#TellHisStory — The Happiness Dare (Pre-Orders and Gifts For You!)
Two years ago, I never would have spoken this sentence aloud: “I want to be happy.”
I would have thought it, and secretly, I would have wanted happiness. But I would have been scared to admit it.
I would have told you that I wanted joy instead. I would have told you that God cared more about my holiness than my happiness. And I would have believed that happiness was selfish.
But then I took a fantastic God-made dare—a dare that made me feel warm and bright on the inside, like I swallowed a star.
Me, being a complete goober.
That dare started with a prayer that felt pretty gutsy. It went something like this:
“I want to be happy, God. But I don’t even know if I should want that! Do You care about our happiness? Is it okay for a woman who loves Jesus to desire happiness? Should I only want joy? Is happiness the reverse of holiness? Do I dare ask for happiness when I have a thousand reasons to be happy already?”
I sensed God nudging me to find out the answers.
Friend, maybe you’ve asked the same questions. Maybe you’ve wondered if God cares about happiness. And if He really does care about happiness, where do you go to find it in this busted-up world?
The answers I found changed me … and those answers became a book!
Today, I invite you to pre-order The Happiness Dare. We have gifts for you when you pre-order!
Pre-order Incentives
The book officially releases August 2, but we’ve put together some great pre-order incentives for anyone who orders one or more books between now and July 29.
Pre-order 1 book:
Get the first 3 chapters in PDF right now, and start reading The Happiness Dare before it releases!
Pre-order 5 books:
Get the first 3 chapters in PDF
8×10 printable of The Happiness Dare Manifesto
printable journaling pages in PDF
Pre-order 10 books:
Get the first 3 chapters in PDF
8×10 PDF printable of The Happiness Dare Manifesto
printable journaling pages in PDF
book plates signed by Jennifer, and mailed straight to you.
Pre-order 50+ books
I will send you all other incentives
I will come to your event to speak for up to an hour for free, if your event is within two hours of my home in northwest Iowa. Or I will Skype into your event, if you’re outside the radius. (Limited number of these available. Check availability before placing your order.)
How do I take advantage of these offers?
You can order from your favorite retailer, and send proof of purchase to mo******@ty*****.com. Be sure to put The Happiness Dare in the subject line! You can find all the details by clicking right here.
FYI: The Happiness Dare is only $9.13 right now on Amazon! That’s 43% off the list price. (affiliate link)
Can I Tell My Friends?
Yes, please! Thank you, a hundred times over, for sharing! Feel free to share this post on social media! Pre-orders are tremendously helpful in getting the word out about a book, and they really set the trajectory for a successful release.
About the Book
When I took my own Happiness Dare, I made some terrific discoveries about happiness. Here’s just a little bit about what I’ve learned:
- God is the inventor of happiness and the chief spreader of it.
- When you desire happiness, you are not a pleasure-seeking heretic. You are responding to something built into your soul.
- Your desire to live happy is not a flaw. It is your soul’s memory of the original paradise, etched and alive in you.
- Happiness is not apart from holiness. It’s a part of it.
- You have a happiness style! Click here to discover yours!
Find Out More
Check out the book page here.
Take the Happiness Dare Assessment here. And discover, in less than five minutes, what truly makes you happy.
Hey Tell His Story crew! It is a joy to gather here every week with you. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT). If you would use the badge on your blog, found here, that would be great! And if you would visit at least one other blogger in the link-up and encourage them with a comment, that would be beautiful! Be sure to check the sidebar later. I’ll be featuring one of you over there! Our featured writer this week is Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros. I appreciate how she wrote about facing the darkness, battling criticism, and remembering that God has already named you. Find Carolina here. To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. 🙂 xo Jennifer
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Jennifer, I, like you, desire happiness, yet have always felt shallow for even thinking about asking for it from God. It is only in the past week that I have even admitted that unhappiness takes up residence in my heart more often than I care to admit. I have joy. I have peace. I have contentment. I am an incredibly blessed woman, but happiness….well, it just seems to blow through the recesses of my heart occasionally. I am so very eager to get my copy of The Happiness Dare. I ordered it last week.
Oh friend…. I understand, in my own way, even though our circumstances aren’t exactly the same. Thanks for sharing your heart with me. And I pray that the book will be a companion on your journey toward happiness. Love you.
I think it is so neat that you are offering extra’s Jennifer – it shows your heart. We love and appreciate you and I still am just so in awe of how God has used this book to be a tool in my growth!
It is my pleasure, Meghan!
Lord God, I thank you for the questions you planted in Jennifer’s heart, prompting her to seek you, your wisdom, and your happiness for herself and for each of us. I thank you for propelling her along, not only through the writing, but the myriad details required to birth a book. I thank you for being her Marketer, spreading the word by the wind of your Spirit. And I thank you in advance for the happy impact this volume will produce among your daughters (and perhaps a few sons!). In the power of Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
This means so much to me, Nancy. Thank you again and again.
You are so welcome, Jennifer. Praise God he used this prayer to bless your heart!
I just took the test and am not surprised to find my style is The Thinker. 🙂 I’m reading a copy for review right now of your book and am loving it! How wonderful to hear someone say that God not only wants us to be holy, but also to be happy–the two go together. Thanks, Jennifer.
Congratulation Jennifer. Took the test. I’m a giver. Thank you for the link-up.
Congratulations, Jennifer. And thank you so very much. I feel honored to be featured. I can’t wait to get a hold of your book. God bless you. Greatly appreciative.
Took the test & found I am a “thinker”. My copy is on its way (!!!) and I cannot wait to read it. I love that our God desires for us to be both holy and happy. May He bring greater happiness in the days ahead!
I took the “test” yesterday, as it was shared on Mary Geisen’s blog. I don’t know who created it but it was genius!!! I am a Doer with a strong second GIVER! Works for me!
Your book sounds awesome. Can’t wait to read it! Thanks for putting together that great test—it is spot on. I came out as a giver, and I would 100% agree with that.
Patti @ Embracing Home
So exciting, Jennifer! Sharing with all my social media friends!
This book is phenomenal, Jennifer! I am praying it gets into the hands and hearts of many many MANY! Our world needs more happiness!
Loving the book so far! I am so grateful to be part of the launch team for such an inspirational topic. And the assessment and description was spot on! It is the first time in my life that I’ve felt like all those “thinker” things about me are not things I need to apologize for. Thank you!
Hi Jennifer! I have shared this on Twitter and Facebook! waiting for my copy of the book to come in the mail! thank you so much for the inspiration and I am ready to get “Happy” again!!!