Set Yourself Free. Live An Unmasked Monday

March 9, 2015 | 19 comments

Hey friend,

It’s Monday, and you know what I’m praying?

I’m praying that we live comfortable in our own skin today. I’m praying that realness becomes a habit.

I pray that we’d know there is far more right about us, than there is “wrong” about us. And those things we think make us wrong? They are also what make us human. And all of that “wrong” stuff actually makes us more approachable to every other human who is struggling with her own set of wrongs!

Do you believe today that you are loved and valued by your Creator, exactly as you are, not as you mask yourself?

We cannot mask ourselves into a version of ourselves that we find more amazing.

Maybe someone else needed to know this today: the you God created, is the only you that He wants you to be.

Every mask we wear is an attempt to be someone we’re not. Every mask we wear was manufactured in a factory that is owned and operated by the enemy. I believe the devil himself has trained his “factory workers” to custom-make masks for each of us. And then, he trains his factor workers – these battallions of demons — to serve overtime as salesmen. When they leave the factory line, they come knocking on your door, bringing their catalog of masks, and snake-oiling a sales pitch into your ears, saying “Have I got a deal for you.”

We have a choice, every day, if we are going to buy what the enemy is selling. Don’t buy what the enemy is selling. When we wear the masks, we empower the mask makers.

Do not empower the mask makers. Empower your true self – your God-made self.

Today, don’t answer the door when the mask salesmen come calling. Set up a “no trespassing” sign in the yard. And if Mr. Mask Maker tries to trick you, call the Landlord and ask Him to remove the intruder from the premises.

Then … take a little step outside of your safe zone, without the mask. See what happens. See how someone else, who thought she was the only one, opens up to your vulnerability. Because you went first, as one PreApproved and ready to live her Monday unmasked.

(Last two images are prints created by Jennifer at StudioJRU. Browse her shop by clicking here. Find her on Facebook here.)



by | March 9, 2015 | 19 comments


  1. Jenni DeWitt

    I hope this doesn’t mean I have to quit dying my hair?! : ) Just joking, I love this post. I’m getting ready to speak to a group of women tomorrow, and I was worrying about all my imperfections. But the audience will connect a lot more with someone who is real than someone who is perfect. What a relief! Thanks for your words of wisdom, Jennifer. Always a blessing!

    • dukeslee

      Agreed, Jenni! Praying for you as you bring the real, unmasked you to the women you’ll be speaking to. You’re lovable, just as you are. xo

  2. Paige Estes

    Thanks so much, Jennifer! I’m kicking my mask to the curb today!

    • dukeslee

      Nice kick. I see it, laying there in the gutter. Paige for the win!

  3. Mindy Whipple

    Those ugly masks we wear hide so much beauty don’t they? Thank you for your beautiful post.

  4. Nancy Ruegg

    Such wise words, Jennifer. I blinked twice when I read, “Every mask we wear was manufactured in a factory that is owned and operated by the enemy.” Thank you for an eye-opening expose’ on the devil’s mask-making-and-selling strategies. I want to live true to my God-made self!

    • dukeslee

      Kind of crazy to visualize that, isn’t it? Clearly, I don’t know exactly what’s happening in the unseen spiritual realms, but I’ve got to believe the enemy is hard at work, trying to convince us to be someone other than the person God made us to be.

  5. Tiffany

    So loved these words…they spoke to my soul. It is my heart to be open, transparent, accessible to others and to God. But laying yourself bare also makes you vulnerable to hurt and the possibility of pain can tempt me to “mask myself into a version I find more amazing.” It can leave me feeling wrong. I need to claim the me God made and stop believing the lies the enemy sells that convinces me she’s not enough. Now to remember that…again!!! 🙂

    • dukeslee

      Oh, yeah. I get this. When I talk about masks and vulnerability, I encourage women to be the ones who “go first,” and then make spaces for others to be vulnerable as well. That means that we have to accept the messy, unmasked versions of others, too. It’s a circle of grace, and let us begin with us. Every day.

  6. Trudy Den Hoed

    “Do you believe today that you are loved and valued by your Creator, exactly as you are, not as you mask yourself?” Something I need to ask myself every day to remind myself just to be real, the one God made me to be. Thank you, Jennifer.

    • dukeslee

      You are very welcome, Trudy. Thanks for being here.

  7. Veronica

    “The you God created, is the only you that He wants you to be.” I love this, Jennifer.

    • dukeslee

      I’m so glad the words encouraged you, Veronica!

  8. Mary

    “Do not empower the mask makers. Empower your true self – your God-made self!” Powerful words for a Monday and words that I am going to carry with me throughout the week. Thank you!

  9. Laura Risser Moss

    Oh, Jennifer. This – all of this – is so good and right and true. Especially this – ‘We cannot mask ourselves into a version of ourselves that we find more amazing.’ Thank you.

  10. susan@avintagefarmwife

    God woke me up very early this morning and led me straight to this post. Thank you. Your words have blessed me and encouraged me and it isn’t even 5:30 a.m. yet! Thank you for being obedient to write the words he gives you!

  11. Michele Morin

    It is such a lonely thing to wonder if the reason people love you is because they love the mask you wear. Would they love me if they knew . . .? Jennifer, your words stir our hearts toward change.

  12. Anna

    This spoke into the very core of my being. Psalm 40 has become more and more meaningful and powerful in my life too: it’s all about unmasking to the glory and honour of the One who sees us and holds us tights in His arms, just as we are. I am just starting on this journey of unmasking and I want to thank God for nudging you to write both your book and this post: for giving you the courage to let His glory be revealed in your weakness and obedience. His love and grace are pouring out through you to bless us all.


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