Live the Promise (with Susie Larson)

July 1, 2011 | 13 comments

Two days ago, I had the joy of speaking with Susie Larson on her “Live the Promise” show on the Faith Radio network.

I serve as a blog contributor at, providing content about two times a month to the site. This week, Susie and some of her crew brought their show on the road, and I was a guest during her live show in Sioux Falls, SD.

During our time together, Susie and I talked about what it means to praise God in the midst of our storms. How do we live out our faith when we encounter roadblocks and detours on the way Home? How do we offer a sacrifice of praise, even in the midst of our deepest hurts?

Beforehand, Susie and I prayed that our conversation would stir up hope for the hopeless, that it would shine God’s Light over people’s darkest situations.
We prayed that if you — dear heart — are in that place right now, you would know in a very real sense that God is still God.  

(You can find the podcast by clicking here at FaithRadio. Our section begins at about 11:30 on the track.)

During our visit on-air, Susie asked me this question:

Who is God to you right now, in this place?Shall we share in the comment box our answers to Susie’s question? Let’s minister to one another. God bless you, friends, for the countless ways you’ve ministered to me and to our family during this valley.

by | July 1, 2011 | 13 comments


  1. Wendy

    What a beautiful opportunity.

    Jennifer, I had a time where I went through a great sadness and I remember walking away from a time of worship in tears. I struggled to pray and sing praises while dealing with such personal pain.

    God brought me through that time. I needed to have it out with him (he could take it). I came through loving him more, craving him more.

    Thanks for posting.
    ~ Wendy

    • dukeslee


      It really was a lovely opportunity. Susie and I became acquainted a few months ago, but this was the first time we’d met face to face. And she is just a gracious, Spirit-filled woman. For anyone who is not familiar with Susie, I encourage you to listen to her Live The Promise show from 3-4 CST on Faith Radio. Her podcasts are available at

      Now, Wendy, back to the other part of your comment here. I’m really just settling in on that beautiful phrase: “Worship in tears.” Yes … we can worship him. We *can* praise Him in the storm.

      Have you heard the song, “Sometimes He Calms the Storm, Other Times He Calms The Child” … ? It’s really such a fitting song for these aching days. I also appreciate what you’re saying about coming through hard times loving and craving him more. That is the prize on which we can keep our eyes. He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion.

      Thanks for stopping, Wendy, and God bless you.

  2. Nancy

    I am in a time when I don’t know the outcome, I am in a place that requires absolute trust in God’s plan. Some days it is hard to see God, yet when I take the time to look, there is evidence of God’s presence in such tangible ways. He truly is the One who keeps me going, He is the One that I pour my heart out to, He is the One that knows and understands. When fear of how things will turn out threatens to overwhelm me, God is the one who comforts me with His presence. He gives me HIS peace in the storm. He gives me the strength to let go and put things in His hands. He is the one who gives me the strength to walk on to the other side of what we are going through, and the faith to believe/know that we WILL get to the other side. I do not know the outcome, God does and He will never leave me. This song says it all for me:

    • Nancy

      And as I was getting ready for work this morning, I thought about all of this…. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to think about this and express it. God is good….that I know.

    • dukeslee

      Hi Nancy,

      Ah … yes. I love hearing about all the ways that God is real to you — in very specific ways. Your walk is living proof that we can make it to the other side. Heal the Wound, But Leave The Scar … Just like our Savior.

      And your song, Nancy … A beautiful tribute to God’s goodness and greatness. Love to you, friend …

  3. Amy Sullivan

    Big fan of Susie. . .I really enjoyed her book Growing Grateful Kids!

    Can’t wait to check ou the podcast.

    Thanks, Jennifer

    • dukeslee

      Hi Amy,

      I have not read Susie’s Growing Grateful Kids book, but it is on my short list! … And Amy, You do such a good job of expressing a grateful heart. Your gratitude and your heart for service shows. It’s been amazing to watch how he is working through your blog ministry. God bless you, and thank you for stopping by today.

  4. Simply Darlene

    Miss Jennifer,

    God provides us the lamp for our feet… our feet, not our entire route, not even the next mile, but our feet.

    Thank you for all of what you said. Hearing your voice is always a gift, a calm.


    • dukeslee

      Oh … thank you, sweet friend.

      Did you hear my knees knockin’ in that podcast? 🙂

      It’s hard to see only what is at our feet, isn’t it? It’s hard to walk in fog. But it would be harder still if we didn’t know this God who sees the whole — who can see through the fog. But we *do* know that God, and He is faithful.

      Thank you for … being YOU!

  5. Kathy Schwanke

    Two BEAUTIFUL Spirit-filled women!!! Wish I could have coffee w/ both of you talking about getting down with Jesus and rejoicing in His love and works!
    We have experienced loss of young life in our family too. A niece and a brother… Bless you and your family in comfort and peace. ~Kathy

    • Susie Larson

      Dear Kathy (and Jen),

      You are both such dear hearts! Kathy, I didn’t know about your recent loss! I’m so sorry! And Jen, I continue to pray for your family and specifically for both nephews. So loved our time together.

      Peace and grace to you both~

  6. Kathy Schwanke

    Two BEAUTIFUL Spirit-filled women!!! Wish I could have coffee w/ both of you talking about getting down with Jesus and rejoicing in His love and works!
    We have experienced loss of young life in our family too. A niece and a brother… Bless you and your family in comfort and peace. ~Kathy

  7. Joan

    Our God is the God of comfort. He understands all the sorrows we face and all the valleys we go through. Because He loves us, He will wrap His arms around us during times of trial and bring us peace. God has proven Himself over and over in my life. We are coming up on the one year anniversary of one…when our 23 year old daughter had open heart surgery. That was such a frightening time. But, He was there. We could feel His presence as He sat with us in the waiting room and next to her hospital bed. I don’t know how any of us could have made it through that time without Him…

    Blessings to you and your family, Jennifer.


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