Fear Not (A Video Message from Jennifer Lee)

February 7, 2012 | 62 comments

Have you been afraid? Me, too.

But we don’t have to be anymore. Jesus says so.

And, I’m going to set my own fear aside today and appear on camera for my first-ever vlog.

(Subscribers: Click here to see the video message.)

Helpful resources to fight back fear:

10 Bible Verses To Inspire Courage at Beliefnet.

Max Lucado’s eight steps on overcoming fear.

A devotion from The High Calling’s Mark Roberts. He writes: “The antidote to fear doesn’t come from within our selves, but from the Lord.”

A book by Hannah Hurnard. “Hinds Feet on High Places.”

Have you come by for God-Bumps and God-Incidences? Write your story, share the button (found here) on your blog post, and then link below. I’m eager to hear about the God-Things in your life this week!

by | February 7, 2012 | 62 comments


  1. Lyla Lindquist

    Look at you…

    Perfect. Preach on.

    (Hind’s Feet? One of the best ever…)

    • dukeslee

      Oh, Lyla. Thanks for being here. I feel like I’m going to hyperventilate! … And God bless the authors who address this important topic. How many of us are stricken by some kind of crazy fear? Pretty much all of us, methinks. (Remembering right now, once again, how you helped me navigate through that fearful time after the accident. That’s when we met, you know.)

      • Lyla Lindquist

        And the ditches? I like what one can find in them….

        • dukeslee

          Um. Yes. You certainly do find much in the ditch.

          I thought about you when I talked about Ditches. 🙂

  2. Brandee

    Fear: my Achilles’ Heel. I recently taught 4 Sun school lessons on the subject. I was totally called to teach Sun school for my own, flailing self and benefit. Love our great big God!

    • dukeslee

      Oh Brandee… So glad you’re hear. Me, too, friend.

      Me. Too.

      So glad you stepped out in spite of your fears. Way to go, girl! That’s the way to do a David + Stones to that Goliath of Fear! WOOT!

  3. Matthew Kreider

    Jennifer, I felt the warm sunlight on my face all through this. Don’t be surprised if you see hundreds of people dancing in those ditches along your way to work tomorrow. You might even see me dancing in mine.

    Thanks for stepping out.

    • dukeslee

      Oh Matthew … We all have those fear-sprinkled ditches, right? And thank you, kind sir, for being here tonight.

  4. David Rupert

    You are a warm person. My oldest online friend! Great to see your video

    • dukeslee

      David … Now, are you saying that we’ve been friends longer than anyone else? Or are you saying I’m the OLDEST person you know online?


      • Nancy

        No. David and I are friends. And I’m MUCH older 🙂

  5. nmdr

    well done, kiddo.

    • dukeslee


      Love you Nancy… You make me feel “safe.”

  6. Joe Pote

    Great video! Fear not!

    • dukeslee

      Amen, Joe! I’ve been meaning to get over to your place and read your posts, but it’s been crazy around here lately. Will catch up with you very soon, I hope! 🙂

  7. patricia spreng

    Oh, yes! and Amen! I am clapping in praise of the only One who could teach you, bring you, love you through and past fear. Yes, Jennifer,… satan demanded to sift you like wheat, but Jesus himself prayed for you… that your faith would not fail… and when you turned you would strengthen others…. like right now. (Luke 22:31-ish)

    • dukeslee

      Thank you, friend, for that reminder. That Jesus himself prayed for us. I need to remember that. Thank you.

  8. @bibledude

    you. are. so. awesome.



    • dukeslee

      #fistbump back at you from the #nervousnellie with #knockingknees.

      But God is so good, yes? Helps us fight back every fear. Only God. ONLY God. Thanks for being here, friend.

  9. brian

    genuine and powerful. well done Jennifer.

    • dukeslee

      Oh Brian … Thank you. You’ve encouraged me today.

  10. Radical Believer

    Thanks for this Jennifer – just what I needed today.

    And why were you afraid of the camera? You came across as warm, genuine and condfident.

    Not one, but two, fears conquered.

    • dukeslee

      LOL! I’m not afraid of the camera. I’m afraid of posting what I RECORDED on the camera! 🙂 Thanks for your words here, friend. Thanks for being part of a safe community where I can speak my heart.

      Yes, fears conquered. And over and over again. Remembering that perfect love casts out fear. Every time.

