God Does Not Lie

December 4, 2009 | 30 comments

“God’s got it,” my favorite farmer said when rain delayed the scattering of springtime seed. “He’s had it since Day One.”

“God’s got it,” he said again when late-season rains held back the harvest in October. And when the snow fell. And when the combine broke down.

And today, when this frozen Iowa dirt is dressed in white, we confidently echo the refrain: God’s got it.

Because this God? He doesn’t lie.

The harvest always comes.

“As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest ….
will never cease.”

— Genesis 8:22

On the farm radio, I hear them talking just now — about how some of the farmers’ combines are freezing up and how they’ll need to put the additive in the fuel. They race against clouds, and snow, and single-digit temperatures.

“We’re gonna fill up that bin today,” my favorite farmer says to my father, and I hear the confidence (“God-fidence”) echoing in voices.

Even now — on this cold December morning — combines will roll over the curve of Earth.

I call out on the radio: Can I take a ride to witness the miracle unfold?

And I drive over bumpy Earth, and jump down from the pickup. I lean in hard to the wind, to find a grinning farmer opening wide the door to a warm cab. I climb up to take a seat beside him, and he drops the green combine head between rows.

These golden stalks — wildly dancing with the wind — fall to the Promise of the harvest.

Acres of unharvested fields stand today. But tomorrow?

“I think we’ll be done,” says the man who planted hope in these fields.

Tomorrow night
these wagons and
tractors and
a six-row combine and
a weary farmer
will rest.

For the harvest has come. Just like He said it would.

God’s got it. He’s had it since Day One.

A short video clip I took yesterday of this Holy Ground,
where grace flowed down from the hand of a faithful God.
(Email subscribers — click through here to my blog to see the video)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Dear friend, What are you waiting to harvest? What is dancing in the wind of your life? Let’s you and I trust this God who does not lie. For He promises a harvest for those who do not give up. May you find the voice to sing the Doxology over your unharvested fields — trusting in the God who sees all things to completion.
God’s got it.

by | December 4, 2009 | 30 comments


  1. Anne Lang Bundy

    Jennifer, how wonderful to hear your voice.

    What am I waiting to harvest? Ah … too many dreams to list them all. I believe in sowing abundantly, working hard, and waiting for where God will bless.

    This year, He brings to me a harvest I thought I'd not see in this world. For 20 years I've loved worship dance, but it looked like I'd be waiting for heaven to dance before the Lord myself. In nine days, the dance team that our church started this fall will present a Christmas program. Rehearsals have been exhilarating. Our program will exceed it. Heaven? Greater yet.

    Rejoicing with you, Jennifer! 😀

  2. mari mayborn

    Jennifer, I was thinking about you and your farmer as I stood over the sink washing dishes the other night. I was praying for and wondering about your harvest. What a beautiful tribute to the God who's Got it! Your pictures bring tears to my eyes for I grew up amidst the cornfields of Iowa and love the beauty of the harvest, too (esp. in years like this). My brother-in-law just finished up, too! Praise God from whom all blessing flow. Amen.

  3. Lyla Lindquist

    Smiling here.

  4. Doug Spurling

    "God's got it. He's had it since Day One."

    Isaiah 49:16
    See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands

    He's got the whole world in His hands…

    Thank you Jennifer & Favorite Farmer

  5. Billy Coffey

    This one? This one brought tears. So glad your harvest has come.

  6. lsulaw

    God-fidence: a perfect word to describe how we live. Praise and glory to God above!!

  7. Shirley

    What a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful post! God does indeed have it! The earth and all it produces are His! You have blessed me today!

  8. Bina @ Bina's Pad

    I have been avoiding the blogger for a few weeks now…avoiding the vulnerability it calls me to…avoiding the sweet simple call of the One who longs to see my heart be real. I came back today…and found that some things never change. My heart still loves yours.

    Thank you!

  9. Rose

    Amen, and amen. How wonderful to see the harvest. Those photos have a surreal quality about them. I love it. Thanks for sharing the faith these farmers have! It blessed my day.

  10. Chris Godfredsen

    God's got it! I can hear him saying it – and I am so thankful for those words today.

    The harvest I await involves someone close to me who is lost, hurting and seemingly without hope.

    God has a plan, though, and has me planting seeds. Restoration and redemption are the harvest I await – and I trust fully in the same God you do!

