Featured #TellHisStory Author: Wendy Paine Miller

November 26, 2013 | 8 comments

#TellHisStory Storytellers Series


Story has the power to change the world, one paragraph at a time. I desire for this Tuesday-night space to be a way to spread the message of great storytellers in our midst. That’s why I invite an author here every week to share a story with us.

This week’s featured storyteller is Wendy Paine Miller, author of a new fiction book called The Disappearing Key.

Be sure to come back Wednesday to link your own stories and photos with us in the #TellHisStory community.

Lost in a Crowd by Wendy Paine Miller

My three older sisters used to tell me I was dropped off by gypsies. As time went on and we became teenagers, I recall feeling tempted to believe them. I struggled to understand how I could exist in a family with members so radically different than me. My sisters had a habit of turning me into their little slave. “Go get this. Fetch me that.” And I did as they asked, willingly. I even gave frequent backrubs. Because I wanted to be liked. I wanted to belong.

As they grew up, I watched as one got into boys, one got into drugs, and one got into sports.

I observed, studying their behavior. And I still felt as if maybe their gypsy theory wasn’t a complete departure from the truth.

Best way to put it, I felt lost in a crowd—lost in my own family. Loved, but lost.


I gained an understanding of who I was for the first time. At age fifteen, at a Young Life camp, I heard the message of God’s redemption with fresh ears. Over the past twenty-plus years, I’ve sifted through how to exude faith and trust even in moments when I feel lost, alone, or “other.” I’ve wrestled more times than I’ve been still and known that He is God.

When I’m confident about who I am in Christ, it changes my posture to everything—to everyone.

I continue to find ways to make peace with my sisters. They’re still as different as they come. I’m thankful to say they’ve kicked the habit of calling upon me as their slave. But I’d give any one of them a backrub if they asked. Hey, if Jesus can wash grimy dirt-caked feet, I can give a back massage, right? Although, that could just be the gypsy in me.

“The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.” ~ Romans 8:16-17

*I’m the one sticking out my belly (front right)



Wendy Paine Miller is a native New Englander who feels most alive when she’s laughing, reading, writing or taking risks. She’s authored nine novels and is currently writing what she hopes will be your future book club pick. Her work has been published in numerous anthologies and online sites. Wendy lives with her husband and their three girls in a home bursting with imagination and hilarity.


She’s represented by Rachelle Gardner of Books & Such Literary Agency. Her latest novel is The Disappearing Key.

by | November 26, 2013 | 8 comments


  1. floyd

    Being the youngest isn’t easy, but our Father has a plan… Glad to see you following yours. God bless and Happy Thanksgiving.

    • WendyPaineMiller

      I feel like I do a lot of stepping back to move forward but it always helps to know He’s got it. There were perks about being the youngest too. I was able to witness so much and make certain choices based on what I observed.

  2. Dani Pettrey

    So excited to see Wendy on here. Love this blog and love her so it was a special treat receiving this post in my inbox today. Thanks so much for sharing! Happy Thanksgiving to you both.

    • WendyPaineMiller

      Dani, I love you too. You’ve provided me with such wisdom & a valued friendship!

  3. Lynn Morrissey

    Hmmmm…….I am the oldest child, and my sibs have called me bossy before, but I don’t think that I ever thought of them as my slaves. Maybe I need a re-do! 🙂 But we are all (or should be) slaves to Christ. Not a popular word, I guess, but I do love calling Him Master. I’m unfamiliar with your work, and I look forward to reading it. Thanks for sharing your true identity in Him! Happy Thanksgiving!

    • WendyPaineMiller

      Oh the things you could have had your siblings do. 😉 I hope you enjoy the novella! I love that my true identity is in Him!

  4. David Rupert

    Wendy, those sibling relationships are sometimes the toughest. Our brothers and sisters know… things about us. I have a brother who won’t speak to me and it pains me every day.

    • WendyPaineMiller

      David, My heart breaks over estrangement & I have been where you are now. It hurts beyond words.


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