Praise for the singing, praise for the morning

April 9, 2010 | 17 comments

She strokes the ivory keys, and weaves the song, and the melody drifts to her mama’s ears.

Dawn comes this day with an 80-year-old song finding life in the fingers of an 8-year-old girl.

Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the word

I join her on the piano bench and ask, Can I play, too? The composer has written this hymn as a duet, so I settle into the 3/4 time signature. We waltz on the keys.

But I’m clumsy with the steps, and I forget the B-flat, but Lydia’s hands keep dancing. It’s her recital piece, so she’s practiced this one over and over again.

We laugh as the 38-year-old mama bungles half the notes, while the 8-year-old plays impeccably.


And so this is life: Together, we uncover the Music of Days side by side. We waltz to time-worn tunes, next to those we love, and even when we play out-of-tune, the Composer teaches us to extend grace and forgiveness — and even to laugh.

Mom, it’s OK if it’s not perfect, the child says to the parent.

And the wee one offers a reminder to forgive the one who seems hardest to forgive: one’s self.


On this day, dear friend, may you unwrap the music and find praise in the “one Light that Eden saw play.” May you share your song with someone you love, and find the grace of forgiveness close at hand.

“Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God’s recreation of the new day.”
— From Morning Has Broken

PHOTOS: Lydia at the keys; morning breaking here.
MUSIC TODAY: Morning Has Broken, by Cat Stevens.

by | April 9, 2010 | 17 comments


  1. Andrea

    Out of the mouth of a precious little one. GOD BLESS HER!
    Beautiful post. Thank you!

  2. jasonS

    You mention praising and playing the piano and my heart was effectively tugged. Great story and thanks for the dose of peace this morning. 🙂

  3. Kay @ Off the Beaten Path

    Precious. And I'm so glad that even our out-of-tune attempts to please God and praise Him thrill His ears. What a thought!

  4. Jennifer

    I think we need to be reminded–it's ok to make mistakes. Well, this mommy needs to know that, especially today.

  5. A Simple Country Girl

    Oh, I just love this. It sings with His joy!


  6. Lyla Lindquist

    Man, don't the two of you sound just like Cat Stevens. (Don't usually have my sound on so you caught me a little off guard.)

    Keep bungling. Seems that's the way we live it. (I do anyway.) He still strings it together nicely.

  7. lori

    This blessed me in more ways than you'll EVER know!
    Wow…so simple and yet so profound…I'm so glad that the Lord crossed these paths!
    Loved this visit!!

    peace and praise!

  8. hope42day

    And may your lifesong continue to touch many more hearts, like it has touched mine.

  9. RCUBEs

    I love playing that song with my guitar. How awesome that both of you are playing the piano together! I can hear the notes playing beautifully as one mother and daughter put their hearts together in harmony. God bless.

  10. Karen

    Wow…what a sunrise…

    Loved this post and the sharing of this special time between you and your little one…

  11. S. Etole

    what a special time together …

  12. Graceful

    Gorgeous story, gorgeous sunrise. And I absolutely love that hymn — makes me well up every time.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Doug Spurling

    In the midst of the "clanging symbols" you've found The Melody that brings the Presence of heaven to earth.

    Isaiah 12:2
    Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘ For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’”

    Thanks for stroking the keys and weaving the song for your readers to hear.

  14. Beth.. One Blessed Nana

    Always a beautiful sentiment posted here. Thank you Jennifer.

  15. Kristine

    This is truly a beautiful moment between mama and daughter. I love those kind of sweet moments and snapshots of life. Thank you for sharing it.

  16. Missie

    Awesome! What a neat moment!

  17. Billy Coffey

    Out of the mouths of babes. That picture blessed me on this cloudy day, but not nearly as much as your words. Thanks, Jennifer!


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