Don’t Underestimate The Small Things (A November to Remember — 11.7.2014)

November 7, 2014 | 7 comments

Today’s Scripture — 11.7.2014

” … Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” ~ Matthew 17:20

You think you’re too small and powerless, eh?

Your faith? Your clout? Your intellect? Your influence? Your quiet prayers?

Think again. Look to the seeds.

There’s a seed so small that it falls under the category of “Blink And You’ll Miss It.” The seed is dwarfed by a pencil eraser. It’s the kind of seed that would get stuck in your teeth. Think: Dots-on-the-dice small.

But if you stick this seed in the ground, cover it with dirt, and add water, it will push against the earth with Herculian strength.

The odds are stacked against that tiny seed, but it doesn’t matter. The seed defies all odds to muscle forth in bloom.

That’s the power of the mustard seed. Scratch that… That’s the power of God in the seed.

And that’s the power of God in you. 

Your faith might feel small today — mustard-seed small, hangnail small, hole-in-the-button small. But God says it’s worth something. He says it can move mountains.


Because it’s not about the size of our faith. It’s about the size of our God.

Maybe you feel like you’re fumbling around in the dark today. Maybe you feel like your prayers are weak, your “quiet time” is lame, and your piety is just a bit off-kilter. Maybe you look at your faith “walk” and think that it looks more like a stumble. You too? I knew we could be friends. On this walk of faith, we’re the ones with toilet paper stuck to our shoes.

But God says He can do something with our faith anyhow. Sure, it may look like a tiny shred, a crumb, a mustard seed.

But God says, “Hey, kid. Give me that, would you? I can do something with it! I promise!”

And then stand back and watch what He does.

And listen … Listen up. Do you hear it?

That’s the sound of a moving mountain.

Photo credit of penny and mustard seed, courtesy of Oodles World. Used with permission. Design by Jennifer Dukes Lee.  

This post is part of our month-long series, “A November to Remember: Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes.

How You Can Be a Part of This Movement:

1 – Print out the Scripture sheets. (Click here for printable versions.) Each of the 30 daily Scriptures are quoted in Love Idol, and each one ties back in some way to our identity in Christ. (You don’t have to read the book to participate in this study. But of course, you’re welcome to! 


2 – Find the passage assigned for today’s date.

3 – Consider how God is speaking to you. How does the verse help you remember who you really are, outside of all the cultural noise?

4 – Visit us on the blog, or the Love Idol movement page on Facebook, to share what the verse means to you.

5 – Share your insights on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or your blog, to add more soul to your scroll. #MoreSoulLessScroll 

 Tag me, so I can find you. (Or feel free to follow along silently! No social-media presence required.)

I’ll post my own response here on the blog every morning at 5 a.m. Sometimes, you’ll find a story, maybe a few short words, maybe a series of photos. That will happen every day, for all of November, God-willing.

Studies show that the best way to form a habit, is to NOT break the chain. Habits form if you keep at it, one day after the next after the next. After our 30 days, we may have created a new habit of Scripture before Scrolling – a habit that can take us into the Christmas season, and beyond.


Follow Along

If you want to follow along, visit us here every day. Consider subscribing to my blog by clicking here to get these reflections in your email inbox.

The Printables
(Download for printing from Google Drive)

Let this be the November that we remember who we really are: Loved. Preapproved. His.

Find all the posts in the November to Remember series by clicking here.  



by | November 7, 2014 | 7 comments


  1. Megan Willome

    Cool art there, girl!

    • dukeslee

      Thanks, Megan! I’ve been having fun with a new (new to me) iPhone app called Waterlogue. And the mustard seed photo is a borrowed photo (used with permission) that I doctored up with some words. I love making them.

  2. Trudy Den Hoed

    Thank you so much for this encouragement today, Jennifer. “It’s about the size of our God!” Yes! That gives me hope.

  3. Becky Keife

    Jennifer, the timing of this November to Remember series couldn’t be more perfect for me. I just got an iPhone (my first ever smart phone) last week, and I *know* that I want/need to begin with good habits and steward it well. Each morning I look forward to pulling out my Pin God 1st sheet and discovering the verse/passage of the day.

    Each day has been a gift! Today’s was no exception. I felt the Spirit leading me to pray this question: “Lord, what do YOU want me to have faith for today?” The answer scares me a little (or a lot). But I’m willing to give God my seed of faith and, like you said, trust HIS power to grow it. Blessed through you today, friend. And praying God’s blessings on you.

  4. marthaorlando

    Oh, yes, have faith, even when you feel weak and ineffective. Give it to God and know He will grow it beyond measure! Great reflection!

  5. Heather @ My Overflowing Cup

    Thanks so much for the reminder that it isn’t the size of our faith that matters, but the size of our God. What a powerful thought that is!

  6. Lorna Jansen

    I recently found out that I am pregnant – a long awaited joy! The baby is still very small, just the size of an apple seed this week. We have started sharing our joy and asking for prayers from close family and friends, but there is a lot of pressure to wait until after the 1st trimester to tell most people, just in case of a miscarriage. Your post helped me to start believing that this tiny baby could grow steadily and become a healthy child in another 8 months. I think I had been thinking of miscarriage as a likelihood instead of a possibility, leaving me in emotional limbo. Your thoughts helped me to value this precious life in the same way I want to nurture my ever-growing faith and relationship with Christ. So blessed by this new perspective. Blessings


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