No Eye Has Seen

January 22, 2009 | 25 comments

Paul’s faith became sight at 5 p.m. today when he took Jesus’ hand and entered Heaven. My father-in-law left his earthly body peacefully.

His wife, Joyce, his three children, including my husband Scott, and I were at his side, holding his hands, letting him go, urging him on, cheering him on.

Isn’t that God’s grace? That we were there, escorting him home? Isn’t that something?

And to think you don’t have to have communion wine or bread or holy water to experience a sacramental moment …

We imagine now what Paul must be seeing and experiencing, though God’s Word tells us that no eye can see, no ear can hear and no mind can conceive what Paul is experiencing now.
But in our earthly minds, we try. We imagine what it might be like: a welcoming party that includes his father, a dock over a beautiful lake, fishing boats, new fields to plant, sunsets and the beginning of life with no pain.

Our hearts are heavy with sadness.

We’ll miss him.

But we rejoice in knowing that immediately after he took his last breath here on Earth, he took the next breath in the very presence of Jesus.

Glory …
Paul Alan Lee
March 18, 1941 – January 21, 2009

by | January 22, 2009 | 25 comments


  1. gabi dickinson

    I am so sorry he has left you, but I rejoice that he is now home in glory.

  2. Carol

    Love you- Carol

  3. Billy Coffey

    So sorry, Jennifer. Prayers to you and your family, and thanksgiving that you don’t have to mourn for the cocoon when the butterfly has flown…

  4. lynnrush

    God bless you and your family, Jennifer. It is bitter sweet, indeed.

  5. Thundercatt99

    Beautiful post which touched me deep in my heart!In Matthew 5:4 Jesus said, “Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” That’s His promise. Prayers to you and your family.

  6. God's Not Finished With Us Yet...

    My condolences for you, Scott, and the rest of the family. I am so, so sorry.

    The experience you had sounds so bittersweet to cheer him on, helping him to be brave yet grieving him leave.

    It brings tears to my eye’s trying to invision all of you there for him as you held his hands, how loving to be there with him at the very moment he let’s go.

    Again, I am so, so sorry for your loss, but what a joy to know that His salvation means joy for him in heaven, with Christ embracing his entrance, knowing that one day all of you will retunite with him again.

    Many, many tight hugs and prayers of stength go out to all of you,


  7. Carey

    Oh Jen and Scott, we are rejoicing with Paul but grieving with your family. Praising God that Yahweh, who was with you on Hwy 75 (and always) is with Paul in person now. Praying for peace and joy for your family.

  8. janelle

    I have no words. My heart hurts for you and Scott but I rejoice with you that Paul has finished the race.

  9. Chris Godfredsen

    I am at a loss, but can’t help but tweak a little Jeremy Camp here:

    For Paul
    “There has come a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
    There has come day when the burdens of this place, are no more, and I see Jesus face to face”

    We long for that day oursleves, don’t we? “But until that day, we’ll hold on to You, Jesus,always”

    Petitioning our maker for a special measure of grace, mercy, peace and love for all of you today, tomorrow and in these days ahead.

    All our love…

  10. Chris Godfredsen

    I am at a loss, but can’t help but tweak a little Jeremy Camp here:

    For Paul
    “There has come a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
    There has come day when the burdens of this place, are no more, and I see Jesus face to face”

    We long for that day oursleves, don’t we? “But until that day, we’ll hold on to You, Jesus,always”

    Petitioning our maker for a special measure of grace, mercy, peace and love for all of you today, tomorrow and in these days ahead.

    All our love…

  11. patty

    Love you both, praying for you all…

  12. Brenda Baartman

    Scott and Jennifer,
    This really brings me back to when Terry’s dad died. To see your kids sitting there with Grandpa. Hang on to those memories they are priceless. It is so hard for those kids to have to grasp that all. We will continue to pray for you and your family!
    Love and Prayers!

  13. missyhage2005

    Good morning and praise God that his mercies are new everyday!!!
    I was just thinking about how “frassy” heaven must be compared to the “frassy” here on earth. Oh my goodness! When you told me last night that Paul was having a party in heaven now~I pictured the frassiest party ever! Yeah God~yeah Paul!!! We love you Paul and I can’t wait to some day share a “heavenly apple pie with you!” Blessings, Michelle

  14. girlforgod

    I am soo sorry for your loss, but Praise God that you can all rejoice, knowing he is in heaven!!!! May God bless you and keep you all closely knit togehter as a family as you carry on in this earthly life.

  15. Julie

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your family is in my families thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing how beautiful it was for you to be able to be there with him in his final moments.


  16. sharilyn

    ah, heaven! my heart goes out to you as you grieve the loss of this dear loved one in your everyday life…at the same time i rejoice with you as you delight in his entry to heaven and the glory of the presence of the Lord! God is good….

  17. mom2six

    Jennifer — Grief and joy all in the same moments. May the God of all comfort continually comfort you all as you walk through this time. Praying and knowing that He will be with you. In Jesus…

  18. Lori

    Jennifer–Your family has been through so much in the last week. Praise God for His infinite faithfulness and generous grace. May He pour it over you richly in this time of loss. God Bless. Lori

  19. superstar70

    Just thinking of you…praying & thinking how awesome heaven must be for him! No more pain and just like Scott said…NO MORE CANCER!!! AMEN!!!

    Love you Frassy Friend!

  20. Leslie

    My deepest condolances to you and your family, my greatest Bon Voyage to dear Paul. Rejoice, for he has finally received his reward! Many prayers for you all!

  21. Auntie eM

    Praise Jesus. Though the sadness is deep for missing Paul’s face and touch,his voice and wisdom, there is joy knowing he is rejoicing.
    My niece just lost her father-in-law, a man ‘just saved’ as he suffered through cancer. What tears of joy were shed for this man’s faith at the last. Love the photos.

    Auntie eM

  22. Kay Martin

    With Christ there is a beautiful “hello” coming for you and that helps when the loss hits you. We Christians face such a different experience in loss of Christian loved ones that others do not know about. God promises to comfort us when we mourn and He will comfort you and yours.

  23. Cherie

    I million I’m so sorrys and we’re praying for you. I add mine to the list Jennifer knowing that even though it’s just a repetition of the same sentiment when it reaches heaven it sends a whole new throng of angels out to surround and console your grieving family… all my love and prayers…

  24. Freedom in the Dance

    I, too, understand the letting go of someone dear to your heart. I’ve been away in NY for the last week saying goodbye to my husband’s best friend, who didn’t make it through a car accident, but is with Jesus now.
    Isn’t it what gives us such courage to go on when we’ve said our goodbyes? The hope that your father-in-law, and our friend, Donnie Gavin, are together and cheering us on to continue to walk by faith and ultimately to receive that crown of glory!
    I’m also glad to hear that you not only survived the accident you were in, but that you are walking in faith and conquering fear one step at a time…how Gracious our Daddy is to hold our hand as we stand up and fight to take back what He died to give us…Abundant LIFE!
    God bless.

  25. bluecottonmemory

    I am so sorry for your loss! At that same time, my FIL, 6 days later left us also. It's taken us quite a while to find out feet. He was such a huge part of our lives. It was challenging, helping all our various aged group children deal with the loss. We were at a beautiful Compassionate Care Hospice facility for 3 days. One of my little guys went every day, sat there beside him or hugged his nanny. Then one night he broke down because he just was going to miss him so much. A week before he died, he went to this sons junior beta club induction – the day before he went into the hospital. He was a great man.

    God surely blessed us with such wonderful men who mentored with such nobleness. I hope you are doing well:)


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