My book is only $2.99 until tomorrow, … and it hit #1!
Hey friends,
I’ve been pretty quiet around here lately, but I wanted to pop in and share the happiest news with you. The Happiness Dare is on sale for only $2.99 for your Kindle, Nook, or other reader! It’s never been offered at this price!
You can get it on Kindle — for less than the price of a Starbucks coffee — by clicking here.
Available for Nook and other e-readers here.
Another cool thing? If you buy it, you can start reading my new book, It’s All Under Control, way before it’s even available. That’s because my publisher added an extended 3-chapter sneak peek of my new book at the end of The Happiness Dare! Isn’t that the coolest?
AND … another cool thing? (I’m clearly overusing the word “cool” here. I think the word of choice these days is “lit.” I’ll check with my daughters.)
Anyway … where were we? Oh yes! The Happiness Dare landed in the #1 top-selling Christian Inspiration book on Amazon Kindle yesterday!
I guess we’re not the only ones who love a good sale.
Would you help me out, friends? Would you share this post and this great deal with your friends and family? I’d love for everyone to get this book, and also to get a sneak peek at It’s All Under Control, which doesn’t even release to the public until September 18.
I have been so happy to hear from Happiness Dare readers, like Tiffany, who writes, “This changed my life! If you’re fighting to get back the happiness you’ve lost or struggle to find day to day, read this book. She gives real practical steps to actually become the holy happy person our God intended us to be!”
Also, I am pleased to hear from people who can now afford to buy the book, when they can’t always pay for books that cost $12-$16 a piece. At $2.99, The Happiness Dare is a steal, but the deal ends tomorrow.
Remember, this deal ends tomorrow!
Love you guys, and thanks for supporting my work. My prayer is that every word I write would transform lives, and give God bucketloads of glory.
~ Jennifer
P.S. – We are still working on the new website. It’s soooo pretty, and I can’t wait to share it will you. Soon! xo