
October 28, 2008 | 9 comments

Have you ever experienced true Sabbath rest? That’s the question posed to readers by the folks over at Red Letter Believers.

As I sit here — with a four-inch stack of papers begging to be sorted, dishes needing cleaned, clothes strewn on the floor — I feel the guilt creeping in. Rest seems far away, a destination that perhaps won’t be reached until my head drops on the pillow late tonight.

Lord, do I ever truly rest? What does that mean to you, Lord, to observe the Sabbath? As I began to write today, I almost feared His answer. I was afraid of the self-condemnation. And then in a moment of pure grace, it occurred to me: If rest is entering the presence of God, if it is leaning back into His arms, if it is experiencing His grace, then I am drowning in rest.

Rest came today when I woke up to the sound of “Blessed Be The Name.” It came with the reminder from a small, still voice in my inner being that God would be my constant companion today. Rest.

Rest came at noon, when I walked into the school to run an errand. A pink-bundled girl, arms stretched out, shouted my name from the playground: “Mommy!” Lydia planted a kiss on my cheek, then ran back to play with her friends. Rest.

Rest came today when I read my morning devotions, reminding me that I am one of God’s masterpieces, even when I don’t feel like it. Rest.

Rest came when I heard the familiar rumble of the combine outside and closed my eyes in praise — as father and son work side-by-side to harvest the corn. Rest.

I found Sabbath rest in a perfect song, a word from God, a stolen hug, a Bible verse and the sound of a lumbering combine.

And now, I shall leave the bills lay, the dishes piled, the clothes strewn. For I am headed to the living room, to put up my feet, and have a Sabbath moment while resting in the presence of God.

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1

by | October 28, 2008 | 9 comments


  1. Red Letter Believers


    I love it. Perfectly adapted and thougth out. And, you have found a way to remove my own guilt!

    Don’t forget to post a comment to “red letter believers’ with a link to this GREAT post.


  2. Kay Martin

    I got here by way of David at Red Letter Believers. I love your heart and insight. Yes, rest as God sees it is there for us in moments that just need our acknowledgement.

    Seems some folks feel we need to retreat to some faraway silent place and God’s rest is right here.

    Well done.

  3. Minister Mamie L. Pack


    Rest can be one of the areas that I leave most ignored in my life. So often I am doing and going that it is nice to be reminded that resting in God is unlike any other rest. In Him my passion is restored, my strength is rejuvenated, and help is ever present. Sometimes we just need to put things to the side and just enjoy the journey.

    With blessings,

    Minister Mamie

  4. Jesse and Sarah

    HA! Here I was thinking you were going to say you can’t seem to find physical rest and I was planning on saying ‘It’s good to have someone to bond with because I am so sleep deprived that I don’t even remember if I brushed my teeth this morning.’ But then after reading your post about the rest you find in Him through the day’s events I learned about the rest you refer too. And this is something everyone should adopt; rest in Him through everything even sleep deprivation. 🙂

    Love ya girl,

  5. Billy Coffey

    I love your reasoning that rest is as much an inner state than an outer one, and that short moments of pausing are perhaps healthier for the soul than long moments of nothingness.

    Great, great post…

  6. Carey

    Amen girl!! Put beautifully. I needed that today, and every day!

  7. Chrissy

    Love it. It maybe isn’t a whole day, but yes, we get our sabbath rest in as mom’s!!

  8. lynnrush

    Great post. Nice reminder for me to slow down and rest under HIS shelter!

    God bless.

  9. Andrea

    I have found rest in your writing today – thank you, sweet friend!


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