Come and See — #TellHisStory (With a Book & DVD Giveaway!)
They still ask me to come and see.
Every time they build a new Minecraft village with cobblestone, wooden planks and iron ore.
Every time they make some new craft out of popsicle sticks and too much glitter.
Every time they pluck fist-fulls of clover and ask for a vase.
“Mom,” they say, with high-pitched voices and saucer eyes, wide with wonder. “You’ve got to see this. Come and see!” Every time they have rearranged their rooms. “Come and see.”
Every time they have built a fort, drawn a picture of a kangaroo or a clown, made some Lego suburb on the basement carpet, found some gigantic bug trapped in the dust bunnies under their beds. “Come and see!”
And oh my stars, it always happens when we’re in the middle of some household chaos, right? We’re on the phone with that one call we’ve been waiting all day for. Meanwhile, we’re tripping over the Everest pile of laundry in the bedroom on our way to race for the boiling pot of water that is bubbling over the sides.
But they want us to come and see. So we go.
Because we know how fast the years are going, right? I want to push pause on my life. I see it in the mirror, and on their growth charts, and on the math worksheets that are just a little bit over their mama’s skill-set. It’s going so fast. So when they say come and see, I do my best to give these girls my best. My worst fear would be not really living the life I’d been given. My worst fear is missing it.
I have vowed to let love drive my schedule, … to come and see. The tragedy would be allowing years to disappear in a fog of disappointment or drudgery, with no way to recover the beauty — which was always present, but passed by, unnoticed. “Come and see,” they say. And I try. My best intentions to let love rule my calendar don’t always win. But I do try. There’s more. Just last night, one of the girls showed up bedside, after midnight. Anxious thoughts wouldn’t stop running laps in her mind. I was into deep REM, but I blurred awake, because my girl invited me into that tender place.
“Come and see, Mom,” she seemed to be saying. “Come and see what keeps me awake at night.”
I don’t know how long they’ll let me in, how long they’ll invite me to see their latest hot-glued wonder — or how long they’ll invite me to walk with them, straight into their deepest hurts. But I want to pay attention, to love well, to lay down my own agenda, and to make daily decisions that match up with my beliefs and my creeds. It starts right where I am, with my people. I want to come and see, and I want them to know that I have come to see because I love them — but also because Jesus loves them.
I want my schedule ruled by love, not by personal agendas.
This is what I know for sure. We all long for a parent who sees us, who responds to our deepest joys, and our greatest disappointments. We all long for a Savior who does the same.
Just this morning, I was re-reading portions of Joanna Weaver’s newest book Lazarus Awakening. Have you read it? Her book often brought tears of revelation to my eyes when I read it several weeks ago. In the book, Joanna unpacks the story of Lazarus, who had died while Jesus was away. “Where have you laid him?” Jesus asked Martha and Mary. (John 11:34) They respond: Come and see, Lord.
Come and see.
They are sisters, coming to Jesus, expectantly — just as my daughters come to me. And though — to Mary and Martha — Jesus was tragically late, He came, and He saw.
Though it seemed as if He tarried, love ruled his schedule.
Joanna writes:
“Where have you laid your pain? Jesus asks us tenderly. Where do you keep all your shattered hopes and dreams? Where have you laid the part of you that died when you failed or were abandoned, forgotten, betrayed? Where are you entombed and enslaved, hemmed in, shut down, and closed off?
Come and see, Lord.
That’s the only response we need to give. Come and see.
With the invitation, Jesus steps down into our pain and gathers us in His arms. …
We can be bold—even desperate like Mary and Martha—as we pour out of fear and disappointment before Him. “Come and see, Lord,” we can say, knowing with full assurance that He will come and He will see.
Dear Lord, Thank you for being a parent who responds when we call: Come and see. Thank you for showing up just on time — Your time. Thank you for letting love rule your schedule. Help me to live like that. Help me to respond to my girls and my neighbors and strangers in need when they call to me: “come and see.” And help me to never be too proud to invite You into my joy and my hurt. Come and see, Lord. Come and see. Amen.
