Off and Running!

April 30, 2010 | 25 comments

There’s just one thing left to do: Run.

I’ve geared up.

I’ve logged the miles.

(I started training on January 24 — back when running to the mailbox was a challenge! Yes! We really can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. )

I’ve been given every reason to run.
For Paul. For Julia. For Melvin. For Deanna.

These feet have logged the miles. (I’ll wear shoes on Sunday, I promise.)

And this Great Big God named Yahweh, the One who pounded the pavement in pursuit of me, He’s got my back.

This Sunday, I will run 13.1 miles. And with each step, I will remember you, my friend. You’ve come alongside me with your prayers, your encouraging words and your financial contributions. Together, this generous community has raised $2,440 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Together, we run for a cure. I carry your names and your prayers with me. (I’ve scratched the name of each supporter on my water belt.)

This weekend, may each of us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. May we fix our eyes on Jesus. And may we find the pavement-pounding Yahweh in hot pursuit of us! He’s got our backs.

by | April 30, 2010 | 25 comments


  1. RCUBEs

    Good for you sister! May the Lord's strength and protection shower over you! God bless.

  2. Chrissy

    Good luck on Sunday! I'll keep you in my prayers! I'm sure you'll do GREAT!

    I just got the brochure in the mail for the run in my area. It's October 16, and I'm thinking of doing it for my father-in-law, who has leukemia. Thanks for being an inspiration to me!

  3. Lindy

    My friend is also running Sunday! I will keep you both in my prayers!

  4. Missie

    I'm there with you in spirit! can't wait to hear all about it!

  5. LisaShaw

    Oh Sister, I'm cheering you on and praying you to the finish line. What a beautiful gift you are giving many.

    I'm not on blogs as regularly as I used to be so I'm sorry I missed all of your preparation etc but know that I'm praying now. Love you.

  6. A Simple Country Girl


    Oh, I am adding extra prayers for Sunday…

    And my tears are with you as my mamma's cousin was diagnosed and died within 3 weeks from a rapid-advancing form of leukemia. The same thing happened with my great-aunt a few years ago too.

    Lord, when the feet hit the ground and money clinks into the can for a cure, please bless each strike of the foot to the ground. Make it all a pleasing sound–for you and for the patients. Guard hearts and minds and legs and bodies partaking in this battle. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    Blessings, my friend.

  7. alicia

    Prayers are going right along side you this weekend!

  8. Shirl

    I so admire you!

  9. Melissa

    Jennifer you're such an awesome person to know! What an inspiration you are to run this race! I'll be praying you have a great race and a wonderful day on Sunday!

  10. Carey

    You GO girl! Run the race marked out before you!!! Praying for health, strength and endurance…with some fun sprinkled in. God bless!

  11. Elizabeth

    Thanks, Jennifer.

    Run hard.

  12. Runner Mom

    Hey, sweet friend! I am so proud of you! And for rinning for this cause too. God will be holding you up as the miles go by. I'll be praying for you!! You rock!!!

    BTW, how come your feet/toes look so great? That is so not fair to Runner mom!! Mine are pitiful!!

    Love ya!

  13. Rose

    You go girl!

  14. Michelle

    May God be with you on Sunday.
    I wish you luck.

  15. Beth.. One Blessed Nana

    oh, my sister, you just are the most darling thing! I am so proud of you and I will be praying for you on Sunday. You have just accomplished so much through our sweet Lord and I know that you will be great!

  16. Miriam

    You GO girl!

  17. Solveig

    I didn't plan to comment, but need to tell you I went to Walmart very early this morning–to beat the rush–and sports drinks reminded me of you. So you were in my heart after all. I don't remember the hour you begin and I don't know how long it will take, but I did pray then and now for God's blessings. Your readers will all be eager to hear the story of the day.

  18. Kay @ Off the Beaten Path

    Way to go Jennifer. Can't wait to hear how it went. Proud of you!

  19. Doug Spurling

    Faith in action. Up and running. I'm proud of you.

  20. S. Etole

    my heart will be running with you …

  21. Graceful

    It's 7:40 a.m. on Sunday — you are running!! I woke up this morning with a prayer in my heart for you and your sister and sister-in-law. Go girls!!!

    SO good to meet you in person…what a treat that was!

  22. Deidra

    I'm cheering for you! I didn't make it to the corner of 14th and K, but I've got your back, and I'm praying.


  23. travelmom

    Way to go Jennifer! Blessings to you all the way. You are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses girl!

  24. bluecottonmemory

    I hope you had great success and great achievement. You are such a blessing.

  25. David

    loved the photos to accompany your preparation. I felt like I was part of it! go get em!


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