In the Category of God Completely Showing Off

February 25, 2013 | 17 comments

hoarfrost, iowa winter

hoarfrost, iowa winter, barn

We woke up to lace in our trees, doilies on the grass, a crystal coverlet pulled up under the chin of our world.

Every inch glistened and sang. So the girls ran for the boots and hats. And I ran for the camera.

shovel snow

snow on chair

In the created world, there’s no such thing as “just.” No such thing as just another snowy morning in Iowa, just another sunrise, just another dawn, just another breath, just another maple leaf, just another wisp of cloud, just another ice crystal. The created world is a miracle, every last glorious inch of it, because our God is not “just” another God. 

And I just want to know: Is this how snow praises its Creator, in diamonds strewn on farm fields?

snow in farm field

God brushes earth alive, coloring it with proof that He is infinitely grand and good. Sure, I find God in my Bible, at my country church, in my messed-up little heart … but I also find Him performing magic in the out of doors.

This is God, showing off.

snow silo

His world reminds me that the steadfast Lord is shouting down through the universe: “You are loved. You have nothing to fear today. For I am with You. I know what you need today, child.  And as a bonus, did you happen to see what I made for you this morning?”

Anna draws a heart in the snow, with God’s name in the middle.

heart in snow

I walk through the winter wonder-world of my backyard, saying the words out loud: “Oh my God, You are so creative. I’m overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by this.”

We don’t worship creation, of course, but beauty outside is a daily reminder of God’s faithfulness and provision.  This beautiful world reminds us how ridiculously small we are,
and how vividly gorgeous the world is,
and how you have to be paying attention so you don’t miss some of
the Lord’s stunning artwork hung on the walls of your everyday.

frosty branches

I spy a “Y” in the photo above! Do you see it? (Here, a post about the significance of Ys in my life.)


iowa sunset

Exploring beauty with writer Laura Boggess today, who encourages us to make “Playdates with God.”  

by | February 25, 2013 | 17 comments


  1. Lynn Morrissey

    Jennifer, you are not just a gifted author, but photographer!! Oh…..I just used “just” and didn’t even realize it. I guess when we represent Him, who is not just another God and are a reflection of Him, we won’t be just other people. We’re Christ-followers saved by grace. Jesus didn’t “just” die for us, but suffered a torturous, humilating death to set us free. We don’t just praise Him cavalierly, but revel in praise for all He’s given…..eternal life, eternal hope, and eternal beauty, such as what you’ve depicted here. Surely, the glory of glistening snow is but a glimmering reflection of what our eyes will behold in a renewed heaven and earth. Can you imagine?! Y’s represent your Yaweh-God, and snow, for me, always represents forgiveness. I recall once ambling alone in the dead of winter around the lake near our cabin, on a confessional walk, unburdening my soul to God. I recall thinking that “snow doilies” (what I had used then to describe the snow in my journal), were like the tears of God descending for my sins and covering every last trace of dirt and mud with frozen white purity. So snow, has always come to mean cleansing to me. God weeps over our sins, but He also covers those of a repentant heart–He whites them out, never to be seen or remembered again. Wow… sorry, Jennifer, I didn’t mean to write all that; and I guess it seems far afield of your lovely post about the beauty of Creation eliciting our praises to God. But we also elicit joyful praise as forgiven people to our generous Creator. Oh truly we have so much for which to be grateful. And I remain so grateful to you–my “just-not-another-author friend,” who represents so well our “just-not-another” God. Thank you for remaining true to your call. You always bless me so much! Love, Lynn / P.S. Your box works! It expands w/ the writing, and everything can be seen. Maybe you should break it on my account. Ugh. Again, apologies for the dissertation! 🙁

  2. Eileen

    I don’t “just” love this. I love this, love this! Your pictures are stunning!

  3. Susan Stilwell

    Beautiful, Jennifer. I saw lots of “Ys” 🙂

  4. Margaret Feinberg

    Wow! Those images are breathtaking, Jennifer! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Michelle DeRusha

    Wow, wow, wow. I cannot believe those pictures. Well, actually, I take that back. I can believe them. Because I believe in a God who can create that kind of beauty every single day.

  6. Kris Camealy (@KrisCamealy)

    Wow! This is such a beautiful praise. These photos are stunning and make me itch to pick up my camera again. It’s been a while and I hungry to capture some snippets of His glory. What a glorious God we serve, what amazing ways He displays His beauty for us to see. Love this!

  7. laura


    This is pure beauty. I wish I could take a walk in the snow with you and your girlies. We could make snow angels and then have hot cocoa. With marshmallows.

    You are such a gift, Jennifer. Thank you.

  8. Diane W. Bailey

    Love it! i wish I were on the farm with you to see God Showing off!

  9. Sylvia R

    Wooo! Stunning! Another surprise from God, complete with signature!

  10. Kel Rohlf

    Yes! God shows off all the time, and I love it! Thank you for sharing your Y story…I have been drawn to that shape in nature as an expression of surrender. But now I will see the Y in a new way as Yahweh’s initial 🙂 Beautiful Savior who gives us ways to express His beauty through words and art (photography, etc) and our lives.

  11. Megan Willome

    This morning, I saw “just” another full moon. At first it was hidden by clouds, then, boom!

    P.S. Love your Ys.

  12. pastordt

    I am SO not a snow person. (southern CA native, remember) – but this??? Oh.My.Goodness. Glorious, breathtaking, lovely, perfect. Thank you, thank you for giving us a peek and such a wonderful reminder of God showing off. Wow.

  13. marcia moston

    Although I left my northern climes for the sunnier south, my cheeks felt that bite of cold and my heart was exhilarated with the showing off of our God. Beautiful. Will have to share this.

  14. Simply Darlene


    Thanks for sharing all of this, miss JDL.


  15. Jillie

    Hi Jennifer! This post is breathtaking! I know exactly what you’re talking about. We had a day just like this a couple of Sundays ago! Everything, absolutely everything, was covered in beautiful, glistening, snow crystals! When my husband took our puppy for her walk, one of our neighbours was out snapping photos of the panorama!!! I’ve never seen a day like it! We were heading out to visit our son and daughter-in-law to see our new granbaby girl. We couldn’t ask for a more glorious day! I couldn’t stop praising God for the amazing blessing of the day! His absolute awesomeness! He was definitely showing off! And I loved it!

  16. Jody Lee Collins

    Okay, oh. gosh. Jennifer. God is beginning a wonderfully new beautiful work in you, through you, for us. And it is encouraging and inspiring. Go you! And as my brother’s daughters used to say when they jumped up and down on the bed at something awesome He did–“Go God.!”


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