God-Wonders: Three Ways To Pay Attention

May 11, 2011 | 37 comments

The world is an overflowing storehouse of God-wonder, and if I live wide awake, I can see.

The girls and I, we step out the front door onto the concrete stoop, the entrance to the God-Gallery. I catch my breath.

The God of Wonders has rolled out the carpet — a green carpet, lush and velvet. It’s only grass, you might say. But it’s more.

Let’s call the grass what it really is: It’s God-wonder.

And if I were a bit more brave, and if I didn’t worry so much about what the neighbors think, I might even roll in the wonder of spring.

The long country lane rolls out before us, stretching out into the wide, warm world. The twelve ash trees strain toward the sky, with first leaves whispering in the morning breeze. And in this — the first light-filled hour of the day — the sun slants over the carpet and makes long shadows of us.

Walking down our Iowa country lane, toward the school bus.

I hold a camera to the eye, so I can remember what my Soul-Eyes saw — so  I can publish His glad wonders and broadcast His fame. 

My reading girl and our mailbox, silhouetted again the Iowa sunrise

The children, they are caught in their own web of wonders while I snap photographs and while we wait for the bus. One is reading a book, lost in the beauty of words.

The other is picking dandelions, and she asks me: “Are they flowers or weeds? Zoe on the bus says these are weeds.”

my flower girl, and her dandelion, silhouetted against the Iowa sunrise

I ask her what God might have thought when He dreamed up the dandelion.

“Flowers,” she says, and determined, she plucks another sunny bloom — this one for her bus driver.

All around me, God’s reverent wonders are on display. How will I choose to see them today?

“The world’s a huge stockpile of God-wonders
and God-thoughts.”
— Psalm 40:4

God’s wonders compel our hearts to praise Him. 

Here are three ways: Pay attention. Choose awe.  Broadcast wonder.

1 — Pay attention. So often, I live life with eyes half-closed, missing the God-wonder stockpiled around me. With a gentle breeze, a rustling birch and the warmth of morning sun on my back, I am awakened to praise God.

“Be a God-seeker. Pay attention! Watch this wonder that God is going to perform before you now! – 1 Samuel 12:16

2 — Choose awe. So much of the God-wonders are in the common and in the ordinary. Once upon a creation, God rolled up his sleeves to make even the things that we’ve labeled jagged or ugly … or weedy. Today, I will choose to be in awe of the dandelion — sunny jewels on green carpet — rather than considering it an intrusion.

“Take in God’s miracle-wonders! Do you have any idea how God does it all, how he makes bright lightning from dark storms, How he piles up the cumulus clouds— all these miracle-wonders of a perfect Mind?”
– Job 37:14

3 – Broadcast his wonder. I will tell others what I’ve seen. I will publish His cheery welcome to the world. How easy to make His wonders known: With a Facebook status; a 140-character (or less) Tweet; a single photograph shared on a blog; a Beauty-Hunt with the children; to praise, instead of grumble.

“Broadcast all his wonders! Revel in his holy Name, God-seekers, be jubilant!
— 1 Chronicles 16:8


Linking up with Ann Voskamp today. She asks us to consider how we “live the Resurrection.” Me? I want to live it today by standing in awe of His wonder.

by | May 11, 2011 | 37 comments


  1. Monica Sharman

    This part really got into me deep: “the sun slants over the carpet and makes long shadows of us.”
    Thanks for the broadcast. 🙂
    And thanks for your words of love and encouragement. It means more than you know.

    • dukeslee

      Aren’t looooong shadows simply the best? They make me feel a part of something bigger somehow.

  2. Angie Vik

    How cool. We were just talking about this at a ladies meeting yesterday. About sharing any miracles we’ve seen God do this week. Not only the big ones but the countless little ones He does every day, like grass for instance. You said what we meant better than we ever could.

    • dukeslee

      Hey Angie ~

      The countless little blessings abound. Too often, I have my eyes looking for the big thing, rather than really seeing the beauty of the little thing right under my nose. It’s the ordinary-ness of life that offers bits of grace, calling out to us: Unwrap this gift!

      Thanks for you sweet comment.

  3. Kelly Sauer

    Oh this is so good, Jennifer. I’ve not had time to come over nearly so often as I’ve wanted, but I am so glad I caught this today.

    You’ve stirred up a longing…

    • dukeslee

      Hi Kelly!

      I always get nervous when a top-notch photographer like you comes around. 🙂

      So glad you do, come ’round, my friend, to visit an amateur like me. Your bright smile is a joy here. xoxo

    • dukeslee


      Takes one to know one.

      You win the Pulitzer Prize of spreading the Good News. Extra! Extra!

  4. Kay

    Love, love, love this post! Just what I needed today. Your photos are wonderful testaments to the wonders of God. Indeed He is good and mighty and able and worthy of our praise!

