How We Find Ourselves Among The Old

July 14, 2010 | 6 comments

My youngest daughter raced across the polished linoleum of the nursing home’s dining room to get me. We had come to serve dessert to the residents, but this sounded urgent.

“Mommy!” Anna tugged my shirt sleeve. She cupped hands around her mouth to whisper in my ear: “Katherine told me that she wants cake, but her teeth fell out. Can you help me put them back in?”

I’m telling the rest of this story today over at High Calling Blogs. We’re talking about we find ourselves more fully when we make time for our oldest neighbors — the ones with false teeth and age-spotted hands and wheelchairs and wobbly voices.

Will you join me there by clicking here?

by | July 14, 2010 | 6 comments


  1. Tony C

    Heading there now…look forward to 'the rest of the story' (apologies to Paul Harvey).

  2. Thoughts for the day

    This was an awesome writing.
    My own sister lives in a care home she is only 57 years old. I saved her life in 2006 she was dying on hospice of liver failure and alcoholism. Her husband died first leaving her behind to die alone. Of course I would not let her.
    She needs assistance when it comes to her medications (15 RX'S) and also food. She is doing very well but she does live with others who are 70-90 and it is hard. I feel bad for her but know she must stay there. I took my nieces 10 month old to the care home and she reached out and touched a very senior lady and I so wished I had a camera. The baby hands cupped against the knarled old lady fragile veined hand.
    It was a kodak precious moment.
    Thank you for the reminder that the forgotten need to feel love sometime.

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  4. Billy Coffey

    I have to steel myself sometimes before I read your posts, Jennifer. You know, the whole tough-guy thing. I did that going into this post.

    It didn't help.

    Such great writing, and such great emotion.

  5. Lea

    Oh, what a super entry! I have such a heart for the elderly and try so hard to be aware of the needs of those around me. I always think, "that could be (and most likely will) me one day." Abundant blessings to you!

  6. Annie

    wow!!! I was a caregiver for my grandma before she died and now I am lucky to be one to my parents. Fortunately, both of my kids have grown up learning and being part of the caregiver process. We all need the spirit and light of one another. Your post gave me chills.


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