for all the forgetful, messy people out there

December 11, 2015 | 1 comment

It was a busy afternoon. I was distracted and overwhelmed, as many of us are during the holidays.

But I urgently needed to buy some laundry detergent — unless our family was willing to show up at church the next day in pajamas. So I rushed to the grocery store with that single item on my list.

By the time I parked the car, I had mentally added a few more items to the list, because the radio weatherman was predicting a big winter storm, and I might need some necessities. (“Must-have” items included a big bag of bite-sized chocolates, which I would secretly stash on a high shelf in the pantry in the event of Snowpocalypse. Hashtag mommy survival kit.)

I grabbed a shopping cart at the entrance and raced through aisles, picking up about a dozen more . . . a-hem . . . “necessities.”

At the checkout, the clerk gave me my total amount due. I handed her my credit card, and only then did I remember what I came for: Laundry detergent. It wasn’t even on the grocery conveyor belt!

I’d forgotten what I actually needed, because I was distracted by everything I thought I must have.

It hit me, right then, how forgetful I am — how I lose sight of the main thing, because of all the side distractions.

I’m not proud to admit that my forgetfulness happens in my spiritual life, not just at the grocery store.

You, too?

Here we all are, wherever we are, on this grand globe called Earth. We’ve been sent here for purposes set for us long ago. And in reality, we need One Thing most of all. (Hint: It’s not laundry detergent or chocolate, and His name starts with the letter “J.”)

We know we need Him first and foremost, but we get distracted by everything else.

If that’s you, friend, join me for the good news, over at (in)courage. This is a hopeful story for any of us who are feeling a little mess, forgetful and broken this Christmas.

{Click here.} 

by | December 11, 2015 | 1 comment

1 Comment

  1. Lux @ About Life and Love

    Ah, this wonderful season of love and forgiveness and restoration.
    I wish it’s Christmas everyday. 🙂


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