    • dukeslee

      God’s handiwork is so very photogenic!

      Thanks, Kay, for your words today.

  5. Lisa notes...

    “Let’s call the grass what it really is: It’s God-wonder.”

    Thanks for reminding us to open our eyes and be in awe at what our Creator has done! His might is definitely worth broadcasting. A beautiful post.

    • dukeslee

      The wonders abound, don’t they, Lisa?

      I went on a Wonder-Hunt through the Message version of the Bible this morning, in preparation for this post. And it was such a delight to find all the ways in which God’s Word speaks of the Wonder of his creation.

      The God of Wonders declares His majesty all around us! Thank you, Lisa, for dropping by.

  6. Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

    Oh, how I LOVE this, Jennifer. This is my heart. And I’ve ceased to worry about the neighbors and what they think of me out and about (even in my pj’s), walking the edge of the pond, the thickets by the creek and the pasture field – taking early morning photos of all that God called good.

    • dukeslee

      Can we be neighbors? We can roll down the hills together. In our pajamas. 🙂

      • Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

        Absolutely. A cup of coffee over devos, a photo-wandering to catch that lovely morning light, then we’ll put down the cameras and roll down those hills. Joy!

  7. Gramma T

    OH and the oriole is back at the feeder!! We came home to so many birds that returned to our country home. Papa and I both love to see the God Wonder in our yard and on the deck. Better get to the Dollar Store to fill up the pantry on grape jelly for our feathered friends! Can’t wait for them to bring their babies again. God is good, all the time, in so many simple ways.

    • dukeslee

      Speaking of neighbors … here’s one who would DEFINITELY roll down a grassy hill with me! Thanks for dropping by, Gramma T. I’ll be over to check out your oriole!


  8. S. Etole

    I was highjacked by the dandelions yesterday, too, feeling a bit foolish but loving their buttery smiles.

    • dukeslee

      Oooo… Susan. I do hope you’ll share some photos?

      Friends here in the comment box. For beautiful photography of God-Wonders, may I suggest a visit to Susan’s blog:


  9. Missie

    I think the reason that I am so drawn to photography is the amazing way we can show God’s wonder. I love your photos!

    • dukeslee

      There’s something very special about seeing God’s handiwork through a camera lens. I don’t know why that is exactly, but it helps me “see.” Have you experienced this, too, Missie?

  10. Jeanne Damoff

    Love these photos and your thoughts on wonder! Oh, and I would roll in the grass with you. Especially if you can arrange for that grass to be cool and thick and carpeting a hill.


    • dukeslee

      Jeanne ~

      How I’d love to rock n’ roll through the grass with you, my friend.

      Thanks for dropping by.


  11. Sheila Lagrand

    This is…well…wonderful. Thank you!

  12. L.E. Fiore

    Mmmm, so true! I am *always* blessed by stopping to awe-filled. Thank you for the reminder (and for declaring His wonder!)

  13. Tay

    Um. Wow. You never cease to amaze me with your writing and photos. You are so full of wisdom and knowledge. I so admire you, Jennifer!

  14. Jessica (thesavingmom)

    It’s raining here today and I was marveling in the God-wonder of it. Everything is clean and fresh and new. It cools and comforts. Made things feel a little more homey around the house. I LOVED this post. Thank-you for the reminders! ~J

  15. Lori

    “The world’s a huge stockpile of God-wonders
    and God-thoughts.”
    I love that……beautiful photos and words to go along with them! Lori

  16. David

    Great post! I’m glad I stumbled upon it early in my day…hopefully I can keep your reminder on the front of my brain today.

  17. Brooke Cooney

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder.

  18. Becca

    This is so so beautiful – thank you for sharing!

  19. Michelle DeRusha

    Murmurring mmmm, yes, to myself as I read through this post. So beautifully wondrous — His creations… you included.

  20. deb

    thank you so much for this today, Jennifer.

  21. Connie@raise your eyes

    “Let’s call the grass what it really is: It’s God-wonder.”…oh Jennifer, let’s always call the wonders by what they really are!

    My very best favorite part of the day is first light…and what does Gramma T do with the grape jelly for the birds? Inquiring minds want to know.

  22. Simply Darlene

    It’s warm enough to forego the coats?! I hope you at least walked barefoot back to the house on that grass carpet.


  23. Ann Voskamp

    Just. so. beautiful. And beautiful only because it’s truth, His… How grateful I am for the way you see….

  24. Sheila Lagrand

    Hi Jennifer,
    Thanks for this! You inspired me so much that I went There and Back Again with this post. Thank you! It’s in my post “Waiting for Earthquakes.”



  1. Waiting for Earthquakes | Sheila Seiler Lagrand - [...] week I read Jennifer Lee’s post, God-Wonders: Three Ways to Pay Attention, and I remembered all over again the…

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