Fishers of Men

August 8, 2011 | 10 comments

God didn’t ask everyone to be theologians
or scholars
or priests
or nuns.

He didn’t insist that we be teacher-smart
or have all the right words
or know precisely where in that great big Book that
God nested those precious, inked verses.

God didn’t tell us we needed to be brilliant

He asks us to do two simple things,
the same things He asked of ordinary guys some-2,000 years ago.

Just these two things:

Follow and Fish. 


Photo: Leech Lake, north-central Minnesota.

Friend, Do not under-estimate the power of God in you. We don’t have to be  geniuses to spread the Gospel.

Writing in community today with Michelle.

by | August 8, 2011 | 10 comments


  1. starla

    FOLLOW!!! …and if you do….you will be a fisher of me. So good!

  2. Ima Nutcase

    Follow and fish-so true. What a great reminder. Glad I stopped by from “Hear it/Use it”. Looking forward to spending more time here and reading.

  3. Michelle

    Thank you for the reminder we are to use on Monday (every day) what we hear on Sunday.

  4. Laura

    Like Peter and John in my post today! We were on the same page. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Amy Sullivan

    What a good reminder that we don’t have to have it all right to be useful to God…thank goodness.

    Beautiful picture, Jennifer. You always inspire.

  6. kendal

    follow and fish. love it!

  7. S. Etole

    it seems so simple …

  8. Nancy Kourmoulis

    Reminds me of an acronym I use for myself often…KISS…keep it simple silly (I don’t like the other word usually placed at the end). Anyway – thankful God keeps it simple.

  9. Sheila Lagrand

    This is the essence of our faith, isn’t it? IN two words. Follow. Fish.

    I love it.

  10. Michelle DeRusha

    So simple and true, isn’t it? Love the picture, love the bold message. And thanks, Jennifer, for linking up. I always love to see you there!


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