Shine Like the Moon

March 2, 2010 | 21 comments

I left the hilltop retreat center just after sundown. Even in earthly darkness, I felt aglow with God’s light — not electromagnetic radiation light, but Spirit-ignited, God Light.

I left wanting to shine brighter still.

I backed the pickup onto the snow-packed driveway to head down a steep incline into the valley. But the God Gallery in the sky stopped me cold. He’s the Master Artist, able to leave us gape-mouthed with his arresting sky-jewelry.

The moon was beginning to bump above the dead-of-winter horizon. It was a magnified yellow-orange orb, bigger and brighter than I’d seen it in a long time.

I put the truck in park, right there on the driveway, and groped in the dark of the cab for my camera. I stepped out into a snowbank to snap a photo, knowing that this amateur photographer couldn’t begin to capture its radiance, but hoping the film of my own memory would record its beauty.


“God will be your eternal light,
your God will bathe you in splendor.
Your sun will never go down,
your moon will never fade.
I will be your eternal light.”
— Isaiah 60:20

The moon, stunning as it was, does not have a light of its own. Still, it shines.

And that is us, too. We are without our own light. But we can shine in darkness if we reflect the Light of the Son.

Scientists say that if we could fill the whole sky with full moons, it would still be only one-fourth as bright as the Sun. The Sun shines 465,000 times brighter than a single full moon.

With these imperfect earthly bodies, we will never shine as bright as the Giver of Life and Light. But we can reflect Him in ever-increasing Glory when we turn our face to the Son. I want to shine like that moon. I want to keep my face turned toward Light.

Lord, We are little moons, with no light of our own. Without your light, we’re just spinning stones, cold and dark. Let our lights shine for You. Amen.

Songwriter Sara Groves captures the moon-sun metaphor beautifully with this song, You Are the Sun. She writes: “I’ll never be a light unless I turn my face to You.” (Email subscribers, click through to the blog to listen to the song.)

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. — 1 John 1:5

by | March 2, 2010 | 21 comments


  1. Jennifer

    Beautiful captured moment!! HIS work is just breathtaking! Sara Groves is in my cd collection… she's great! Welcome home! 🙂

  2. Red Letter Believers

    God's wonder, his artisty, His majesty is awe-inspiring. I don't understand those who don't believe. They look at all of this, throw in a couple of billion years, and all of a sudden, you have beauty?

    Explain to me why we have colors?

    Love love this kind of reminder

  3. A Simple Country Girl

    Wonderful and full of Truth, as always.

    Love this: "I want to shine like that moon. I want to keep my face turned toward Light."

    Me, too.


  4. jasonS

    Ahh, I know what you mean about trying to capture the beauty that takes your breath away with a camera (even a nice one). I've tried many times. Even harder at night (hmmmm, maybe there's something to explore there). Thanks for the great post, Jennifer.

  5. Julie

    "We are without our own light. But we can shine in darkness if we reflect the Light of the Son."

    WOW! I love this.

    Thank you, Jennifer, I really needed to be reminded of this.

  6. mom2six

    Made me think of this verse…

    "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18

    The picture is lovely.

  7. Rose

    What a beautiful picture and the verse from Isaiah is perfect. Hugs.

  8. Kay @ Off the Beaten Path

    Wonderful inspiration and a lovely photo. I saw the beautiful full moon through my bedroom window last night and the night before too. It always looks so magical, so absolutely warm and inviting. I hope my testimony lived out has the same effect on those I encounter…

  9. Chris Godfredsen

    I witnessed that same moon Sunday evening as we headed west from the east-bound calling God has placed before us last weekend.

    I pray that some of His light made its way into the darkness there. I trust in the Giver of Light so much so that I can say "So Be it" with humfidence.

    Another beautiful post, beautiful image and work in tying the unseen together with the seen!

  10. Chris Godfredsen

    I witnessed that same moon Sunday evening as we headed west from the east-bound calling God has placed before us last weekend.

    I pray that some of His light made its way into the darkness there. I trust in the Giver of Light so much so that I can say "So Be it" with humfidence.

    Another beautiful post, beautiful image and work in tying the unseen together with the seen!

  11. elizabeth

    Fabulous photo and wonderful truths as well.

  12. Stephani

    Beautiful post. I think we forget how the moon doesn't have it's own light but reflects the sun. What a beautiful word picture you have given us. I also like how you called the sky God's gallery. Thanks for sharing!

  13. hope42day

    Just yesterday morning, I stopped in my tracks as I made my way through our darkened living room to admire the full light of the moon shining on our backyard. And with the snow, it lights up many a dark corner.

  14. Jennifer

    How ironic–Sunday night, I was looking at the moon, thinking how stunning it was and wondering if its immense beauty would even be capturable in a photo. Beautiful pic and post.

  15. Jules

    I want to be a moon too…

  16. lynnrush

    Awesome. Love the picture there. Great post.

  17. Beth.. One Blessed Nana

    OH, wow. Just can't say much besides that! God's creation just continues to amaze me and leave me breathless.

    Have you seen Louie Giglios's "How great is our God" DVD? It will blow you away!

  18. Tea With Tiffany

    I am struck by the beauty of the sun and the moon and the stars often. I want to shine. HE is my light.

    Great again…

  19. Matthew

    I really like this post, very interesting and thought provoking thanks for sharing! I recently took a photo of the moon and made a similar comparison about Christ in our lives. Here is what I came up with if you would like to see it:

  20. Anton K art

    Nicely captured moment, and words 🙂


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