  11. Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

    Wow…Jennifer!!! You preach it!!! For reasons too numerous to mention in a comment, fear was my constant companion for years…decades really. In Christ…I have had victory over those paralyzing fears, but every now and then the enemy sneaks in and plants fear right in my face. This morning is one of those times…as I sit here alone in a dark house in the wee hours…tempted to be fearful…I quote the verses the Lord has given me to fight off that fear and I see your post and your beautiful face and hear you tell me to “walk right into” that fear. Now that’s a “God Bump”. That you, beautiful friend.

    • dukeslee

      I’ve got to tell you. You’re part of my “God-Bump” this week. I had told my husband that I was going to be posting my first-ever vlog on fear, but that I was really nervous about it… I did start to second-guess. And then, I came to Facebook right afterward and saw a post in my news feed from you about fear. (Or, at least I THOUGHT it was from you.) That was confirmation. However, I went back just now and tried to find that post, and can’t find it! So, maybe it was someone else who posted it. Anyway, I had you on my mind as I put this video together. Fear is such a struggle for me, too, Patricia. So glad to know that Christ goes before us, beside us, within us!

  12. Shelly Miller

    Beautiful reminder and you didn’t look one bit nervous, like you are a pro! I had a fear of driving over bridges for years and then God moved us to a place where land is connected by tall bridges. I drove those bridges over and over until like you, I drove over them without thinking about the fear. When I realized that fear is somehow thinking we have control over our life, it helped me to let go knowing God is the one in control. Blessings to you sweet friend. So excited about your publishing endeavors.

    • dukeslee

      Oh wow, Shelly. What a powerful example. Thank you for sharing. So glad you were able to tackle your fears — by stepping straight into them, with Christ beside you, within you!

  13. joan

    Awesome, Jennifer. I believe fear is Satan’s greatest weapon against us. We are paralyzed by it and unable to move above and beyond with Jesus.

    • dukeslee

      Yes, Joan. And I remember myself over and over again, “Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.”

      Thank you for being here, and reminding us that we cannot move beyond it without Jesus.

  14. Sheila Seiler Lagrand

    I love this story of you facing down your ditches, Jennifer. What a treat to hear you tell it!

    You’ve blessed me here, today. I believe you’ve blessed many. Thank you.

    • dukeslee

      “Facing down your ditches.” Now, THAT is a cool way of putting it. Thank you for being here, friend. Love you.

  15. Gramma T

    Dear friend, What a message and so beautifully told with your own voice. Now I can listen to you speak His message over and over whenever I want. I couldn’t hear your knees knockin’. Only the voice of Jesus coming through the laptop.

  16. Paula

    Great job on that video. I loved the impact of moving forward in SPITE of our fear.. YES! YES! YES! Because then we know The Lord gets the glory.. By working through us. Thanks for moving forward in spite of your fear.

  17. Michelle DeRusha

    You are a rock star, Jennifer! Way to be brave, girl!!

  18. Megan Willome

    “Hinds Feet” is a book I clung to in middle school/early high school. It got me through.

    And hon, you know should be speaking. Regularly. (Of course, the last time I made a pronouncement like this, it was to Glynn: “You should be writing fiction.” His novel came out two weeks later.)

  19. Deb Russell

    Wow! So many things running through my mind right now. You remind me SOOOO much of your mom in this video, which is a great compliment I believe! I love the things you said about stepping right into fear and stepping out of your comfort zone. That really speaks to me. I have fear about many things regarding my kids, my faith … but when God says “Do not be afraid” 365 times in the Bible that’s pretty convincing that He does not want us to fear because His love conquers all those worries and self-doubt and confusion. His love is perfect and His grace is all we need to step out into that fear and He will be with us right there in that moment. Your blog is always inspiring to me, but this vlog really touched my heart today. Thank you so much for overcoming your fear and posting this.

  20. Beth E.

    What a great message! You are an overcomer, Jennifer…by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. 🙂

  21. Bina

    Having met you…I enjoyed that all the more!! I have dealt with fear all my life and I am so thankful for a God that helps to free us from it AND a God-Community that helps us face it down with a hand to hold.

    Big back-in-Cali hugs!!

  22. Linda

    What a wonderful job you’ve done Jennifer. This came just at a time when I needed to hear it. Isn’t that always the Father’s way?

