Good Friday Thanks on Black Friday

November 25, 2011 | 12 comments

Dear Jesus,

On this — the week of offering deep thanks over steaming bowls and heaping platters and tables dressed in earthen hues — how can I properly thank You? I know that as thankful as I think I am, I’m not even close to giving proper thanks for the gifts, seen and unseen.

Because yes, we have our health, and full cupboards, and two cars, and billfolds with enough, and a warm house, and daughters, and the love between a man and a woman, and a lot of laughter, and a church just up the road, and a place to put down roots here at the end of this dusty country lane. But we have so much more that that.

We have You.

I can’t get over the sacrifice, and am reminded today by the words on page 527 of my grandmother’s hymnal.

And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Savior’s blood?
Died he for me, who caused his pain?
For me, who him to death pursued?
Amazing love! how can it be
That thou, my Lord, shouldst die for me?
— Charles Wesley, 1707-1788

How can I thank you, Jesus?

How can it be that I — a sinner — should gain an inheritance?

I caused the pain,
yet get a crown.

My sin pierced you,
yet I receive healing.

You who had no sin,
became sin for us.

How can I thank You enough for the wonderful, scandalous cross? It’s Black Friday, but today I remember Good Friday.

Edited post from last year’s archives.

by | November 25, 2011 | 12 comments


  1. Connie@raise your eyes

    Amen…love that hymn. Remembering Good Friday on black Friday…I think your grandma would be proud missy.

  2. Sheila


    I’m going to go edit my own post today to read:

    “Go to Getting Down with Jesus and read what my friend Jennifer wrote.”

    Because you said what I wanted to say. But better 🙂

  3. Doug Spurling

    My oh My, while I was reading, silently your post, my wife walked by just at the exact moment I was reading these words,

    “Amazing love! how can it be
    That thou, my Lord, shouldst die for me?”

    And you may not believe this but she was singing those exact words. How can it be? I called her back and asked to what she just sang and then asked her to read.

    His amazing love amazes me, and even on black Friday washes me white as snow.

  4. debra

    Me, too. Oh, me, too. Beautiful prayer and I’m praying in agreement. Amazing love!

  5. Lea Culp

    Great post on this Black Friday. I so well remember that hymn. Nothing like the old hymns of the faith. May the rest of your weekend be especially blessed.

  6. Paul Willingham

    “It was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, while the sun’s light failed. Luke 23:44-45a ESV.

    Good Friday was the first Black Friday but as Tony Campolo’s well known sermon title says, “It’s Friday but Sunday’s Coming.”

    Great post Jennifer and I long to sing that great hymn again with a sanctuary full of worshippers.

    Paul W

  7. mike

    ..”Because yes, we have our health, and full cupboards, and two cars, and billfolds with enough, and a warm house”…huummm…i find its relatively easy for me to be thankful when i HAVE EVERYTHING i could want…but on the other hand……….. just sayin.

  8. Margaret Kirk

    I too cannot get over Good Friday…thank you for the post…and thank you Father for the gift you have given me!!

  9. Amy Sullivan

    Yes, how can I properly thank you? You always sum up so neatly what consumes hours in my head.

    Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, friend.

  10. Angie Vik

    That’s one of my husband’s favorite hymns. So rich and chock full of good stuff. Love the idea of thinking of Good Friday on Black Friday. So thankful for your ability to glimpses of Jesus everywhere.

  11. emily wierenga

    oh friend. amen. we have him, and this is enough.

  12. Dolly @ Soul Stops

    Thank you Jennifer again…for pointing us back to the Only one we can never ever thank enough!


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