It’s Friday. “But God…”

April 10, 2009 | 13 comments

I don’t want to stand here, at the foot of the cross.

Standing in the stench of my own sin, now pooling in red, and watching Someone else pay the price for it.

The blood, the torture, the gory figure on an executioner’s cross.

And then these haunting words from Jesus: “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” — which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

This faith of mine looks so messy and horrifying, here at the feet of a dying King.


Last night, our church family gathered around the table for a feast of lamb, egg, unleavened bread called Matzoh. We drank from the Four Cups. On the third cup — the Cup of Redemption — we served communion, one to another, as Jesus did some 2,000 years while celebrating Passover with friends in the Upper Room.

The body of Christ, given for you. The blood of Christ, shed for you.

Our room was ringed in candlelight, remembrance and palm branches, dying and curling on the edges.

Weren’t we shouting “Hosanna” and waving palms only five days ago? Today, are some of the same voices shouting “Crucify Him” and waving fists in the air?

Around our church table, we asked the traditional four questions, the answers to which explain why the Passover night is “different from all other nights.”

Today, on Good Friday, I ask a fifth question: Where was my voice in the crowd? In my silence, in my pride, in my sin, I wonder if my two-faced heart cries the same: Crucify Him!


No, I don’t like standing here at the foot of the cross. Good Friday doesn’t feel very “good” at all. Today, I want to shout “He is Risen! He is risen indeed!”

But God….

But God places His hand beneath my chin, and gently lifts my eyes to Calvary: “Behold, the lamb of God…”

So I wait …

“It’s Friday … it’s only Friday. But Sunday’s comin’.”

by | April 10, 2009 | 13 comments


  1. lynnrush

    Happy Easter, Jennifer!

  2. Linda


  3. patty

    Thank you, Jennifer.

  4. Lyla Lindquist

    It’s really something when we stand there — rather, fall there — at the foot of the cross. Changes everything. Since when does the battered and bleeding one lift up the one who’s just been made complete? Since God.

    Blessings to you this Resurrection weekend.

  5. Chris Godfredsen

    Tough stuff, this crucifixion stuff. The thought that continues to rattle around in my heart – that pains me greatly today – is that while the beating he took was brutal, the depth of his pain was probably greater for the hearts of those who did the beating and were having fun watching him hang there.

    “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He thought those thoughts from the time he left the garden, I believe, and thinks those thoughts today as my sin inflicts a little more pain!

    Praise God Sunday’s acoming! Not much good about Friday, indeed!

  6. Chris Godfredsen

    Tough stuff, this crucifixion stuff. The thought that continues to rattle around in my heart – that pains me greatly today – is that while the beating he took was brutal, the depth of his pain was probably greater for the hearts of those who did the beating and were having fun watching him hang there.

    “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He thought those thoughts from the time he left the garden, I believe, and thinks those thoughts today as my sin inflicts a little more pain!

    Praise God Sunday’s acoming! Not much good about Friday, indeed!

  7. Billy Coffey

    I’ve often asked myself where I would be if alive back then. Would I be mourning at the foot of the cross, or cheering? Sometimes, I’m afraid of that answer.

    But then God lifts my chin…

    Beautiful words.

  8. Alleluiabelle


    Oh this was so, so powerful and the video, oh I can’t even put into words what I felt as I watched and listened. As the drums were pounding in the background, so was my heart pounding ever so hard with each word that was said that penetrated through my mind and my heart. Again I come, deeply, deeply humbled before Him and I say along with you…”It’s Friday…it’s only Friday. But Sunday’s comin’.”

    Have a very blessed Easter.

    My love to you,

  9. Steph

    Very cool, Jennifer – Have a Happy Sunday!!!

  10. God's Not Finished With Us Yet...

    Okay, Jennifer, pardon my wording, but I am a firm believer in God and His Son Jesus Christ all the way, but I have some questions about the Catholic church; can you help me?

    By the way, Happy Easter and beautiful posting!

  11. Carol

    I just read this, soon after midnight and PRaise God, is is SUNDAY! He is Risen! Love you, CArol

  12. mom2six

    Just catching up on my reading and found these thoughts powerful. In discussing “Good” Friday with my children the concensus was it should be changed to “Sad” Friday since Jesus suffered so much for our sin. I agree and am so grateful that we have the hope, the treasured assurance, that victory came and continues to reign because of His obedience. Rejoicing in His resurrection!

  13. Monica

    Very much appreciating your words which stimulate my hunger for God and His word. Glad to be here. And the polar bear thing — very cool.


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