A Christmas Gift Guide + a HUGE giveaway!
My favorite way to Christmas shop is by firelight.
With a flip of the switch on my living room wall — thwock! — the fire is magically light. I plug in the tree, turn up some Osmond’s Christmas (my all-time fave — the ultimate cheese-fest), pour a hot cup of tea, and power up the laptop.
Maybe you’re like me, and you do your best shopping by wielding that computer mouse. Well, have a seat next to me. (See me patting my hand by the space on my couch.) I’m wearing my Hello Kitty jammies and the messiest ponytail ever. How about you? I brought a shopping list to get us started.
I’m so excited to share some great finds with you, to make your shopping easier. I’m also including a spectacular giveaway of 10 new books plus a CD! I will draw one lucky winner. It’s my Christmas gift to one of you!
Let’s get started, first with the gift guide. (Book giveaway details are at the end of the post.)
Live Loved: An Adult Coloring Book
By Margaret Feinberg
Apparently, coloring isn’t just for kids anymore. The girls are I loving this coloring book, a new release by my friend Margaret Feinberg. The book is a combination of artwork with Scripture, plus journaling pages. Buy the book here, and a packet of coloring pencils, for people who love to express themselves creatively!
Everlasting Light Necklace
By Dayspring
I love this necklace. It’s a reminder to a shine in a dark world. I often wear it to speaking engagements. My daughters love it, too. Right now, this is only $10! (Reg. $50). That’s a steal. Find the necklace here.
Christmas Bundle
A partnership of ViBella Jewelry & Jennifer Dukes Lee
I am so excited to share my new shop with you! Have you seen it, over here? The shop has a few of my favorite reads from my sisters on the (in)courage team, a print to remind your favorite people that they are preapproved, lots of jewelry and more. To celebrate the opening of the shop, I have put together a fantastic special for you.
Let the women in your life know that they are loved and preapproved by God this Christmas. You can purchase my book, Love Idol, and get this mirror pendant necklace at a special price. The necklace was custom-made by Vi Bella Jewelry artisans in Haiti. Your purchase will not only bless the women in your life, but it will help provide jobs for women in Haiti.
Get this bundle for only $36, a 15 percent savings. (Regular price: $42.50). Shop here.
(P.S. – I sell out of these necklaces at almost every speaking engagement!)
Crossbeams Building Systems
By Crossbeams Toys
Ok. These toys are amazing. They are the invention of my dear friend, Monica Sharman, and her husband, and I’ve been dying to tell you about them! Crossbeams is “a building and prototyping system for advanced children and adults.” The company has a unique and motivating mission founded on the Golden Rule. Check these out by clicking here! So cool.
Abide in Him Wall Decor
By Dayspring
I’ve purchased no fewer than five of these for friends and relatives over the last few years. I also have one on my living room wall. Right now, this is only $20. (Reg. $45). Find the wall decor by clicking here.
The Inspired Room
by Melissa Michaels
This gorgeous book is for anyone who wants to forget about the rules and discover inspired ways to personalize her spaces and express her style with texture, color, and favorite treasures. I’m loving this book, by my friend Melissa Michaels. Find it by clicking here. (Photo by Melissa Michaels.)
Big 2015 Book Giveaway
One of the perks of being an author is that every week, books arrive on my doorstep from publishing companies and authors hoping to spread the word about their books. Often, they will send multiple copies. These are a few of the books that have arrived here over the last several months. I’d love to share them with you. The books are almost entirely nonfiction, with the exception of the one on the top of the stack. They are all brand new and will help you as you grow in faith. I’m also including a beautiful new CD from my new friend Natalie Wilson. She and her husband have a new CD entitled Refuge. Check it out here!
To enter the Giveaway:
Simply share this post, on Twitter, or Facebook, or Pinterest, and let me know in the comments of this blog post where you’ve shared it. I’ll enter your name for each entry, and will draw a winner on Monday! I’ll ship the goodies to the lucky winner!
Happy shopping friends.
Q4U: I’m drinking Friendship Tea from Dayspring’s (in)courage. What’s in your cup?
Also, do you prefer online shopping, outlets, the mall, etc?
post includes affiliate links
- The Gift of Engineering for the Holidays - […] from the book. She lives in Colorado with her husband—inventor of Crossbeams (learn more, in this gift-giving guide from Jennifer…
I shared and am excited for whoever the winner is. Thank you for your kindness, Jennifer!!
Shared on Facebook!
Shared on Facebook! Love these items, Jennifer ! Thanks!
Shared on Facebook. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Shared on Pinterest, Facebook for my blog (The Speckled Goat), and Twitter. Thank you– I’ve been meaning to get several of these books – especially Every Bitter Thing is Sweet. I love Sara’s writing on her blog!
Shared on Twitter! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Shared on Pinterest! 🙂
Shared on Facebook! 😍
I am hooked on Lipton cranberry pomegranate green tea. It is perfect to sip while online Christmas shopping, which is how I love to shop!
