God-Bumps & God-Incidences: Winter Snow

December 20, 2011 | 14 comments

No bells or neon lights. No billboards or glossy ads. No multi-million-dollar Super Bowl commercials announcing the news.

He could have, you know. He could have slid in on a red carpet, with spotlights and strobe-lights and flash-bulb lights flashing. He could have gone viral on YouTube. He could have secured a spot on the Nightly News and hashtagged the universe.

But no, Love dropped from the sky quietly, down through Heaven’s cellar door, falling,


falling …

like a soft, slow winter snow.

You had to be paying attention to know He’d come.  
You had to be paying attention.

And this is me, trying to pay attention … to really. pay. attention.

(Quietly sharing a song with you today that, quite simply, gives me God-Bumps at Christmas … and all year ’round. I made this video to the song “Winter Snow” last year. All of the scenes photographed are from our home, our yard, our country church…) 


Email subscribers: Click over to the Getting Down With Jesus home page to see the video.

(If you’re having trouble seeing the video, you may also click here to watch the video directly from YouTube.)

Have you come by to participate in this Wednesday’s God-Bumps & God-Incidences? I’m so glad you’re here.

To participate:

1 — Write your story. Or post a picture and a verse … or a favorite song, as I’ve done here today. 

2 — Add a community button (found here) to your post.

3 — Come back here to link the direct URL from your post on this page (add it to the linky below.)

The “rules” for our community are pretty loose. You are invited to share any life moment — big or small — in which you sense God at work. Together, we are opening our soul-eyes to see the God-incidences unfolding, and the ”God-bumps” growing.

Grace and peace to you, as you sense Jesus in your midst, my friend … Here we are together, paying attention to a Love that drifts quietly, like a winter snow.

by | December 20, 2011 | 14 comments


  1. NCSue

    Good morning!
    I’ve included your site on a page I’ve put together devoted to hops, challenges, and memes for every day of the week! The link to that page is under my header. http://acts17verse28.blogspot.com/

  2. Sheila

    Paying attention. So simple. And so hard.

    Love this, Jennifer.

  3. Megan Willome

    Beautiful, Jennifer.

    Of course, if he came with winter snow in my area of Texas, it would be as if he had come with neon lights. Snow is viral when it’s so rare.

  4. Cindy

    Beautiful. Never heard this song…….loved the video. God’s creative Spirit is certainly in your words, Jennifer. Thanks.

  5. Satisfied By Love

    I heard this song the other day and LOVED it! Can you tell me who it is singing? I know so many people talk about the busyness of this season but I find it to be so peaceful. This song just makes me remember it again. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Jennifer Ferguson

    What lovely pictures and the song…touched my heart.

  7. Beth Herring

    so beautiful – Merry Christmas Jennifer! So thankful that I have gotten to know you in this amazing land of blog! you enrich my spirit and I thank God for you!

  8. Shaunie Friday

    It seems so simple, but the paying attention is harder than it sounds where there is so much that wants to pull our attention away. I love this reminder Jennifer! Merry Christmas!!

  9. Dea

    When I am “out of focus.” I know it is a signal to “pay attention.”

    I am desperately need to “see” after returning from Haiti. It’s coming. It has taken some stumbling around to get me to the place where I am crying out.

    Merry Christmas, Jennifer. I have learned so much from your gifts and your wisdom as I have followed your blog these past months. So blessed to be able to link from here. May God bless you with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus!

  10. David Rupert

    It snowed BIG here today and this post was so timely. Loved it.

  11. Dolly

    Loved the pictures you shared and the message 🙂

  12. laura

    So very beautiful. Wishing you the wonder of it all, Jennifer. So glad you’ll be home for Christmas. 🙂

  13. Diana Trautwein

    Ah, lovely, lovely, lovely. Thank you, Jennifer for this spot of beauty in the midst of a rather frantic morning, preparing for 20 family members to come for dessert tonight. Hope you and yours have a GREAT Christmas, filled with wonder and delight.



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