I Am Not Drunk

May 31, 2009 | 12 comments

Growing up, I didn’t hear much about the Holy Spirit. Or perhaps, I wasn’t paying attention.

But I met the Spirit as an adult, recognizing this divine Person blending into my flesh and melting into my soul, ever-changing me.

Today, on this day when churches worldwide celebrate Pentecost, we wear red, and carry pinwheels and light candles to symbolize the work of the Spirit — which comes like wind or fire.

But the Holy Spirit is more than a symbol, more than a one-Sunday-a-year cause for celebration.

The Holy Spirit is part of a divine, triune Person. Not an “it.” Not a spooky Ghost.

The Spirit is Jesus Christ, living inside ordinary human beings.

Eternal life meshing with mortal bodies.

I think the Spirit scares people sometimes. Supernatural things can happen when God is inside of us and wants to have His way with us. Visions, dreams, physical healing, speaking in a new language. It can all seem a bit … goofy — even to people within the church.

It’s always been that way, even when the Holy Spirit came to the first Christians two millenia ago.

“When the day of Pentecost came,
they were all together in one place.
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit. …
Amazed and perplexed,
they asked one another,
“What does this mean?”

Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.”
— from Acts 2.

That’s when Peter addressed the crowd:

“These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning.” — Acts 2:14


To focus solely on the “experience” of the Spirit would shortchange the work of God. Sadly, the church has made a mess of things by allowing camps to form of haves and have-nots when it comes to Spiritual gifts.

The Spirit is more than an experience of His power.

The Spirit is the fulfilled promise of Jesus, who said He would never leave us. He gave us a Counselor, a Spirit of Truth.

When I forget who I am — and Whose I am — the Holy Spirit refreshes my memory with a gentle whisper.

This is God, able to enter a personality and change it.

This is God, showing up, setting hearts on fire.

This is Emmanuel, God with us.

If you hurt, His Spirit comforts you.

If you need discernment, His Spirit guides you.
His Spirit gives voice to your words — then intercedes for you in prayer when you have no words of your own.

The Holy Spirit is God’s promise that we are never alone. Never.

Never alone.

Call me drunk, but today I needed to know that. (And yes, I’m posting this at nine in the morning.)


Photo: Watching flames dance at a family campfire.

by | May 31, 2009 | 12 comments


  1. Joye @ The Joyeful Journey

    I love this post! This is exactly what the message was today in church! It was hard for the disciples to see Jesus go. But he told them he HAD to so that they could receive the Holy Spirit. And the ministry of the Holy Spirit is so powerful WITHIN us!!

  2. isumom

    “You are never alone” Why is it that I feel so alone? Why is it that I pray, yet I still feel alone and powerless?

  3. sharilyn

    great post, jennifer. i was reading in isaiah this morning, and i happened upon this bit about the Holy Spirit as Isaiah was prophesying about the coming of Jesus: “The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—
    the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
    the Spirit of counsel and of power,
    the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD –
    and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.” Isaiah 11:2-3a.

    The work of the Holy Spirit within us just as He was with Jesus… thank you, Holy Spirit, for these ways by which you draw us ever closer to the Father!

    and, to isumom… ah, this is always the battle waged within my heart and life– not listening to feelings but trusting by faith. so many times i, too, FEEL so very alone. but TRUTH is that God tells us He will never leave us, He will never forsake us. And i have to not listen to my feelings but to His Words of truth– i have to choose to believe Him and trust that, no matter what i may FEEL, He IS with me. I am NOT alone. it’s hard, my friend, i know. i’m in no way making light of it–but it IS a battle… and i must FIGHT to believe, to hold to truth, to refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy who whispers in my ears “You can’t feel God, so He’s not really with you. You are soooo alone.” We must stand firm in what God tells us– i think feelings follow as we walk in trust and belief, as we fight the battle to win the prize! praying for you today!

  4. Anne L.B.

    Jennifer, after reading this all I can do is sigh and say “Thank You Father!”

