward home. I wanted a front-row seat to God’s mending in our brokenness. I needed to worship with my family, in the wooden pews of a country church.

Sometime last week, intruders broke into our church. The thieves didn’t take much — for we have little. But they stole a bit of our enthusiasm, leaving us discouraged on the weekend of “Rally Day,” our opening day of Sunday School.

The break-in frightened our Anna. Churches, she said, aren’t supposed to get “broken.” And if someone could “break” her church, then maybe they could break her house, too.

She was scared to sleep alone, fearful someone would crash through her bedroom window. And a day after her first fears erupted in tears, her mom was headed for the city for a weekend with girlfriends. I would be three hours away, weighed with guilt in the leaving.


While I was away from this place and this computer, you slipped in. I didn’t ask for your prayers, but you knew. You knew.

Over and over, you promised to pray for our church, and for our girls, gripped with fear:

“I pray that peace and security will soon return to the hearts of those who have been hurt,” one wrote.

“I am on my knees praying for your children,” wrote another.

One of you reminded me: It’s only Friday. Sunday’s coming.

My Sunday began before the sun rose, as tires spun me north. I waited for day’s first light before I dialed home.

“How’d she sleep?” I asked him.

“She was in her own bed — all night long,” he told me. “She never even brought it up when I tucked her in.”

“Oh, praise God,” I said. And I did — I praised God and his Sunday Power.


God mended a little girl’s heart, using your prayers as threads. I didn’t see this tapestry woven in my comment box until after I got home from church.

Tucked in the comments were your words. I cried through them all. …

I had no idea.

Three times a week, I type words in this place, making marks with letters. Then you … you turn around and make marks on me, too.

Anna told me this morning: “I’m not scared anymore, Mommy.”

And I sit here at the computer as our day begins, because you needed to know that. Today, I tap out thanks on this keyboard to tell you — a family — what the Lord has done.

Jesus said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” —
Mark 5:19

Our thanks to you and to God, for His new-morning mercies,

Jennifer and Anna

Photos: Omaha skyline.
Anna, this morning.

by | September 14, 2009 | 21 comments


  1. Jennifer

    My heart is happy to read these words this morning!! It is hard to even put into words how amazing God and prayer can be!

  2. Doug Spurling

    Wow. That makes a grown man cry. Thank you. Although I know God hears and answers our prayers, it is faith building to hear testimony of the answers. I continue to pray for those who stole and believe for their salvation.

  3. RCUBEs

    Thanks be to the One Who hears our pleas. To Him be the glory always. That is awesome that Anna's fear is replaced with God's peace. Blessings.

  4. Wendy @ All in a Day's Thought

    Jennifer, we are on the same wave today. I love how God hears even prayers we think are trite. God heals the broken.
    ~ Wendy

  5. Lyla Lindquist

    Awesome. Simply that.

  6. lynnrush

    Wow. This is beautiful.

  7. Tabitha@ichoosebliss.net

    I'm so joyful she is feeling safe once again. I love how Our God connects us all together.

  8. Sarah Dawn

    I too know the blessing of friends a world away connected by our Lord and a computer, blessing my family with prayers. A tapestry with the threads of our lives intertwined, such a blessing.

    Hugs for your day,
    sarah Dawn

  9. Solveig

    I admit to crying tears of joy as I read this. The Body of Christ is awesome when it functions. Praise Him for His goodness.

  10. Julie

    Its a beautiful thing when we can actually see our prayers answered. I am so glad that your little one has some peace.

    Prayers continue…..


  11. isumom

    Makes my heart sing to know that little Anna is feeling better…and that her mommy and daddy are too. God smiled on all of you and will continue to as your church recovers. Blessings…

  12. Laura

    I'm not sure what it is about this post that touches me so…maybe because I know that mommy-worry that a frightened child can bring. Maybe because I know the power that a community praying together can bring. Or maybe it is the thought of that broken church.

    But…the enemy did not win this one, did he? Praise God.

  13. travelmom

    So glad to hear that peace has settled in. God is so faithful to give us what we need and to provide us with those who help carry the burdens of this life when we don't even know how to ask. Blessings Jennifer.

  14. Anne L.B.


    He heals EVERYthing!

  15. Daune

    Though I didn't read the post you wrote of, this one encouraged me!
    The body of Jesus is just that-we are connnected and I am glad to be connected to you!
    How faithful He really is in those moments when things are completely out of our control…the way they should be… *smile*
    Have a great day.

  16. Deidra

    Prayer…so healing. Your post reminds me that even when we don't know what to pray, the Spirit in us prays for us, and God understands that and answers. He grows us – individually and as His body, scattered about the globe – through prayer.

  17. FaithBarista Bonnie

    Wow, Jennifer! I wish I read your post earlier so I could be one of the blessed prayer warriors who have been putting in extra love for you, your church and your Anna.

    It so touched me, moved me how real the sister and brotherhood Christ gives us.

    God is amazing. Blessings!

  18. L.L. Barkat

    sorry to hear about that.

    sweet child face. 🙂

    loved your comment at Seedlings, about what it's like to be a journalist; I think it's good for people to know up front what a particular career might look like/feel like. Thanks for giving a glimpse!

  19. Jennifer

    My skin is alive with goosebumps at your words! I will never get over my amazement at how God uses the prayers of His body around the globe to help us exactly when we need Him. Praise God for her security.

  20. Carol

    Praying that all is well with your church and your family. You are so amazing in your words in your love for others and in your love for those who have wronged you. Anna is precious just like her mama. Love you, Carol

  21. Renee

    So very thankful God heard all of the prayers of others for your sweet daughter and her fears…..God loves His little children beyond measure.


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