A Giveaway (Book and Bible Study DVD)
You may remember Joanna Weaver as the best-selling author of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, which has sold more than one million copies. Today Joanna is giving away her latest book, Lazarus Awakening, along with the DVD companion for Bible study! Filmed in the Holy Land, this DVD companion to Joanna Weaver’s book Lazarus Awakening explores the incredible truth that Jesus loves us apart from our works or our worthiness. He wants to call us out of our tombs and into friendship with Him. To enter the giveaway, fill out the Rafflecopter below. The winner will be notified by email this weekend. (Email subscribers: click here to enter.)
Hey Tell His Story crew! It’s always a joy to gather here every week. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT). If you would use the badge on your blog, found here, that would be great. And if you would visit at least one other blogger in the link-up and encourage them with a comment, that would be beautiful! Be sure to check the sidebar later. I’ll be featuring one of you over there! Our featured writer this week is sweet Tiffany, who blogs at Simply for One. Find Tiffany here. To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. 🙂 xo Jennifer
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Awesome l am glad you are doing a give away.
Hope to win.
God bless
Thank you for reminding me to let love rule my schedule instead of my schedule ruling me.
“Where have you laid the part of you that died…?” A question for us all! Love the fact that we serve a God who desires to breathe life into what is dead!
Yeah. That sentence really touched me. It brought the story of Lazarus to life, in me, in a whole new way.
I just love how you’ve related the “come and see” of our children to that of Jesus and Lazarus. Wow. Gives me chills to think about asking God to Come and See the things in my life.
Thank you, Crystal. I’m glad the words spoke to you in the way I intended. It was kind of a wind-around. 🙂
I needed this reminder today, as I have been driven by my workload these last few days. Thank you Jennifer, let me be driven by Love, Jesus. Please.
Oh and I so want that book. It sounds like something I would love…
What a sweet reminder. <3 Thank you. 🙂
…And, I love how the "look mom" moments change as they age. I love growing with my boys, watching them turn into men before my very eyes. What a blessing it is to be reminded that I have a heavenly Father who feels the same about me. 🙂 Thanks for that. . 🙂
Sounds like a great book!
This book ‘Lazarus Awakening’ looks so timely… can’t wait to read it!
“Lazarus Awakening” sounds wonderful…..I’m ready!!!
I love the thought of Father calling to me, “Come and see,” as well! How many wonderful things He must want to show and share with us, His beloved children. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this post. I would love to win this book giveaway, it sounds really good. God Bless.
Beautiful words that echo my own story of being a mom. My sons are both in their twenties and they still ask me to come and see. Being a parent never ends!
Beautiful post, Jennifer. Lazarus Awakening sounds great. I love that Jesus wants us to invite Him into our pain. Come and see, Lord!
Sounds like a worthy read, Jennifer, and you introduced it so wonderfully!
I love these three siblings in scripture, Jennifer. I love how they represent each of us and our relationship with Christ. And living live with love as our ruler, love as our guide…YES! I want that, too. But, sometimes, I really mess it up, especially with these dear ones that are close and underfoot all the time. Except they are not little any more and the time has flown, but they are still there and sometimes the come and see isn’t as often as it once was and if I am not careful, I will forget to ask to see. I don’t want to do that either. 🙂 Thank you for the reminder to love deep and let the schedule be only a guide, not a ruler that takes love out of the equation.
Bless you,
What a precious post! I cry over seeing how quickly our boy is growing up, and like you, I rush to “go and see” every, little thing he wants to show me. What a treasure that they want to share their lives and what is important to them with us! God has blessed us abundantly to be mothers, and I am thankful we are aware of these precious moments. The book sounds wonderful…I love any study on Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity, Jennifer. 🙂
Come and see . . . Yes, Jennifer, those childhood moments pass so swiftly, you are wise to let love set your schedule with your two girls, no matter what else may be happening in the moment. So glad that Jesus is always ready and willing to come and see when I call.
Blessings to you!
This post. And that excerpt. I just can’t today. This empty nest is hitting hard. And sometimes the regrets of being lost in the busy and having my head down, trying to survive four extremely strong-willed girls while living in an extremely difficult marriage…sometimes those regrets swallow me whole. Your sweet girls are blessed to have you as their mama, Jennifer. Thank you for these words.
