Will You Pray This Prayer With Me?
Dear God,
The sun came out for the first time in days, and to me, it looked as if You poured a layer of gold atop everything. I stood for a moment on the back deck, face tipped toward the sky. I closed my eyes and felt the gentle weight of heaven-shine. In a moment like that, it’s hard to understand why I would ever choose to stay inside on a sunny afternoon. Yet, I know that I have ignored so many other moments, just like this.
In that moment in the sun, I realized something. I realized how the absence of light, caused me to appreciate it, once it finally came in full. This, I guess, is one of the gifts of dark places. They shine up the light places, and cause us to notice Your glory more than we did before. The dark compels us to stand in the light once it comes again, all of our faces toward heaven.
Today, Lord, let Your glory shine over all the earth.
In the rustling aspen.
Along the city street.
Over a vast ice-crowned wilderness in Antarctica.
In an abyss of the ocean where no man has seen.
In the corner of the town library, where a group of children gathers on a rug to listen.
Up on the diving board, where soon, a thousand kids will take their turns.
In the bustling market where women carry baskets upon their heads.
Down by the river, where two old fellas keep baiting their hooks and throwing back everything they catch.
In the corporate boardroom, where one jaw-dropping idea is about to be born.
Out on my back deck, made golden.
In the NICU, the village square, the monastery, the sheepherder’s field, the tent, the train station, the prison cell.
In the sunshine, in the thickening clouds, and yes, even in the darkest night.
Dear God, let Your glory be over all the earth today. Just as it is. Yes — as it always is, was, and evermore shall be.
YOUR TURN: Take a few moments to consider where you see the glory of God in your corner of the Earth. Let us know what God is showing you today.
Love, Jennifer
Hey Tell His Story crew! It is a joy to gather here every week with you. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT). If you would use the badge on your blog, found here, that would be great! And if you would visit at least one other blogger in the link-up and encourage them with a comment, that would be beautiful! Be sure to check the sidebar later. I’ll be featuring one of you over there!
Our featured writer this week is Ginger Harrington. Have you ever said “I need to get my life together!”? Ginger gently asks us, “How much is enough? How together do you have to be?” and then reminds us with the Truth: our identity is found in Christ alone. Find Ginger here.
To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. xo Jennifer
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I think God is telling me to still have that hope in all aspects of my life. I think we’re quick to make decisions in are own lives when God has the ultimate plan for our lives. For instance, I just recently graduated college after one day deciding I’m going to continue my education. Right before that time I was saying I’m not going back to college. One day while sitting in church I was inspired to go back to college from something one of deacons said at church. Again, God has the ultimate plan for our lives.
That’s so exciting! And congratulations on your recent graduation.
God’s glory is shining through and through this post, Jennifer, and I’m basking in it. Thank you. I did just that yesterday–tipped my face to the heavens on my Mother’s 87th birthday, in thanks for her and for the cornflower blue, sunny sky. How do you drink in all that radiance. Soon my face transitioned from turned up to bowed down in reverence. Thank you so much for this exquisite prayer!!
PS Pls tell Joyce how grateful I am to her for all her kind encouragement about my brother before and since his heart surgery!!!
Hi Lynn! We’ve been praying for you and your brother. You’ve had quite a month! Love you, my friend.
Truly, this moves me to tears. Please thank your family, and I thank you, for your generosity in praying for Brian. Oh, Jennifer, God has been so good to him!!!
In my garden today! I can just barely believe that it’s getting warm enough to plant seeds and begin the process of waiting in hope. I’m loving the idea that “heaven-shine” has a “gentle weight.” What a glorious word picture for the way it feels when the sun lands on a peaceful face.
We planted our vegetable garden on Mother’s Day. It looks so sad! The plants have been well-watered, but need that heaven-shine. Even the crops look a bit yellow and jaundiced
I am embarking on a first. My first book launch of my tenth self-published book. This one is a 52 week devotional for families, small groups (kids), Sonday School lessons. I am excited and I’m preparing Launch Team packets, etc. God has been incredibly faithful in this project, which I found to be daunting at first in my own strength but every day as I wrote He showed up and showed off. He is so good to me. I would like some of your sunshine and am hoping it is making its way east!!! xo (I’ll link up tomorrow.)
Congrats on your launch, Susan! Please let me know if I can help in any way. I post book reviews on Mondays, and I would love to feature yours one Monday!
Congratulations, Susan. Does it get any easier after you have a few books under your belt? I’m at the beginning of book three, and it still feels so grueling.
