Crowning Glory

June 4, 2010 | 20 comments

The crowning moment had arrived. Parents craned necks and snapped photographs from metal folding chairs. Who would wear the tiara, the sash and the title of Little Miss Inwood?

Our Anna stood among the four. Each hoped she would receive the bouquet and the rights to ride on our town’s Fourth of July float. But mostly, each girl hoped to be a princess in our little Kingdom. It’s a place without stoplights. A place where folks know one another by their pickup trucks, their tractors and their desired brand of seed-corn.

It’s a place where the pageant makes front-page news every single year.

It’s also a place where little-girl dreams soar.


The emcee leaned in close to the four.

How would they each like to be a princess? she asked. How would they each like a crown and the chance to ride the float as Little Miss Inwood?

Tendrils bobbed on grinning girls. The emcee confirmed what they were guessing: Yes, yes, they could all be crowned as royalty!

I pressed the shutter, and through the lens, I fast-forwarded little-girl lives. Would they always find themselves enchanting? Would they know they are royalty in a Real Kingdom? For the prince of this world tries to snatch Glory. He’s a crown-stealer.

My Anna tells me this morning: Everybody is a princess, because God is a King, and we are His kids.

But before she turns even 13, she’ll begin to hear the whispers: You’re no good. There is no Happily Ever After.

The whispers come when girls look in mirrors.

One study shows that 80 percent of American women are dissatisfied with their appearance.

Another study estimates that the average woman spends 2 1/2 years of her life washing, styling, cutting, coloring, perming and strengthening her hair at home and in the salon.

Women want some parts bigger, other parts smaller, some parts lifted and other parts removed entirely.

I’ve heard the whispers of the worldly prince. I’ve felt ugly, and incapable. I’ve been the last one picked.

But I wear a crown. And yes, I am a princess — even though I’m still wearing pajamas at 10 a.m. and my “castle” is a mess.

In Jesus’ upside-down Kingdom, this undeserving peasant wears a crown of incomparable worth.

And I hold tight to that which I’ve received — a crown bestowed not by my own merits, but His.

“Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.”
— Revelation 3:11


Heavenly Father, our King of Kings, We bow low before you. Help us discover our immeasurable worth — not in the world, but in the Royal Family. Bring forth the royal diadem!

Thy Kingdom Come …

PHOTOS: Little Miss Inwood pageant held last night, on Anna’s sixth birthday.

by | June 4, 2010 | 20 comments


  1. Beth.. One Blessed Nana

    she is a beautiful princess indeed. We are all children of the King if we accepted that precious, free, amazing gift of salvation.

    you just inspire me Jennifer. always touch my heart.


  2. Wendy Paine Miller

    Just returned from a princess party, so this post screamed at me. 80% — how sad. My castle is a mess and if it weren't for that party I'd probably still be in my jammies (1:30) 😉

    Such a wonderful reminder of how God makes all things NEW.
    ~ Wendy

  3. Deidra

    Now you know I love this. I want so much to hush those whispers for all of us. We can do it. Because Jesus whispers louder than them all. His still, small voice reassures us of what we knew at first…we shine when He looks our way (which is always) and He rejoices over us with singing (what an image!).

  4. Janis@Open My Ears Lord

    So good that all were made princesses. Something to definitely hold onto because the world will try to steal away our crowns. I will remember that in my messy castle today.


  5. LisaShaw

    She is absolutely beautiful and precious and I loved the words she spoke to you. Your message is powerful as always.

    Whenever I'm able to visit you my friend I leave FULL. I know that's because of the LORD.

    Bless you dear one!

  6. ~*Michelle*~

    wow…..she is just gorgeous, (like her mama)

    I love that they crowned all four girls….and I love the message that was sent to each of those little girls' hearts. They are all worth the crown.

    "My Anna tells me this morning: Everybody is a princess, because God is a King, and we are His kids."

    ….such pure wisdom.

  7. mom2six

    Yes, all crowned royalty, because of the King of Heaven. Beauty and wisdom flow from your little ones – from you also friend.

  8. hope42day

    A beautiful child made more so by her faith and the love of the King.
    Even as an adult, I still get teased, ridiculed and taunted but I have humbly realized that none of it matters as much as the love I have and I receive from Christ. He is the One I am living for, loving for and giving for. And in the end, when I look at myself in the mirror, I can honestly say I am beautiful despite what others see or feel about me.

  9. elaine @ peace for the journey

    She is beautiful, as your daughter and as God's. May she always know the fullness of just exactly what that crown means for her.

    I think I need a tiara. I've long since packed it away… not even sure I've ever allowed myself a look at the mirror with one on, but I should, shouldn't I? It's all about the "mirror" thing… a very real struggle for me to take pause long enough to look. I'm working on it.


  10. S. Etole

    He dances over us with joy … what a precious daughter you have

  11. Leah

    Beautiful girl! Very inspired words you share..thank you! I am a new follower. Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back! I look forward to reading more.

  12. Aundria B.

    "…out of the mouths of babes." This post reminds me of a book I need to read through again called, "Captivating" by John & Stasi Eldredge that speaks this message, God's message, back to the hearts of women. Thank you for sharing this.

  13. Shirl

    What a beautiful little princess and what a beautiful post!

  14. Jennifer

    I envy those little girls who so readily believe they ARE princesses. We tell ourselves that as adults. We believe it. And yet it's not a complete belief because so many of us let the world dictate our view of ourselves. Since having the twins, I don't feel like the beautiful princess. And the deflating South Louisiana humidity doesn't help. Thanks for this reminder that I am beautiful to God.

  15. A Simple Country Girl


    My word, this story is wonderful!

    And look to the left, here I am right next to the Healing Hearts, Renewing Minds ministry button. I once thought I was no-good trash, until He saved me. Your daughter is heaven-kissed with wisdom. Indeed we are all his precious daughters, princesses–all of us!


  16. L.L. Barkat

    Interesting. I wonder how that 80 percent compares with men. Is it just a woman thing?

    She's a sweetie. Such soul in that face. 🙂

  17. Alexis

    What a lovely story and your words are so true! This is inspiring.

  18. Juliann

    Our sweet Anna is a princess in this earthly kingdom and in a heavenly one! Love that girl.

  19. Beth E.

    Your daughter is beautiful, and wise for her years! She is indeed a princess.

    The media has placed tremendous pressure on the young and old alike. We strive for perfection of our bodies where there is none.

    You are doing a wonderful job raising your children. How firm a foundation you are helping them build!


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