Hey friend … Just sending a little love and a virtual hug through the screen. I am so sorry for all that you’re living under right now. I wish I had better words for you. No words; just love. xo
Oh! Grateful for that hug! And really, grateful for you. xo (Gosh! I used the word ‘extremely’ twice… I think I’ll take some deep breaths and step outside into the sunshine for a bit – and get a grip. *wink)
Oh, Jennifer! I love this post…on every level.
Yes, I do struggle to make time as children and grandchildren ask me to come and see. And the fact that it is a struggle both shows my own short-comings and shows my love.
And to think that Jesus responds to my invitation to come and see!
Thank you for sharing, my friend!
Does Minecraft make you dizzy? I promise I go and see, but I can never stay long. Not sure if it’s that whole 1st person perspective or what – but my head spins every time. 😉 But – your words echo my heart (it seems always). Time goes so fast and with my son starting middle school this week, I’m reminded of every “come and see” that has gone by and I’m doing my best to savor every one that comes my way now. Thank you for the reminder – that these sweet requests aren’t interruptions, but rather opportunities. And…thank you so much for blessing me with the featured spot this week – what a delightful gift at a much needed moment. Hugs to you!
Oh yeah. Minecraft makes me crazy dizzy. Can’t even deal. Any time when the “come and see” involves Minecraft, I feel like I’ve been invited down into the seventh circle of Hell! Gah! 🙂
A pleasure to feature you, Tiffany. I was encouraged by your post. 🙂
Such a beautiful picture of how God answers our “come and see.” And with our own kiddos, I think that as long as we continue to respond to their own bids for us to come and see they will continue asking. 🙂
Yes, come and see! I totally need to check out JoAnna’s book. Her words are speaking straight to my heart. I want to be better at “coming and seeing” when my friends, family, etc ask me to come and see. Jesus himself said “Come and See!” 🙂
It’s important to be available for our children to be involved with us and to find support and encouragement in their endeavors. In no time, children will become impacted by their peers and need to know parents are available when they call. In turn, we must be attentive to others who need our recognition and encouragement. God is so gracious to call us to “come and see” His marvelous works.
jennifer, a beautiful, if convicting post. How often still does Sheridan say, “Come and see, Mom,” and I am looking instead at a screen! I love that we can approach Jesus this way, as little children (which we shall always be despite that years on the calendar might indicate otherwise.) I also ask for eyes to see, but your post points out that it also takes *time* to see. I wonder if Joanna also “unpacks” how Lazarus, though miraculously resurrected, needs others help to unbind him and set him free? I love that part of the story. Maybe when we see people–I mean, really see them and listen to their pain–we are helping unbind what imprisons them. I like to think so anyway. Thank you for such a beautiful post. And this book sounds wonderful! I loved her first one.
Sounds great!
So beautifully put. Thank you!
Love this! I can totally relate to the come see. I am a mom of a three yr old and six yr old. Sometimes, when I hear come and see, I cringe of what I will find at the other end.
Oh Jen, you brought me too the foot of the cross with this one and oh how I long to see more of Him. I pray that I cherish each of those “come and see” moments that I have with my children. They pull at me often, and often I’m to hurried and busy. I pray for presence and lingering.
Can’t wait to read this book! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
This is a beautiful post. It is amazing how three little words could inspire such an important lesson that brings us to the hearts of our children and to the feet of Christ. Thanks so much Jennifer! I definitely need some improving in this area! Love, Rachael
What a truly eye-opening post! I was a single mother when my kids were growing up and I missed a lot of the “come and see” opportunities because I felt so overwhelmed. I now am a homemaker with grandkids. I definitely will be passing this post along to my kids. I have the time to “come and see” and do so as often as possible with the grandkids. Thank you for sharing with us and also for the give away! Blessings and peace to you!
Thanks so much for this beautiful post, Jennifer. As a mother of an almost teenager, it’s easy to forget how fast these precious, yet ordinary moments fly by. Thanks, too, for the mention of my new DVD study – I’m honored. Blessings, my friend!
