Since Day One

May 8, 2009 | 13 comments

I give humble thanks
for a merciful God who held back rain …

… for stitched paper bags in a truck bed, full of promise.

… for Iowa dirt (our own Holy Ground) …

… for this faithful steward, eager to see
Your hand at work in an Iowa cornfield.
He trusts You …

And I give humble thanks tonight
for the fruit of the vine,
over which we give thanks and honor to You …

“God’s got it,” the faithful steward tells me,
as we sip from glasses of Old Vine Zinfandel in a toast of celebratory praise.
“God’s got it. He’s had it since Day One.”
And Lord, we know You do. You’ve “got it.”
You’ve had it ever since You first cupped dirt in your hand,
ever since You breathed Genesis life into dirt
and made us alive.

God, You’ve got it. You’ve had it since Day One.

by | May 8, 2009 | 13 comments


  1. Alleluiabelle

    Hi Jennifer,

    Beautiful, powerful and simply said.

    I love this, ” You’ve had it ever since You first cupped dirt in your hand, ever since You breathed Genesis life into dirt and made us alive.”

    and…I love your writing. It touches me every single time!

    Love you,

  2. sharilyn

    {clink} of my glass to yours… in a toast to the Almighty maker of heaven and earth… for His mighty hand in our daily lives… for the dirt from which He formed us…

  3. Denise

    And we can rest in that – He’s got it and had it since day one! Looking forward to harvest time – ours and His!


  4. Chris Godfredsen


  5. Chris Godfredsen


  6. janelle

    Yes, God’s got it, and that, and that, and that, oh and that! How does he do it all and do it so beautifully?

  7. TUC

    I really like these pictures. It is neat to get a view of Iowa farm life. I have a thing about dirt. Its been with me my whole life. It is so alive with stuff!

  8. lynnrush


  9. girlforgod

    Great! Our God is our ever provider. Amen!!

  10. Billy Coffey

    Wonderfully, simply, and utterly perfect.

  11. Charity Singleton

    You know, I need to tell myself that same thing several times a day, “God’s got it.” And I think even more importantly for my soul, I need to tell it to him, “You’ve got it. I believe it.” Blessings to your family as you wait for the harvest.

  12. christy rose

    Jennifer, I just wanted you to know that I just received a blogging award and I wanted to pass it along to you because you have encouraged me so much on my site and every time I vist your site, I am so extremely touched. Come by my site and check it out!

    Thanks so much


  13. Tea With Tiffany

    Like Alleluiabelle, I loved your phrase about life into dirt.

    Happy Mother’s Day!


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