Shared on Facebook 🙂
Shared on Facebook and Pinterest!!
Shared on Facebook 🙂
Also shared on Twitter
Such a fun & generous giveaway! I shared about it on twitter & facebook as I wouldn’t want anyone to miss it 🙂 May you & yours have a happy Thanksgiving!
Shared on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. I am a plain iced sweet tea loving gal. (I’m southern, if you couldn’t tell) I do all of my shopping online, don’t have anyone to watch the kids so I can go shopping
Shared on Twitter! Amazing gift ideas! I <3 your blog! Thanks so much!
Shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest! I’m about to fix myself a cup of coffee for an afternoon pick me up.
Shared on facebook! Would love to win!!
I pinned it! I don’t do those other thingys. Thanks so much for your generosity! I do my best shopping in front of my computer too. Lots of people and long lines make me grumpy and lose my Christmas spirit. I’m drinking hot chocolate on this chilly Virginia day. Can’t wait for coffee and parade tomorrow morning! Happy Thanksgiving!
My daughter will love the building systems! Had to share on Facebook and Twitter such good ideas!!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Shared on Facebook!
Hi Jennifer, I shared this on Facebook and Twitter.
I shared this on Pinterest in my “spiritual” category.
Hey Jennifer – Shared on Facebook. And yes, I’d be happy to e-shop with you. It’s the only way to go.
I am drinking Twinings Irish Breakfast Tea. I need the caffeine today. But it is a rich blend… not just for breakfast. One of my favorites. I looked up the Fruit Tea you were drinking … the Friendship Tea and it sounds delicious looking at the ingredients. Also saw several mugs I might like to get as gifts there. Am headed over the Pinterest to Pin the contest. Would so love to get these books… some are new to me and some on my wish list and some might make great gifts !
Just pinned the contest on Pinterest and now I am headed to Facebook. Hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day !
What a lovely thing to do, Jennifer. And wow, what a joy to receive a bountiful bundle like this it would be. How dear of you to offer valued Christian resources. Ok, so I posted on FB, Pinterest, email (to five groups), and Twitter. Gotta tell you: This digital challenge of yours was met by your turn-of-the-century friend w/ a little trepidation, but I. DID. IT.!!! YAY! Happy Thanksgiving.
Shared on facebook!
Shared on Facebook! I’m drinking a chai-nog latte at Starbucks right now-divine! I do A LOT of my shopping online-it’s the only way to go!!
Wow… what an amazing collection you have assembled here! I shared on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook because, of course! My cup, sadly, is empty… but it may be time for a second cup! (it held a hazelnut mocha – so my second cup will probably be tea… Good Earth or Earl Grey!) As far as shopping goes… I would LOVE to stay in my jammies and sip and click, but I accidentally started a Black Friday tradition with my girlie several years ago and now she looks forward to it every year!? Oops… we start out purchasing a new CD for the car at our first stop and then blare it from store to store. I guess as long as she is willing… it means I get to spend time with her, so I will brave the crowds and the cold to be with her! Love you bunches, my friend! Happy Thanksgiving!
OH those books, great give away, shared on twitter.
Coffee with milk and sugar is what I prefer in my cup! And this giveaway is great! I shared on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Thanks for your posts, I have shared on facebook.
My favorite fall/winter cuppa is The Republic of Tea’s Hot Apple Cider. Smells and taste delicious. As for shopping, right there with you; pj’s and online shopping. Have a blessed Thanksgiving with family.:)
HI Jennifer, I love your book collection. Ain’t easy getting new books over here!
I really hope to win. Thanks for the giveaway, I shared on facebook.
Jennifer, my cup is steaming with Fresh Market’s Christmas blend accompanied by a mini pecan pie. So yummy.. I’m bringing some right over so we can sit side by side, sip, shop and share hearts. I’m posting this on Facebook for others to enjoy. Thanksgiving blessings to you and those you love.
Susan! That pie sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing.
I shared on Twitter and Facebook. What a great collection of books.
Facebook. I love tea, this afternoon in between patients I am having some ginger snappish tea from Bigelow
I shared on facebook! What a wonderful list of gift suggestions. I too shop exclusively from my jammies and cozy couch, and I’ve been known to rock some Hello Kitty. Love you. PS. Teavana tried to remake Tazo’s JOY for Starbucks. I’m disappointed in the change, but I’m drinking it now.
Thanks for sharing, Monica. I’ve been thinking of you. We need to chat sometime, eh?
I shared on facebook, amazing list!
I love that star necklace! I shared on Facebook and Twitter!
Love this post and I could really use those books!! No money and a poor local library isn’t very fun. Thanks for sharing!!! I shared on Twitter @TrendingMama
Hi Marisa! I am about to draw a winner. Thanks for sharing !
shared on Facebook and Pinterest. Appreciate your blog, Jennifer and thanks for the chance to enter this great giveaway!