This is the second time this week that those words “Come and see” have been brought to my attention. In a season of grief and family chaos, I am challenged by these words. I often talk about how Jesus is always inviting us to come to Him. Here, it seems He’s asking, may I come in? He loves to wade into our messes and clean them up! It is easier to sit at the feet of Jesus than it is to invite Him into our wounds. Even now, He longs to be gracious to us, to me. Oh, Jesus, come and see!
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World was the first study I ever taught and have gone back to it often! I would LOVE to read this new book!
Buried hurt, and discouragement; that would be me in this season, struggling to climb up to the light of God’s love again. I feel stuck in many ways. I remember how much the Mary and Martha books blessed me and I expect this one will be as wonderful, if not more so. Thank you for the chance to read it. I loved what you wrote about your little ones, Jennifer, our loved ones truly do give meaning to the moments – they can so quickly be gone. I wish I had realized it when mine were littles.
Sounds like a wonderful book & study! Thank you for sharing about it today as I would love to read it.
Oh my, yes. My 15-yr-old son STILL asks me to ‘come and see’! I love that he hasn’t outgrown the desire to have mom’s words of approval. I hope he never does! I love that he loves to share things with me, and what a wonderful analogy of Jesus’ love for us. Beautiful post!
Jennifer, you have poked me where I am most tender: type A get the job done NOW who knows that there are a finite number of times in my life when someone smallish person will say to me, “Come and see.” I’m still working on it with, “Come and see what I did to my four-wheeler,” and trusting to keep working on it with number one grandson. Thanks for this push in the right direction!
“Come and see.” How many times do we hear that, not just from our children (and mine are grown and still invite me!), but from friends, neighbors, family…and so often, we’re just too busy. But don’t we want someone to “come and see,” when we excitedly invite them? I sure do. Great concept. Can’t wait to read the book.
Such a heart-warming word, Jennifer. The days pass so swiftly and our offspring are grown and flown before we know it. Keep making time to be invited into their ways and days. They’ll always look back with gratitude for having a mother who pays attention and loves as well and freely as she is able. Such was not my heritage, and I was an insecure and unhappy child. But I hope I can still become a better mother than I may have been in my ignorance, and a loving grandma for knowing more about the ‘how to’ now. The excerpt you share from Joanna Weaver’s latest book certainly whet my appetite as much as it wet my eyes. I can see this is a must-read for me. Thank you!
My “come and see” moments are gone. My youngest turns 38 this year! But even as adults, my three still invite me into their stay awake angst, at times. My mom passed away in October 2012, and I can attest to the fact that not having her to call to say “come and see, Ma” has been a very long, difficult road. Good post Jennifer but they always are!
My 17 year old is still “Come and see” – my 15 year old is “give me my privacy” 🙂 How beautifully you show us how God wants to come and see – my granddaughter – 3 – when she comes, she wants me to come and see – and, oh, how it goes straight to my heart!
I can see this is a must-read for me. Thank you!
Great post. I shared on Favebook to enter the contest but also in the hopes that others Abe blessed by your post as I was.
Wow, I cried reading this, but not entirely sure why. So many things really. Knowing that my oldest child who is now 18 lets me into those everyday moments less and less. There are still times of ‘come and see’ but they are few and far between. Also, being reminded that my heavenly Father is ALWAYS there for me, when there is such a broken place inside from the earthly father, who was not. Thank you, sweet Jennifer. You continue to bless my heart. Much love, Kamea xxxxx
Teary…just what God knew I needed to be reminded of again…and He does…so gracious of Him…and so good of you to share…Thank you 🙂
This book and bible study sound amazing. i also shared this on FB
What a wonderful post! I shared it on facebook in prayers that many will “come and see” 🙂
Sounds like a wonderful book to go through with my small group!
Another awesome giveaway! Thank you!
Subscribed & shared
thank you! !
Thank you for telling about this book! <3 Heart Hugs
You are a wise mama to hold dear those “come and see” moments. The years do indeed fly by; now it’s a two year-old granddaughter who is pulling my hand and insisting I come see. That maxim to live by–Let love rule your schedule–is brilliant. Easy to remember as a guide throughout the day. Thank you, Jennifer!