You Have More Control Than You Think {FREE printables for you}
Does it ever feel like the chaos in your life might break you? Have you ever cried so hard over your circumstances that you thought you might run yourself out of tears?
Me too. I’ve been there. The pain cuts so deep that you feel like your very soul has been sliced. You walk around wounded, uncertain, while the world around you seems like it’s spinning off its axis.
So much of life can feel out of control, and if you’re like me you end up feeling powerless. Looking back, sometimes you can see where things got off track. But other times, the trouble comes out of the blue. It seems like you did all the right things, yet the worst possible news came your way.
There’s so much in life that we can’t control:
Our circumstances.
The weather.
Airport delays.
The tumor growing in unseen places.
The economy.
The political climate.
What people think about us.
How our kids will “turn out.”
But can I tell you a secret? We have more control than we think.
We are not powerless. Great freedom comes when we let go of what we CAN’T control, and rise up to take charge of what we CAN.
That’s why I’ve put together this list for you, “Things You Can Control.” Click here to download the print. Then frame it, tape it to your refrigerator, set it by your computer, or slip it in your journal.
Because of God at work in you, you have more power than you dared imagine.
Of course, there are so many things that we can’t control. I have great news for us. God can handle those for you. Click here to download and print this list, “What God Can Handle,” as a reminder that no matter what we can’t handle, God still can.
Hi friend!
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~ Jennifer
P.S. – Photo is an illustration of the insane traffic in my neighborhood.
Hey Tell His Story crew! It is a joy to gather here every week with you. The linkup goes live each Tuesday at 4 p.m. (CT). If you would use the badge on your blog, found here, that would be great! And if you would visit at least one other blogger in the link-up and encourage them with a comment, that would be beautiful! Be sure to check the sidebar later. I’ll be featuring one of you over there!
Our featured writer this week is Kaitlyn Bouchillon. I think you’ll appreciate her honest words about finding God on both the mountain-top and in the valley. “Bravery looks like continuing to show up, only to find that God was already always there.” Find Kaitlyn here.
To be considered as our featured writer, be sure to use our badge or a link to my blog from your post. xo Jennifer
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These are great reminders, Jennifer, especially in a world so totally, chaotically out of control. We were just praying about this today in women’s ministry. . . . and entrusting ourselves to our sovereign God who holds our days and our lives in His hands. One thing that we can control too is the subject of your book, The Happiness Dare. We can dare to live happily, as we put our trust in the Savior, and to decide to be happy in Him when all else is telling us to be otherwise. I was just thinking as I read your helpful list: Oh Jennifer, there is a book in this list. I’ll be in line for my copy!
Love you so much.
Oh, Jennifer, these are SO good. thank you! (and your insane traffic photo had me smiling…) So appreciate your voice in the world.
So happy to be reminded to put my focus on the things I CAN control.
Kay Warren put it this way: “Control the controllable, and leave the uncontrollable to God.”
Your words are perfect for today and everyday. I am sending this to my son who is going through a rough patch. I also need the reminder of what I can control because of a Father who loves me more than life. Blessings my friend!
I love Kaitlyn’s post last week…so so good! Also this post is so timely. It can be so easy to fall into the trap of how things are out of our control. But the truth is that there are things we can control. I need to remember that!
Life spinning out of control. Sounds like my day. Trying to laugh at it now. Especially the part I am still cringing a bit about. I called a friend and when I got her voice mail, I thought I hung up. Only I didn’t. Then 10 minutes later I hear coming from my phone a voice saying that my voice mail could not be any longer. Yup, and you can guess what I was doing those ten minutes. My son and I were nagging each other about why Skype wasn’t working and getting in a hissy fit. Cringe. Yup, I should have been controlling my tongue and actions and reactions. This is a good reminder to me. And here I wrote about trying not to control life last week. I’m glad God has a sense of humor. By the end of the day I will hopefully be laughing with him.
Jennifer, you’re right. There’s so much we can’t control in life. And this day? This day has been way beyond my control. But God . . . He’s always working, calming (or at least trying to calm me), negotiating the details when my days go crazy.
With the bigger things, we do need to lean into God when things come into our lives that we have no control over. Needed this reminder. And thank you for the printables!
Thanks for hosting!
Those things we CAN control – it’s all about choice, isn’t it?
I love this! It’s so easy to forget that we do have choices, in even the hardest, most out of control situation. Choosing well makes a huge difference. And God, well, He’s got all the heavy lifting 🙂
P.S. I love your traffic picture!
I often remind myself that God is in control – I tend to forget about the things I have a choice in. Thanks for the reminder of both!
It makes a big impact to actually see the list of things we can control in writing.
I love this post so very much, because it lists the things I can actually work on controlling and the things I can give to God to handle .
p.s. I love your picture , lot of traffic ,eh?
glad to link up as well.
Oh, if I could just consistently remember to change what I am able and leave what I am unable to do to God. Great perspective adjuster. Thanks, Jennifer. Blessings!
This jumped off the page at me: “Because of God at work in you, you have more power than you dared imagine.” How easily we forget!
Love the printable, thank you! Oh how I try to control what God is in charge of. Thank you!