Featured #TellHisStory Writer: Kristen Strong

February 18, 2014 | 13 comments

#TellHisStory Storytellers Series


Story has the power to change the world, one paragraph at a time. I share this space, once a week, with some great storytellers I’ve met during my years of writing.

This week’s featured storyteller is Kristen Strong, a beautiful writer with a beautiful spirit to match. 

Be sure to come back Wednesday to link your own stories or photos with us in the #TellHisStory community.

The Truth About Who You Are
by Kristen Strong

Of the two sets of quiet that bookend each day, I write best in the hours before dawn’s early light. Today, however, my brows furrow intensely as I grasp for words that seem super glued inside my head. My usual morning chai can’t even dislodge them.

It’s then that my early riser ambles down the stairs. She comes over to hug me before stretching her long limbs over my curled up legs on the sofa. She is content to snuggle near me. In that moment when my words come slow, the feeling isn’t necessarily mutual. I really want to make progress on my article, so I try to plow on just a bit more. But soon my mind throws its hands up in the air, and I set the laptop aside to give her my attention. We talk for a bit as I finish my chai, and she wants to know what is this morning’s Olympic gold medal count. I pull the laptop back over, and we discover the United States and Russia are tied for first with 18 golds while Netherlands sits in second with 17 golds.

She sees a picture of a gold medal winner with a rounded section of his prize between his teeth.

“Why do some winners bite their medal?” she asks.

 “I’m not really sure,” I answer, shrugging my shoulders. “Maybe it’s just tradition? Maybe they saw others do it first so they think it’s the thing to do.”

“Maybe they don’t even know why they do it,” she replies sleepily while reclining back on the sofa.

It’s then a few of those words for my article break free. I lean back, reposition her legs over my own before placing my laptop on both.

I sometimes want the parts of my life to stay in their boxes, my family time to sit right here, my writing time to sit over there. But this often makes for frustrating living. Those worlds slide into each other throughout the day, like when I slice vegetables while discussing middle school issues with my son or when I prepare breakfast while quizzing my daughter on spelling words. Even intentionally focusing on one thing – or person – is a good way to tug free sticky ideas related to something else.

I can more easily accept this about the parts of my life than the people in it. I’m embarrassed to admit how often I’ve wanted to place folks into neat and tidy boxes, too. Heaven knows I’ve done this with myself. Either out of tradition or because I saw someone else do it first, I have repackaged my own personality, interests, and ideas into something that isn’t me, not having a clue as to why I did it.

When I see my reflection in the full length mirror, I see a woman who has attended both denominational and non-denominational churches. Her itunes repertoire ranges from Prokofiev to Paisley. She finds educational value in keeping art and music programs inside our schools. And as a military wife for almost twenty years, she believes our military and their families hold immense worth.  She loves to write and laugh and encourage. She suffers disappointments but not defeat.

 And just like you, she’s not a type of person, but a uniquely-created person.

I’m learning that what is most beautiful in this world are those traditions, talents, and traits that mix in a kaleidoscope of never before seen colors. It’s the beauty we find in the Olympics right now. It’s also the beauty we find in you everyday.

You are who you are because of Christ’s generosity, and He uses His endless creativity to happily show you off. You are chock-full of your own totally creative combination, a beautiful blend of abilities that God breathed into your soul. God didn’t copy you from someone else. He singularly created you, and He has no interest in categorizing you.

Because you dazzle in a singular category all your own. 

Kristen Strong is wife to a retired Air Force veteran and mom to twin sons and a daughter. She lives in Rocky Mountain country of Colorado and writes of the fresh-air hope found in Jesus at her blog Chasing Blue Skies. You can also find her words regularly at (in)courage (the blog of DaySpring) where she is a monthly contributor. Kristen can also be found on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

Kristen has an ebook FREE for all of her email subscribers!

Just click here to read more about the ebook and click here to subscribe by email.

And if you’re a military wife, feel free to visit here to learn more about some special encouragement just for you!

by | February 18, 2014 | 13 comments


  1. Laura Risser Moss

    Love, love, love everything about this post.
    To think…each of us dazzling in our own special ways! 🙂

    • KristenStrong

      How kind of you to say that, Laura. Infinite thanks to beautiful, *dazzling* YOU.

  2. Shelly Miller

    This is a good reminder for me tonight Kristen, timely and I’m thankful.

    • KristenStrong

      Shelly! An exuberant wave to you, friend.

      Thanks so much for that ~ you are a delight. xo

  3. Beth

    I just adore you, Kristen. Thank you for this needed encouragement. Much love.

    • KristenStrong

      The feeling is mutual, Beth. Much love backatcha.

  4. Pam Cason

    “You are chock-full of your own totally creative combination, a beautiful blend of abilities that God breathed into your soul. God didn’t copy you from someone else.” ~ a beautiful reminder.

    • KristenStrong

      Thank you, Pam.

  5. KristinHillTaylor

    I woke up in the middle of the night and had trouble falling back asleep. I spent a few coherent minutes reading this before I attempted sleep again. As someone who adores sleep, it’s always frustrating when these rare sleepless moments happen for me. Kristen, your words were so calming to my heart. Thanks for them.

    • KristenStrong

      May rest come easily tonight, Kristin. Thanks for visiting here ~ yo are blissful company. xo

  6. Mary Bonner

    You have a way with words that speaks so directly to me…thank you for sharing your gift and encouraging me at the same.

    • KristenStrong

      What a kind thing to say, Mary. You are a gift to me, and I love you.

  7. Beth Werner Lee

    Sorry I’m just getting to reading yesterday’s posts now, but I thought I’d comment anyway. I love how the moment with your daughter freed your thoughts just when your daughter relaxed to snooze again and you could write. When that happens to me I am so very thankful for the timing. I’m so bad at timing myself that it always seems a special gift from God when things fall perfectly into place, so I thank him! I’m trying to count graces this year and not stress about timing because that ruins my days. Thanks for this story.


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