    Grace and peace,


  11. Kay

    Jennifer, who would have thought a blog post by a midwestern farmer's wife about harvesting the field would speak so loudly to me today? But IT DID! Wow!

    What a beautiful reminder that God indeed has got it. I especially appreciate you turning the table and asking me what I'm needing God to bring to harvest in my life. Oh, I do so desperately need Him to harvest some things that have been planted in hope. And after reading your post, I'm counting on Him to do that with renewed fervor.

    Sierra Vista, AZ

  12. Freddae'

    This was just awesome. It was a great message and it transported me right back to my grandparents farm. Thank you for the time travel.

  13. RCUBEs

    "God-fidence"…I liked that…

    Thank you for sharing this great harvest sister Jennifer. That video made me feel like I was there.

    Reading your post and watching the short video, I just know that whatever comes my way, whatever needs to be harvested, no matter how strong the winds and no matter what circumstances surround me, I will have no fear. For His promises are true! He is faithful and is always ever near!

    God bless you sister Jennifer. Thank you for making us see a glimpse of the just-harvested corn. Your favorite farmer's effort, patience and trust in God did pay off! Glory to God!

  14. Epiphany

    I also loved hearing your voice!

    That was a wonderful post. Seeing the scriptures come alive for someone, seeing God's words literally coming true in our life, was really good for me. Thank you.

  15. Deb

    He sure does!

    God's got it.

    Our backs.

    Our hearts.

    Our lives.

    And our harvest.

    Hmmm. He's so good like that.

    Sweet dreams.

  16. Jennifer

    What a great post! So glad to hear your harvest is in! "God-fidence"… perfect! 🙂

  17. Runner Mom

    Simply beautiful. Thank you, sweet friend, and what a joy to hear your sweet voice. Snow! Imagine!


    I am just at the beginning of a harvest..one only He could orchestrate. It's a good place to be.

  18. Laura

    It is holy ground. And so beautiful, this God-harvest you so gracefully share here. This kind of faith–the faith it takes to live off the land–this is the deepest kind. The roots run deep.

    My harvests are rich, I have reaped much. He has given beyond anything I could ever ask or imagine.

  19. katdish

    I've got nothing to add except to say how I love your words, your faith and the way you help me see God in things. Praising God for the harvest. Thanks.

  20. Joye @ The Joyeful Journey

    Oh Jennifer, I rejoice with you over your harvest and over our Faithful God!

    God's got it! Yes, he does.

  21. travelmom

    I couldn't help but think what a perfectly timed piece this is as we enter the advent season. The time of waiting and reflecting on God's provision for us. Your advent is a hands-on one. That is so like God. Thank you for sharing the gospel in your day.

    Blessings my blogging friend.


  22. ~*Michelle*~

    Praising Him!!! The One who never forsakes us!!!

    "These golden stalks — wildly dancing with the wind — fall to the Promise of the harvest."

    Jennifer……you truly have a gift.

  23. Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife

    He is in control. You have an amazing attitude. Being a farmer's wife is not an easy life. One of my best friends is a wheat farmer's wife and I walk with her through the ups and downs. It's tough, but God is good!

  24. bluecottonmemory

    This is amazing! Beautiful! True! And full of today's life! God in Action!And perfectly delivered!

  25. Kristin

    Such beautiful and simple words.

    And what does my soul long for? To see my children continually walk with him. This harvest is the only one that matters in the longrun! To see them walk in truth and to teach it to their children and their children's children!

  26. Andrea

    Yes, yes!!! God holds our harvest in his hands!

    Thank you, Jennifer. I am very moved this evening by your powerful, inspiring words!

    I so appreciate your gift to give the truths of God's word. You say it so beautifully and eloquently, and the purity of your words move me to tears.

    Blessings to you. I will watch for my harvest.



  27. Steph

    So happy for you and all the farmers to get your crop in, beautiful piece, Jennifer!

  28. sharilyn

    ah, i think farmers get a special insight into God and His ways…so many lessons in trust and providence and reaping and sowing (and many others)… what a wonderful reminder that "He's got it" for all of our life cares…

  29. Karen

    Loved this…so inspiring!

  30. mari mayborn

    Jennifer, Please tell your husband thanks for his great 3 word sermon! As I was driving to a speaking engagement last night. Those words came to mind: God got it! *smile* Thanks!


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