28 Amazing Verses About God’s Love for You (Join us this February!)

February 1, 2015 | 9 comments

Do you know what a treasure you are? Do you know how deeply loved you are?

Maybe you’re like me, in need of a fresh reminder that you were created on purpose, for a glorious purpose, in the name of love. Your Savior loved you to life, even through His own death. He is your ultimate Valentine, the pinnacle of true love stretching higher than Everest and deeper than the Grand Canyon. He doesn’t simply bring you flowers; He grows them for you. He wrote you the most exquisite love letter, and He has pledged to you His forever love.

It’s a snowy afternoon here in Iowa, on this first day of February. So daughter Anna and I spent some time in Scripture, counting up all the ways that God loves us. We had so much fun, we thought we’d invite you to join us! Beginning today, take a journey through God’s love letter — one verse for every day this month. Join Anna and I, as we count up all the ways we’re loved, treasured, marked, held, beautiful, rescued and preapproved.

(You can find Anna’s blog post over here.)

Feel free to print out, pin, or share this graphic with anyone who needs to know they’re loved today.

Also, through February, follow along on instagram (@dukeslee), where I’ll daily post about our True Love verses. (If you make your own graphics, be sure to tag me @dukeslee, and add the hashtag #28DaysofTrueLove so I can find you and “regram” some of your graphics.




by | February 1, 2015 | 9 comments


  1. joni

    I am in

  2. Jody Ohlsen Collins

    What a great idea!

  3. Kamea Hope

    I love that you did this together with your daughter. How beautiful! I visited her blog, and love how she is sharing the love of Christ at such a young age. We are to become as little children, and many would do well to follow her example 🙂

  4. Jennifer Camp

    Such a beautiful invitation, Jennifer. Thank you. I love how you created this with your sweet daughter. I will be sharing. xo (And Happy Birthday!)

  5. Marni Gallerneault

    Thank-you so much, printed and sticky-tacked beside my computer where I’ll see it often.

  6. Joy Lenton

    Just what we all need to see, read and believe! Thank you so much, Jennifer and Anna, for this wonderful idea and great resource. 🙂

  7. Cindy in PA

    Thank you for the printable list. It is something to appreciate and celebrate!



  1. Jewel of Inspiration: Be inspired and Know You are Loved! | Inspired Looks - […] https://jenniferdukeslee.com/28-amazing-verses-about-gods-love-for-you-join-us-this-february/ […]
  2. Break Up With Perfection This Valentine’s Day | Jennifer Dukes Lee - […] you been following our 28 Days of True Love? Find details here. Follow along on instagram here. Feel free…
  3. Sunday Selah | Faith 2 Shine - […] because I needed this reminder- I’m sharing this list of true love […]

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