High Calling and Real Community

June 25, 2010 | 30 comments

Love your neighbor, the Bible says. And I used to think that meant the guy next door.

I grew up in a small Iowa farming community where you were on a first-name basis with all your neighbors — and their parents and second-cousins and pet chickens.

I didn’t know how to care intimately for someone halfway around the world, or even in the next town. But then we all got IP addresses and modems. Suddenly, the world shrunk, and our country roads and big-city freeways merged on an Information Superhighway.

And out on that road, I found real neighbors. I found them on a farm in Canada and a campus mailroom in Virginia and an insurance-claims office in South Dakota.

I met a Simple Country Girl, a BibleDude, and a Real Live Preacher . I found friendship with poets, and photographers, and people who prayed for me when I’d been hurt, even though we’d never met in person.

Two years ago, I didn’t think real community could exist out here on the Information Superhighway. Today, many of you who stop here have become as close as the friends I see just down my country lane.

And today, I’m honored to tell you that I have been offered a cool opportunity to be a part of an organization that has done a fabulous job at building real community on the World Wide Web. I will serve as a Contributing Editor for Family blogs on the High Calling Blogs network.

That means you might see me around the Network at your blogs. You’ll find me featuring some of my favorite Network links over on the side-rail at Getting Down with Jesus, (under the category of Soul Food.) And you might find me connecting with some of you on Facebook and Twitter.

HighCallingBlogs.com is a place where Christians can safely ask the difficult questions about their work, their faith, or both. And it’s a place where we can find true community among people with shared values.

If you are a blogger, I encourage you to head on over to HighCallingBlogs.com.

And to you, my dear email subscribers who quietly journey with me three days each week, I encourage you to click on any of the above links to meet some of my new “neighbors.” Or click on the badge below to make your way to the High Calling Blogs site.

May your experience real community in Jesus …

~ Jennifer

PHOTO: Lamb’s ear at my front door.

by | June 25, 2010 | 30 comments


  1. Susan DiMickele

    Thanks much. I have been meaning to get over to Higher Calling Blogs, & this is just the nudge I needed. I started getting involved in blogging about 6 mos. ago, and I too am amazed at the network and encouragement — something I never expected!

  2. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus


    I encourage you to join the High Calling Blogs network. It's a great group of folks who make me think,
    make me laugh,
    make me cry, and
    make me a better me.

    Blessings to you, Susan, on your writing journey.

  3. Kelly Langner Sauer

    Oh, this is such a good thing for you! I love that you're getting to do it! You're perfect for the job!

  4. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus

    Thank you, Kelly. And to those of you who stop by the comment box today, make a fast dash for Kelly's blog, if you haven't done so already. Her photos and words are breathtaking.

  5. Jennifer from Three Beautiful Children

    Oh, how exciting! I am happy for you!

  6. Deidra

    Yay yay yay!!!! Congratulations! What a perfect fit.
    You are astounding…everyone knows that. Yay!

  7. Dan King


    Welcome to the team Jennifer! I'm really excited to have the opportunity to work with you at High Calling Blogs! I've always been a big (mostly lurking) fan of what you do, and think that you'll fit into your new role really well!

    And thanks for the shout-out (for the BibleDude)!

  8. Sandra Heska King

    Congratulations! I haven't met you yet, but I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

  9. Lyla Lindquist

    Ha, perfect what Deidra said. You ARE astounding and we all know it.

    What I really need to know now is this: Do they serve ice cream at the cool kids' table?

    You're amazing. And so well suited to the task. Carry on.

    Traveling across So Dakota in search of the Black Hills and Blogger on mobile is always dicey. So here's hoping this came out right.

  10. Rebecca Ramsey

    I love this network. That's great!

  11. Julie

    Congrats Jennifer! Well deserved- you inspire with your words and you will be awesome!


  12. Kay @ Off the Beaten Path

    Sounds exciting! I'm going to check it out! Good for you.

  13. annkroeker

    We are SO glad to have you in this role, but you have long been a vibrant and vital part of our community.

    Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. And your heart. And most of all, your faith in Christ Jesus.

  14. A Simple Country Girl

    Right on farm girl!

    I first "met" you a couple days after your accident last year. I prayed for you from the blog bushes. And now I know the sweetness of your guidance, prayers and friendship.

    May God bless all that you do in His name.


  15. Duane Scott


    And I LOVE High Calling Blogs! 🙂

  16. A Simple Country Girl

    Something else, will somebody please tell me what "woot woot" means? I give more than my share of "yeehaws" and "yippee-skippees" and "yahoos" around here. I am a hick so maybe this is some sort of city thing? But then again, you used it. Maybe I am just a dork and don't know much about the slang you kids use nowadays…


  17. L.L. Barkat

    What a poignant introduction of your new place with us. It's been a while, hasn't it? Amazing what water has already traveled under the bridge.

    Again, so glad to have you working with us!!! 🙂

  18. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus

    Hi Sandra! Nice to meet you, too.

    Thanks for your kind remarks, Deidra and Dude.

    SCG — You make me laugh! Woot is as you say: a version of Yeehaw. …

    Lyla — Ice cream? So far just Ding Dongs and Qdoba … oh, and Super Soynuts. 🙂

  19. Runner Mom

    Jennifer this is awesome! I'll be over to visit! Thank you for being so obedient to this calling! Have a great weekend.

  20. Laura

    I am crazy excited to have you on the team, Jennifer! You bring a little class and a whole lot of heart.

    Okay, I'll say it:

    Woot! Woot!

  21. Jennifer @ Getting Down With Jesus

    Jennifer and Duane — Thank you so much!

    Rebecca — yes, yes! The HCB Network is awesome!

    Julie — Thank you, sweet friend!

    Kay and Runner Mom — The HCB is definitely worth checking out. Join us! We have a ball.

    Ann, L.L. and Laura — An honor to do a bit of Kingdom Work with you ….

  22. Missy

    Congratulations Jennifer! What a fabulous opportunity for you.

    I have only glanced at HCB before, but have never really joined in. I may have to take a closer look now.

  23. Missie

    I will be heading over, thanks, as always, for your encouragement

  24. Aundria B.

    I'll have to check out Higher Calling Blogs again -it's been awhile & I think that's how I found your site. Congrats on the new position with them!

  25. Carey

    You'll be wonderful, Jennifer. It's a priviledge and you'll be a blessing!

  26. Jennifer

    So wonderful that all these others see the awesomeness that I see in each post. Congratulations!!

  27. Sara

    Congrats! I have no idea what it actually means, joining a network, but delighted that these unknowns have honored you.

    I will head over and check it out. Honestly, a bit cautious and would love any advice you may have.

    happy day,

  28. Graceful

    Congratulations, Jennifer! I am behind in my blog reading, and just came across this announcement. Wonderful! I can't think of a better editor!

    And everything you said about HCB — YES!

  29. spaghettipie

    I know you will be an amazing addition to the HC Team! I appreciate you and your words.

  30. Monica Sharman

    Oh! Perfect!


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