Extra, Extra: Our God-Sized Dream Come True.

January 15, 2013 | 10 comments

KELOLAND-TV posted a sweet story tonight about our “God-Sized Dream Come True” on the evening news. Here’s the link, about this big dream, and our trip to Haiti:

(You can click right here. 🙂 )

Thank you for your prayers.  You ARE going with us, you know that? You’ve been our encouragers, our prayer supporters — YOU … this beautiful Christ-Body that has held us close.

We hope to post as frequently as possible — on Facebook and right here on the blog — as often as we can.

(Linking up with Holley Gerth and her God-Sized Dream community …)

by | January 15, 2013 | 10 comments


  1. Ro Elliott

    Flat out adorable…and amazing…blessings and prayers as you go…will daily hold you before His Throne…what a life changer for each one of you .

  2. HisFireFly

    Tears, sweet tears flowing. Big dreams, bigger God. May the blessings flow forth.

  3. Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

    You and your girls are life changers, Jennifer. I’ll be praying for y’all’s comings, goings, and everything inbetween. Love you, Patricia

  4. Susan Stilwell

    Lifting up your sweet family, Jennifer, and praying God continues His God-sized thing in your hearts and lives.

  5. Positively Alene

    Do share more!!!! Praying for your journey and your God-sized mission. WOW — I’m so excited!

  6. Megan Willome

    What a lovely interview! I love that you’re the third (and least important) one to appear in the story. That reporter got it!

  7. Linda

    Sending my heart and prayers with you.
    Now I’m off to look at the video.
    Love to you Jennifer.

  8. Lynn Morrissey

    this is so iincredible to see God using his “littlest” disciples a global way! Their dream inspires us all to dream big for God. I’m so thrilled that the Haitiian people have acquired such good friends! Have a wonderful, life-changing trip! I”m so excited for you and for them!

  9. David Rupert

    Every once in a while, a TV station gets it right!


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