Jennifer, not grueling so much but the anxiety levels raise!!! You must remember, I have no editor or agent bugging me; we are empty nesters; and we don’t live on a big farm!! You, young woman, are doing awesome!
Congratulations Susan! I had no idea you have written so many books, but I certainly am not suprised!
Congrats Susan! I’m in the midst of it all too (my book comes out June 8th and I self-published which I never thought I’d do!) I can relate to all.the.feelings! Let me know if you need anything 🙂
I’m going to email you. Let’s talk!!!
What a beautiful prayer.
Thanks so much, my friend. xo
Thank you of this beauty! I am praying for God’s glory to shine brightly over all. Blessings as you travel through the rest of this week!
Thank you, Mary. xo
Jennifer, this is such a great post. It’s so easy to forget about all of the beauty we see every day. We can easily get complacent in a world filled with beautiful creation, thank you for reminding us to notice God’s glory all around us, thanks for hosting today’s link up!
It’s my pleasure. Thanks for being here, Debbie.
Like Michele Morin, I am praising God for his glory in my garden today. The purple petunias, white alyssum, deep magenta verbena, yellow coreopsis, and little open cups of hot pink mallows are all singing “Glory, glory, hallelujah!” with their blooms. Thank you for this beautiful inspirational post today!
Sounds lovely, Sarah. Most of my garden is still green — nothing blooming yet. I realized this year that I need more springtime bloomers in my perennial beds.
I dont know why but this resonated with me—> In that moment in the sun, I realized something. I realized how the absence of light, caused me to appreciate it, once it finally came in full. This, I guess, is one of the gifts of dark places.
Thank you! I’ve been reading a book about darkness and light this week, and it’s been really enriching my own personal understanding of both.
Yes, may His glory be everywhere! It is about History…His story! Thanks for hosting
It’s my pleasure, Sherry. Glad you’re here.
I saw God’s glory today around My Messy Desk. An old friend has just arrived to TX and I had the privilege of introducing her to my new friends, who with any luck will become old friends over time, too! This continuance of the circle of Army wives blesses me and reassures me that God does provide community for us! Blessings!
Hi Liz — So happy to hear about the rich and lively community in which you live and breathe. A blessing indeed.
In helping my husband work through a sticky situation. Working together and supporting him.
Quite a partnership you have, Theresa!
a’m a Tanzanian girl i wish i could be there but thank gad for let me met your books it’s real gave me hope i was think am nobody but now am some body i have come to no that God never leave any one am the one who leave him thanks @jdukeslee:disqus
yes – a wonderful prayer and emphasis. Years ago when my son and new d-i-l were facing a situation that could be potentially extremely hard, I was led to pray that they would see God’s hand in it. And we all did see that! And I was reminded that that’s how we should pray in any situation.
That’s a great way to prayer, Barbara. Thanks for the reminder.
Beautiful words that create a longing in my soul to see God’s glory in every nook and cranny of this world!
Thank you, Amy. The long absence of golden light had practically made me soul-sick. Then again, its absence made me appreciate it more, once it came.
Thank you for directing my heart away from the needs of the day and directly toward HIs glory all around me!
Love your prayer! I see His glory most at the lake, which is one of the reasons I love to go there so much! ~ Jerralea
Beautiful words and prayer! Thank you for reminding me to open my eyes!
I see God’s glory in the changed lives of my students. It’s hard to see the incremental changes throughout the school year, but looking back from the last day of school (today), to the first day of school, I see kids who have learned to study, developed a love of reading (my favorite comment this month, “Mrs. Ojeda! I’m scared! I like to read books now!), and some have even given their hearts to Jesus. It takes God’s glory to do all of these things!
Beautiful prayer! Although the weather is gloomy here, my son’s are getting baseball practices in. The last few have been canceled due to rain so I’ve had disappointed boys around:)
Blessings to you Jennifer!
Thanks so much for featuring me this week! I was tickled pink to see that. That’s one way I’m seeing God’s glory. But the one I’ve been praising Him the most for lately is seeing His long range planning at work in many lives.
Praise God his glory does shine over every corner of life! How delightful for you to finally see that layer of gold over everything. Thank you for your prayer, Jennifer, that opens our eyes to his radiant presence EVERYWHERE. We’ve had our share of rain here in southwest Ohio, too. But, oh my, the results! Lush foliage rivals anything the Irish enjoy. I see the glory of God in the verdant landscape, and just today posted about the glory of green over at my blog. How about that?!
I can’t wait to start my day – looking for the glory of God. I see him right now in your post that got my eyes looking for the right things.