Featured #TellHisStory Writer: Dena Dyer

July 16, 2013 | 6 comments


During 2013, dozens of talented writers are joining me to cheer you on in your storytelling. These guest-writers will share a few helpful words with you right here every Tuesday night, to encourage you as you #TellHisStory. (Come back after midnight to link up your story by clicking here.) And now, I’m delighted to introduce you to my dear friend Dena Dyer, a generous-hearted woman who has authored several books. 


A Few Tips for Moms Who Want to Write

As an introverted and passionate bibliophile mom of two boys, writing has been crucial to my sanity. I also believe God called me to write at a young age, and He has been faithful to give me continued opportunities to share His love via the written word.  I love to encourage other moms that they don’t have to wait until the kids are grown to pursue writing. In fact, writing is great (and cheap!) therapy; it provides an accessible outlet for the frustrations and joys of motherhood.

Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

—Write whenever you can (during school pickups, soccer practice, in waiting rooms). Trust me; fifteen minute sessions add up over time.

—Don’t edit; just write as fast as you can (edit later, when kids are sleeping or your spouse can watch them).

—Hire a teenager to babysit, clean house, or do errands once in awhile, so you can write for a longer stretch.

—Trade childcare with another WAHM.

—Join online support groups with other like-minded writers who understand your struggles. The group members can provide support, accountability, and networking.

Dena Dyer

Dena Dyer is a wife, mom, speaker, musician and the author or co-author of six books. Her latest book, Wounded Women of the Bible (Kregel), written with Tina Samples, releases soon. Along with her hubby, Carey, she enjoys raising two rambunctious boys and serving a community of faith where Carey is the music and worship minister. Dena was a professional entertainer for many years, and she loves telling stories in any size, shape, or form. She would love to connect with you on Twitter (motherinferior2), Facebook (DenaDyer-Author), or her website (www.denadyer.com).


by | July 16, 2013 | 6 comments


  1. Kris Camealy (@KrisCamealy)

    Love these tips, Dena. Thank you! As a homeschooling Mom of 4, I need all the help I can get to squeeze writing in.

    • denadyer70

      Kris, it is my pleasure. 🙂 And a mom of four who writes AND homeschools? I’m impressed. 🙂

  2. dukeslee

    Thank you, Dena, for your good words here and your encouragement. You’re a real pro, and seem to have found a way to balance writing and motherhood. I’m really looking forward to your latest book!

  3. denadyer70

    Jennifer, thank you so much. 🙂 I appreciate the opportunity, and your friendship. I’m looking forward to your book, too!

  4. Sandra Heska King

    Fifteen minutes of fast and furious writing–edit later. Brilliant.

  5. Megan Willome (@meganwillome)

    Hi, Dena! I love how you encourage WAHMs to start where they are and work with what they have. I wish I’d had your encouragement when mine were little!


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