Shared on FaceBook
Shared on Facebook and Pinterest! Thankful for this opportunity! Many blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving ~ 11/26/15!
I don’t have Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest; my job keeps me on the computer 10 or more hours every day as it is, and I need to try to keep _some_ balance 😉 So I’m not eligible for the drawing, but I think it is wonderful that you are giving all those beautiful resources away to someone. I also appreciated the lovely gift ideas; things I wouldn’t have discovered on my own. I just want to also say how very much I love your blog; I am always so blessed. Never think you aren’t important to someone…you are a blessing!
Susan, I am about to do the drawing, and I will still include you in the drawing. Good luck! 🙂
Shared on Facebook. What an amazing giveaway!
i shared on Twitter… thanks for doing such a lovely give-a-way!
Shared on Facebook 🙂 all you gift list products are lovely!
Oh, I definitely tweeted this one out to all my peeps, Jen!!! What a way to kick off the Christmas season… it’d be so exciting to sneak a book into everyone’s stocking 😉
Lately, there’s peppermint hot chocolate in my mug, btw, mmmmm.
What an incredible giveaway! This is so generous of you and it would be great to share some of these with others! Look like some interesting titles. Thank you for this opportunity. Blessed Thanksgiving! I also am posting to Facebook and Pinterest. I have been following you on Facebook and Twitter already and also Pinterest!
Mind if I ask how to share it on Pinterest? 😁
Go on the bottom of the blog post and hit Pinterest then post to a place where you want it on your Pinterest.
Thank you!! 😊
Thank you for sharing and the generous giveaway! I shared on Facebook. I like to shop in stores. Small businesses when I can.
Small biz for the win! Thanks, Melissa.
🙂 Thank you!
Love this! Thanks for the giveaway! I shared on Facebook and Twitter…still working on how to share on Pinterest 😏 Favorite tea is peppermint with lots of honey, but I’m really a coffee girl at heart. Love your blog and always look forward to your posts 😊
Yes, to the honey and peppermint! Yum!
What a great giveaway! I shared on Facebook and Twitter. I really enjoyed seeing you in person at Lightbearer’s Conference 2015 in Bicknell, IN. My husband is the photographer that took your picture (used in Today’s Christian Living). Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Hey Rebecca! Thank you for saying hello! I was so thrilled that your husband allowed us to use those pictures. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. God bless you!
Shared it on facebook. Have a wonderful festive season!
I shared on FB. I’m a coffee person, myself. With Creme Brule creamer. And I try to do online shopping. It’s hard to get out with 6 children…
Amazing recommendations and a generous giveaway! I shared it on Twitter.
Shared on FB. Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed Holiday season.
Shared on Facebook – lots of good reading and gift suggestions!
I know a friends who will be really happy to receive that adult coloring book.
As much as possible, I’d like to do my shopping online especially now that holiday rush is everywhere.
I am with you, Lux. Online shopping when I can.
Okay, posted on Pinterest, also 😊
Glad you were able to!
I shared on Twitter. Have a rest-renewing weekend, Jennifer.
So many great ideas in one place! Thank you, Jennifer. I shared on FB.
Jennifer, I shared this blog post on my Facebook timeline.
I’m and internet shopper. Living on the wide open prairie I’ve learned that Amazon is a very handy tool.
Hi Robyn! Thanks for popping in to say hello … and for sharing!
Great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. 🙂 I shared on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook!
To answer your questions: In my cup is strong, hot decaf coffee with sweet cream. Shopping preferences – online and outlets. Malls are scary. 😉
Malls are scary! Gah! I have done almost everything online. 🙂
Shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GodsWordisTruth/status/670454375882563584 Hope I win! 😉
I shared on twitter
i tweeted https://twitter.com/nadya55k/status/670703941382967296
i pinned https://www.pinterest.com/pin/93309023508075591/
Thank you! https://twitter.com/sweetums82/status/670810291987419136
What a great gift guide, Jennifer! I shared this everywhere I could. 🙂 (Twitter, FB, G+, and Pinterest)
Thank you, friend! I am drawing the name shortly. I meant to do this yesterday. Sorry for the delay. 🙂
Woo-hoo! 🙂
Shared on twitter! Solace76
Pinned – thank you so much and Merry Christmas! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/444941638164916791/
Hi Jennifer, I shared on Twitter. Merry Christmas!
https://twitter.com/jaclynfett/status/671118340455325696 Shared on twitter!!
I shared on Twitter. My Twitter handle is @bowsandclothes3. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I shared on twitter. https://twitter.com/mandaoverturf/status/671339230992441344
shared – https://www.facebook.com/trabajardd/posts/747118405392149
Hi, Jennifer! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win! I just shared this on my Devotional Pinterest board! God bless you and your family with a happy, healthy Christmas season!