    My favorite Pentecost verse about the Lord’s most desired residence is actually from the OT:

    Thus says the LORD:
    “Heaven is My throne,
    And earth is My footstool.
    Where is the house that you will build Me?
    And where is the place of My rest?
    For all those things My hand has made,
    And all those things exist,”
    Says the LORD.
    But on this one will I look:
    On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,
    And who trembles at My word.”
    Isaiah 66:1-2

  5. God's Not Finished With Us Yet...

    Jennifer it is such a joy and relief to read this post. This is one of the biggest reasons I have not finished typing my ‘God Spoke’ tab on my blog; because well I wasn’t sure how other’s would ‘comprehend’ some of the ways which God spoke to me; ways through the Holy Spirit. I was and have been trying to hard to be ‘safe’ or ‘seeker sensitive’ as some would call it before sharing some of my stories. I was afraid after reading them that they would feel ‘turned off’ so to speak of the manner in which God moves. I didn’t want others to become hesitant in their walk. However, after reading this tonight I realize it’s not my job to be so concerned about this, but instead I need to just let God do His work; let God do what He is best at doing more than I am; drawing other’s to Him. And through the Holy Spirit He will reveal the truth of everything, even if some have questions about my own shared stories about how God has spoken to me. Thanks Jennifer so, so much for sharing your heart on this very wonderful being; the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. Thanks for being what I was not; brave and unreserved! Shame on me!

    Also, to isumom; I’ll be praying for you sweetie to feel the presence of God as you pray so that you don’t feel alone and powerless. But rest assured that it is not you who is powerful but instead it is HE that lives inside of you that is filled with Power and can move within you on His behalf. I’m not sure what you’re facing but you’ll be in my prayer journal. God Bless!!! Love you Jen!

  6. RCUBEs

    “I no longer live…but Christ lives in me…” It is hard to grasp it but then again, by His grace, the Spirit is the One Who teaches us the truths. For who can know God’s minds but Him alone? So, thanks be to the power of the Holy Spirit, we are being informed…To God be the glory! God bless sister Jennifer and thanks for the follow.

  7. Wendy

    Call me drunk too then, b/c I’m going with His power and His guidance…it’s much more trustworthy than my own. It’s in the 9 o’clock hour here on Monday, too. 😀
    ~ Wendy

  8. Jennifer

    isumom — Have been thinking about your words and your questions a lot in the last day, and have been waiting for the right words to come so I could tap them out here in this space.

    I wish I had the right words.

    I think some of these other writers here said it best.

    I’ve been without the words, but not without prayer for you, my friend.

    As for feeling powerless, it seems God does His best work in those who rely on no power of their own. He gives strength to the powerless. And His power is made PERFECT in our weakness. Another of the many beautiful ironies of our faith. …

    Sending love your way.

  9. PW

    AMEN!! I was looking for a good blog about Pentecost. Now I found it!

  10. christy rose

    Wow Jennifer,
    I have been a little behind in my blog reading. so, i am catching up on some today. I am getting a quadruple dose of your insight today. Feels pretty good about right now.
    I love what you wrote here. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ living in us. It is almost unimaginable to me that God made it possible through Jesus to make us capable of housing the Spirit of God. In Ephesians 3:10, Paul calls us a masterpiece. I used to just think that meant we were so uniquely created by God. But that is not it at all. He is showing us that God recreated us brand new, brand new! a new species of being that never existed before, man united as “One” with God Himself through the Holy Spirit. I think the full revelation of that would make anyone appear drunk. HAHA
    This post was just awesome.

    Loved it,

  11. Freedom in the Dance

    !!!Awesome Post!!!

  12. Bina

    Miss Jennifer. Wow. Words are scarce as I try to express how this touched me. I love the Holy Spirit..I love His work, His power and His willingness to express for us what our own human hearts cannot.
    "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." Rom 8:26
    I praise God for His grace and mercy for one such as me.

    Hugs tonight,


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