Can We Really Be Thankful in ALL Things? Even the Hard Things?

November 17, 2012 | 10 comments

Be thankful in ALL things, God tells us. Not just the good things, the pretty things, the smiling things, the wished-for things.


Be thankful in ALL things. All Things. Even the hard things, the grotesque things, the things never-wanted, the things of death and grief and pain and sorrow that make you wonder if you can stand to live another day.

How to be thankful like that? Is it really possible for a mortal to be thankful in all things?

The Bible doesn’t tell us to be thankful FOR all things. But He absolutely tells us to be thankful IN all things.

So then, this. This collage of life … of laughter and thorns, of growth and graves, of wonder and wheelchairs. And IN all of it, our thanksgiving… Not for it, but in it.

This is us, making a quilt of all things. For God is always good, always worthy of praise, and always, always He is our God.

” … in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18
“Thanksgiving — giving thanks in everything — prepares the way that God might show us His fullest salvation in Christ.” ~ Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts


And this beautiful video…

by | November 17, 2012 | 10 comments


  1. Rona

    Stopping by for a visit from Jumping Tandem!
    What a wonderful bible verse.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Please add the ladies from my chronic illness group in your prayers today. May they experience the Heavenly Father’s love and comfort. In Jesus name. Amen!

  2. Linda

    Thank you Jennifer. I can never watch these beautiful images without crying. But it is a good kind of crying – with the joy and beauty of it all.

  3. Cheri

    Yes. We can give thanks in all things when we know they come from a God full of love, wisdom and power. God has been speaking this into me as we approach the ninth anniversary of our son’s brain injury. It is not in my power but He gives the grace to drink from the cup with thanksgiving.

  4. Ugochi

    Yes Jennifer, it is very difficult however but when we are in God and He in us, it makes it possible for us to lift up our hearts, hands and voices and give Him thanks in spite of what we face. Thanks for sharing, have a super blessed day!

  5. Randy

    If “THANKSgiving Day” is being THANKFUL for GOD’s past blessings in our life the past year, maybe we should make the other/next 364 days called “GIVINGthanks Days”…as a way of “Paying it Forward!” If we have been BLESSED by GOD, HE expects us “To Pay it Forward” and be a BLESSING to others!

  6. Jody Lee Collins

    A ‘thankful’ quilt. That is inspired. Our pastor shared from this verse today, too.

    btw–what WAS that smashed car??? yours? wow.

  7. Sharon O

    give thanks with a grateful heart, in spite of or in place of our circumstances. We are to give thanks.

  8. Holly

    Oh Jennifer, yes…
    IN all things, not FOR them
    a huge distinction that changes everything.
    For it is IN Him that we live and move and have our being.

  9. floyd

    “Not for it, but in it.” Well said. Big difference. Those things; the good and the bad, I find it easier often to find His hand in the worst of times once It’s in the rearview mirror.

  10. Jillie

    Hi Jennifer…From your Canadian neighbour, heartfelt wishes for a very “Happy Thanksgiving” to you and your family! Love the ‘quilt’—see portrayed there the giving of Thanks IN all things. Especially those beautiful girls of yours. And the video—tears! It’s hard sometimes to return thanks, but it is always good and it is always right.



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