  23. Cindy

    WOW! That video blog gave me God bumps and sent a powerful message my way. I needed to hear that today. Thank you, sister.

  24. tara@pohlkottepress

    yes to your message!! I was wrapped in fear at a young age, the thought of dying consumed me for a while. then at 19 found myself going into a surgery there was a real chance I wouldn’t come out from…since that moment, and the peace I felt realizing I could only lay down in his hands, I am not haunted by this fear any longer. {this is not to say that I’ve trumped all the other types of fear…day at a time 🙂 } love your message and your heart!

  25. Simply Darlene

    And that’s how we first met…

    I remember the day I visited my 3rd ever blog and there was a link (hey, what’s this?)

    and a prayer request (I can do that)

    for a gal (wonder who she is?)

    who had just been in a car accident. The rest is His Story, aye?

    I’ve been hanging out here ever since. Thanks for always speaking Truth and now for saying it aloud.

    Love and hugs to you.

    (Wow, you are so technologically advanced. I’m still sending smoke signals.)


  26. Nancy

    Look at you, girl! Fear has been such an unwanted but constant companion for most of my life. He often drops by uninvited in the wee small hours of the morning. I fight him with the words of this song and of I John 4:4. If our God is for us, indeed!

    Thank you for doing this.

  27. Sandra Heska King

    Could this be any more awesome?

    I choke on fear still–every time my daughter calls. I always have to remind myself who is in control.

    And I’ve only done one vlog, and that involved Brussels sprouts dipped in chocolate.

    Love you big time.

  28. S. Etole

    Yes! to all that has been said. You did a really wonderful job … and I recognize the “gulp” syndrome.

  29. Warren Baldwin

    Excellent, excellent! The message and presentation. Your first vlog is a hit! (Thanks Tiffany S. for steering me here).

  30. Diana Trautwein

    NO WAY this is your first video anything. This is professionally done and beautiful. Fear is just about the #1 faith-killer for people I know. All kinds of fears. One ‘tool’ that has helped me tremendously is the use of the Jesus prayer – that ancient prayer of the eastern church that comes straight out of scripture. You say it one phrase at a time while you concentrate on your breathing:

    Lord Jesus Christ (breathe in)
    Son of God (breathe out)
    Have mercy on me (breathe in)
    a sinner. (breathe out.)

    The combination of the prayerful attitude, the beautiful words and the breathing can sometimes quite literally save me from a major meltdown when the fear demons strike. This is a great message that we all need. Thank you, Jennifer.

  31. laura


    You rock! This. is awesome.

  32. Julie


    Love love love this! I do believe this is my all time favorite GDWJ post. Thanks so much for your courage….and for the great reminder.


  33. dukeslee

    Oh friends… It is so good to see you here in the comment box. Together we’re fighting back against fear, right?

    Thank you for the way you’ve encouraged me.

    Thank you for the way you’ve made me feel more courageous in my own walk.

    Thank you for your DAILY WITNESS to what it means to live fearless. Much love to you all….

  34. patricia spreng

    Was thinking about this vlog today at work and how well you did in proclaiming truth…
    your thoughts reminded me of a piece I wrote about fear a couple years ago. So, I went and dug it out and posted it tonight. All glory to God. =)

  35. Christina

    Needed this today…actually need it everyday. Thank you.

  36. Shawna

    Listened with healing tears streaming down my cheeks. The Lord speaks to the tender most parts of my heart through you, dear friend. Thank you for saying yes to Him.

  37. Kris Winter

    Wow, Jennifer, no way this is your first vlog. What a wonderful message – and what a wonderful job on creating your video. Perfect in so many ways. I just love your blog and I’m always sharing it! Thank you for blessing us!

  38. Robert Moon

    So inspiring and the reminder that God’s Word continually says to “FEAR NOT.”

  39. Jennifer@Adam's Rib

    Just awesome, Jennifer. I’m with you in this. Wisdom is not the absence of fear. It’s going anyway. Amen.

  40. Lynda

    “God has given us a spirit of power.” – that jumped right out at me, thank you, Jennifer!

  41. Lyla Lindquist

    Okay, Dad emailed me today and said I should link today’s post to Jennifer’s “God Bumps” community.

    So, here you go. A couple of days late, always at least a buck short.

    Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.

  42. anna

    Thank you SO MUCH for this! I needed it today.



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